• Member Since 28th Apr, 2012


I'm a person from a place...

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It seems like a normal night in Ponyville, when Pinkie Pie's Pinkie Sense suddenly directs her out to Everfree Forest, where she sees a strange craft in the sky, terrifying her. Her friends try to comfort her and assure her she has nothing to fear, but soon the situation snowballs as reports keep coming in of strange sights, leading them into the forest to discover the truth... and something that will change all of their lives forever.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has made a breakthrough. Inspired by previous events, she has devised a way for ponies to travel into space... and faster than the speed of light. A test of this technology brings incredible events into fruition, for both Equestria and their entire world. But just as visitors from other worlds make their presence known, dark forces begin to move in the court of Equestria, threatening to dethrone the princesses and plunge the country into a totalitarian nightmare. The ponies, with the help of old friends and new friends, must band together to stop this threat once and for all and save their land and their people.

Chapters (4)

On the day Applebloom was born, the Apple family came across a strange creature, a human baby. They took it in and raised it as their own and as time passed he made new friends and grew in the traditions of Ponyville. But being different from everypony else is more troublesome than you think. How could he cope with being the only human in Equestria? And what surprises does his future hold for him?

There will be cursing, and violence, and sex... okay I lied about the last one.

Chapters (6)

After Twilight discovers a dusty old book detailing trans-dimensional portals used by denizens of ancient Equestria, she learns that one of these portals is right outside Ponyville. But something went wrong with the spell. Instead of a being from a different dimension, she summoned a pegasus who seems more confused by this than her. When she tries to send him back to where he came from, she gets hauled along for the ride. Turns out the portals match their users to the universe they are entering. How will Twilight handle being human?

Chapters (3)

Run. Think. Shoot. Live. Pony.

On 5/16/02 (Human Calendar) and 5/16/11 (Equestrian Calendar), an immense resonance cascade event connected three different dimensions in a massive disaster that would change the face of their worlds forever.



Doctor Phase Ray is not having a good day.
Things started off simple- system crashes, equipment failures, and daylight savings complications. But when a routine sample analysis goes horribly wrong, Phase Ray is forced into a battle for her very survival, along with many of her colleagues...


Doctor Gordon Freeman is not having a good day.
Things started off simple- system crashes, equipment failures, and ruined breakfast casseroles. But when a routine sample analysis goes horribly wrong, Gordon is forced into a battle for his very survival, along with many of his colleagues...

Chapters (4)

The day Big Mac came to Equestria, he was but a small colt. He told his story to passersby, but nopony believed him. Eventually, Applejack and Granny Smith found him, and brought him in. Except, they believed his story. They swore they would never tell anypony. But promises sometimes cannot be kept when you're the element of Honesty, and so the secret slips one night, and Applejack couldn't feel more guilty.

Chapters (2)

As the Saying goes: "There is nothing new under the sun". But what if the sun was linked to an immortal goddess? She has witnessed the rise and fall of civilizations, and the life and death of ponies around her.

But what would happen if something from outside the continuum were to upset the cycle? What happens when the wheel of time becomes derailed?

Picture is somewhat unrelated. Just found it on the internet and it amused me.

Chapters (11)

A world of talking ponies?
Sounds pretty strange.
But if you ever find yourself there...
Well, you might find something you've been looking for your whole life.

Offical song for my fic (according to me at least) from chapters 6 untill the end.

Chapters (15)

A freak lightning storm, strange lights, and an unassuming, yet mysterious stone obelisk. What do these things have to do with an average college student from North Tonawanda? At first, nothing. But when nineteen year-old Connor lets his curiosity get the better of him and lands in the center of a cosmic coincidence, he probably should have left well enough alone.

Now he finds himself stranded in an impossible world where magic is real, and "normal" takes on a whole new meaning. A world populated by sentient creatures calling themselves "ponies." A stranger in a strange land, Connor's yearning for answers and a way back to Earth will try both his patience and his sanity in the days following his arrival, even with the support of his new equine friends. But as he witnesses his life slowly spiral out of control, he will call into question his definition of home, humanity, destiny, and what it means to truly belong.


Rated Teen just in case for occasional swearing. This story takes place shortly after the end of Season 2, and the main character is from an Earth where MLP never existed (in order to preserve proper characterization). Or just assume he's never heard of it, that works too.

The title is not an Evangelion reference, I was just inspired by the wording scheme.

Chapters (23)

In an alternate universe, the brony community takes on a new level of wonder and mockery in the eyes of the media as bronies and pegasisters are blessed with their own little pony friends who magically appear before them. However, Erik, a newcomer to the herd, is too afraid to show off his pony, hiding her away. However, despite the fear of ridicule and ostracism, Erik must learn that he should not have to hide his love for the show, and it gets easier when you have a pony that will stick with you through every step of the way.

The picture belongs to Gamma Delta from Equestria Daily. It can be found under Drawfriend #379.

Chapters (1)