• Member Since 28th Apr, 2012


I'm a person from a place...

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"You probably shouldn't even exist."
"You're only a clone, you don't HAVE any feelings!"

Who was she to believe? She was barely a day old, and already she'd seen the disappearance of her mirror images, all but her. Was she just a clone? A disposable unfeeling analog?
What would happen if she became her own pony? If she became real?

Is it possible for one of the Pinkie's, the only copy left behind, to develop? To become an entirely different pony to the one that she was modelled after?

Oh, and before I forget, thanks to the amazing WerewolfNobody for the (At one point) cover art!
Featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (12)

Eighty years after the events of The Dread Chitin, Equestria is a radically different place. The arcane science of the late Duran Thirk and the information found on the Star League library core have combined to catapult the nation's science ahead by hundreds of years.

Now, facing the possible aggression of a completely unknown alien power, Twilight Sparkle and her friends have to gather together once more, leading a crew of the best ponies they could assemble in a voyage outside their own star system. They seek to learn about their potential foe, to explore the galaxy around them, and possibly find allies and friends to stand alongside them. Who knows what they will actually find?

Chapters (12)

They called it conversion. The last desperate act to save an entire sapient species from the spread an effect none could have predicted, one that threatened to slowly, painfully wipe every human from the face of the earth.

It was flawed.

A Conversion Bureau reimagining.

Chapters (1)

>>/:Begin file: report#19345.txt :<<
>> Analyzes of Mission Doc: 100% complete <<
A probe is launched from deep space straight into a wormhole its mission only consisting of some rather vague lines of text
The probe contained a standard explorer drone, a simple experiment would turn into one of the biggest debacles in the robotic establishments history and equestrian's as well being rather unfortunate in the fact of being dragged into this spectacular feet of poor planning and pointless variables and rather unfortunate events. The results are for you to determine.

>>//: load report file? :<<
//AKA: highly advanced robots meet ponies
will probably add more characters as this goes and they become relevant
still writing as i go to what comes to mind, suggestions,comments,death threats are all welcome.

Chapters (2)

MLP/Terminator Crossover

Since Judgment Day, Humanity has been fighting a costly war against Skynet with millions dying each year. Despite their best chances they continue to lose engagements, and those they win are at a heavy cost.

Parker is a renegade I-950 fighting for the Resistance against the Machines when an operation to destroy a Time Machine sends him to Equestria. But unknown to him, and the ponies that inhabit the peaceful land, he is not the only one from the war who made it through.


Constructive criticism is appreciated.

Chapters (11)

SCP-6: Universe of Ponies

Object Class: Euclid

This is an SCP Foundation-style file on the universe of Equestria
Subsequent Chapters will be formatted as recovery logs, research logs, Foundation Tales, and at least one application for use in Termination of another SCP
For those who are not familiar with the Foundation, see link in image source.

Author's Notes
For those who are familiar with the Foundation, and who don't like Foundation crossovers of any kind, please understand that there is a reason I posted it here instead of to the Foundation.
To everyone who said that it should be SCP-006, I deliberately left off the zeros so that it wouldn't be mixed up with the Fountain of Youth. It was meant as a pun on the mane six, and I'm sorry to everyone who didn't get that.
The Keter designation was mostly because well, would YOU want to contain Discord? I have now changed that. A third confirmed Discord Event will entail temporary promotion to Keter for so long as he remains active.
Otherwise, just patience. Chapter one was meant only as exposition. There will be more storylike elements in later chapters.

Chapters (1)

As science progresses in the year 2050, several advances in portal and teleportation technology have allowed universe jumping, however that doesn't mean you can just teleport to any random dimenson, but somehow one singular bond exists with one other singular universe, Earth's closest realitive.

How is this universe even realated to Earth? Humanity strives to find out, hoping that this other universe may reveal humanity's orgins.

And how will they react when they find it's full of ponies?

A/N: I hope a lot of people don't knock this story simply because it's part of a genre that's been done to death. I hope this could be a different take on the genre as no one seems to explore this possiblity.

I'll take any suggestions, ideas, or opinons.

Now why do I deserve a chance?

Because I'm awesome, and my awesomeness seeps into anything I touch.

Put that in your science books...

Chapters (1)

A combined task force is sent to the location of a thought to be SCP of unkown powers. As they are the first to reasearch it they notice some strange things about it like what it is made of, the strange jewel that hangs above it, and the strange horse statues around it. It is just another day working for the Foundation, right?

It had to be done. A SCP Foundation and MLP:FiM crossover. I suggest keeping this site handy for refrences http://www.scp-wiki.net/ and i do not own SCP Foundation wiki or MLP:Fim
InfoNote: SCP 1946 has officially been taken- Dinner Mimics , I do suggest giving it a read. As usual it is very well done.

On Hiatus until further notice. Story will be taken back up in due time.

Chapters (13)

They came to Earth in peace, all but looking for salvation. The world greeted them with open arms. The... Ponies... Were all nice and cheerful. Until... They wanted to take over the world, saying it is unfit for humanity. They attacked. They killed. They... Made humans into ponies. Humans fought back, but crumbled soon after. Except one. He fought with Queen Solar and Heaven King; Celestia and Luna's Mother and Father. He lost and was sealed in ice for two thousand years. Now he's back, and his trigger-finger is itchy for war.

BETA: Chaotic Pony

Cover Image: HeimoBauss

Chapters (6)

Dusk Shine has dealt with many trails throughout his life. From clashing with Nightterror Nebula to outwitting the mischievous Eris to thwarting King Nymphamos’s invasion, he'd seen it all.

All in all, Dusk Shine would admit that life was hardly easy. And now, Dusk finds that his mentor's self loathing is the least of his problems as he finds himself thrust into a world where he and his friend... are mares?

edited by Saylux and OverlordCornutt

Chapters (5)