• Member Since 28th Apr, 2012


I'm a person from a place...

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Years drifting in space aboard a frigates wreck with nothing to do but wait and think can really wear an AI thin, and when that AI is already past its expected rampancy date, all that thinking time is dangerous. Very dangerous. Fortunately for Cortana, the frigate is pulled into an unknown planets atmosphere, allowing her to take her mind off of rampancy for a while. After being rudely awoken from cryo sleep, the Master Chief, along with Cortana, manages to escape the burning vessel. They have very serious problems though...

They have no idea where they are, or how they'll get back to Earth.

They can only hope someone finds their distress beacon, and fast. The Chief doesn't have many supplies, and with a rapidly decaying AI in his head, he has a lot on his hands. Luckily for them, the planet is life supporting. Unfortunately though, the inhabitants of the strange planet aren't the most welcoming of a seven foot tall alien, especially when that alien is as aggressive and lethal as Spartan-117. The Chief has only one objective, find a way off of the planet. The inhabitants will soon learn, however, that the Spartan is extremely aggressive, and will stray slightly from his objective to harm them if he must. Chief also learns that these beings are no pushovers, and will defend their home and kingdom with their lives.

The first few chapters are mostly to establish a plot, there will be much more action after them. This is also my first fic, so constructive criticism is appreciated. I will be reading the comments quite thoroughly for the first while, so you may see some of your ideas in future chapters. I am only 15 years old, so basically, I have school, homework, and sports that will quite often get in the way of this story, but I will work on it as much as I can when I can. I won't give up or quit in the middle of the story despite what the ratings may be, and last but not least, I won't be turning this into some huge cliche war where Equestria ends up fighting the UNSC and whatnot. Because Equestria would get screwed. Badly. Then the story would be ruined, so, I hope anyone who reads this enjoys!

I do not own the Halo franchise, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, or Forward Unto Dawn.

Story added on October 25th. Edited by myself, and inspired by Halo: Ponies and Clouded Pasts by Blazer and The Mercy, Regret, and Truth by Master 4871.

PS: This made it into the featured box the second day it was uploaded, and remained there for a couple weeks. I'm pretty damn proud of that since this was my first fanfic ever, and the first thing I ever posted anywhere. The only other people to read my creative writing creations were my English teachers and occasionally my grandparents and father. So seeing the first thing I submit get such great feedback and a huge amount of views (huge to me), is just amazing to me.

Thanks, bros.

Chapters (10)

Mirror just wants to have some fun. She thinks moving to Manehattan is just the thing, lots of new ponies to meet, good food, great nightlife scene, random interdemensional portals opening in the middle of the street, the works!

At first she thinks it's a bit strange having a human embassy crop up a few blocks away from her apartment, but when she's one of the select few invited to be the first ponies to visit the planet Earth, it's hard to refuse.

When she does get to the other side however, she finds the roles have been reversed. She's the strange one, and even a little famous as the first extraterrestrial ever encountered by humanity.

Chapters (2)

After the changelings' failed invasion of Canterlot, Twilight tries to soothe some of Ponyville's rampant paranoia by casting a spell to prove there are no imposters hiding in the town. But her spell leaves her in an alien body, facing a mob of angry ponies who just don't believe her when she says she is Twilight Sparkle.

Or, at least, she was Twilight Sparkle, anyway...

Featured on Equestria Daily, 2/17/13
Cover art is by the awesome and amazing Conicer

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to Project: Sunflower

No story ever truly ends, and some stories have parts that remain hidden until they are unearthed.

This will be a collection of stories related to Project: Sunflower. Stories as yet unheard, and things that come after the end.

The stories presented here will be slice-of-life style stories based in the same universe as Project: Sunflower, and therefore will contain spoilers. It is recommended that you read Project: Sunflower before reading these stories.

These will not necessarily be in chronological order, and each side story will contain a note describing when it takes place in the main story time line.

(Additional characters/tags may be added as the stories require)

Chapters (14)

On February 10, 2014 fluffy ponies were release to the market, selling for one hundred bucks a pony. By then, the entire world had a love for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and almost everyone got a pony. People soon found out how stupid and accident prone they were. But everyone loves their ponies. That is why I'm going to tell you the story of my fluffy ponies, and they may even tell their story from their own eyes.

Chapters (9)

It occurred one peaceful night. Half of Equestria awoke to the sound like a double-shot thunderclap. A percussion heard in the skies and rattling windows from Apploosa, to Canterlot, to Ponyville. Nopony knew what it was or what it heralded for the world as it drew a line across the nation.

For Twilight Sparkle, this isolated incident might have faded from memory after a time, if not for the strange rumors of a creature sitting on the hill on the outskirts of town.

These are her thoughts given written form. These are Sparkle's Notes.

Report EVERYTHING to the Princess.

Chapters (3)

After rising to stardom following Rarity's first, poorly received fashion show, Vinyl Scratch struggles to adapt to the higher class of life celebrity status bestows. Her personality and own moral values do not mix with the fake, corporate ideals of her agent, and her sponsors are only interested in her as long as she conforms to their expectations. Her life is barely her own and soon she will have to decide what's more important; her existing relationships, her fame and fortune, or perhaps something unexpected in the form of a refreshingly grounded Canterlot Elite who just invited her to breakfast during the Canterlot Music Convention.

A Vinyl Scratch x Octavia story where the two Ponies involved don't instantly form a romantic relationship the moment they meet, and instead allows it to grow over time with good old character development.

All criticism is welcome, and of course some spoilers follow in the comments below so please read cautiously.
Mega thanks go to Cruel September for her fantastic cover art for the story. Go show her lots of love, she's an amazing artist. http://cruelseptember.deviantart.com/

Chapters (17)

Equestria has had a violent past, and Celestia is not proud of the things she has done. But when a foe from the past comes back to wreck havoc on a global scale, Twilight and her friends must find a way to stop this foe from achieving his goals. But what secrets about the past does this foe bring with him, and how has Celestia's past sins almost doomed them all.

Chapters (5)

Everypony has something they fear, some more than others. Rainbow Dash claims to be fearless, but all it takes is a strange creature to show her that everypony has their own phobia.

Chapters (6)

Jason Parker is a retired U.S. Army Rangers officer and the leader of a human resistance group know as The Jaguars. The world is cast into utter chaos as Equestria commences a genocide of humaity through ponification. The situation is dire, but it is not the human way to simply allow themselves to be detered by fear. The Jaguars boldy stand against the ponies' genocide, and they do not stand alone

Chapters (2)