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  • Featured 23598 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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The annual Ponyville Flea Market is going on, and Pinkie found a very interesting object; an attachable unicorn horn.

Assuming it's just a joke item, Pinkie buys it, hoping to use it as a method of making the Cakes' Twins laugh. But when she discovers that the horn is fully functional...

Can you honestly ever say you would trust Pinkie with Magic?

Chapters (4)

Twilight Sparkle never meant to do anything wrong. But then again, all magical mistakes are caused by ponies who have no idea what happened. That's why they're called mistakes. The only difference with Twilight's mistake is that it accidentally sort of turned her into Princess Celestia. And now she doesn't know how to change back.

Chapters (6)

Spiders. Oh, how I hate spiders. And yet Luna insists on keeping one as a...pet.

Just a little fun story to keep my skills sharp, so don't expect it to last very long!

Chapters (6)

It's been two months since Twilight and Big Macintosh started dating, and what a wonderful two months it's been. As their relationship blooms, Twilight finds out through Applejack that not all of the Apple family may be keen on a relationship that includes one of their own kin, and a unicorn. Worried about their future together, Twilight asks Big Macintosh for the biggest favor she can think of...to visit his entire family, and see if they can't break old traditions.

This is the sequel to Sparkling Cider, my first fan-fiction. It isn't necessary to have read Sparkling Cider to understand Old Traditions, but it certainly wouldn't hurt!

Credit for the cover image goes to ode2sokka on deviantart. It's an amazing image!

Thanks to all my followers who have been waiting for the sequel, you guys rock!

Chapters (10)

Twilight rushes home one evening due to a horribly embarrassing event that has just transpired in her life. When Spike finally gets her to talk about it, she tells him of her newly found crush, and how she may have messed up any chance she had at a relationship. With the advice from her number one assistant and friend Applejack, can Twilight fix what happened and get a second chance with her crush?

First fanfic I've written, and a one shot at that. A sequel is in the works if this goes over well!

Credit for the image goes to cartoonlion on deviantart.


Chapters (1)

Holding in emotions is never good. Keep them buried for too long, and eventually they burst out at the wrong time. Both Rarity and Rainbow Dash have a secret they have been hiding from their friends, specifically from a certain shy, animal-loving pegasus mare. They've finally decided to come clean, but neither of them counted on the other revealing the truth, much less at the same time.

Now Fluttershy is stuck with an impossible choice between her two best friends. Can she choose one without risking her friendship with the other?

"Sex" tag due to innuendo and suggestive material. No actual sex happens in this story.

Author's Note: Many, many thanks to Steel Resolve and Karrakaz for pre-reading and letting me know when I screw up. Now with new cover art, courtesy of johnhilist over at deviantart.

Chapters (33)

The day Big Mac came to Equestria, he was but a small colt. He told his story to passersby, but nopony believed him. Eventually, Applejack and Granny Smith found him, and brought him in. Except, they believed his story. They swore they would never tell anypony. But promises sometimes cannot be kept when you're the element of Honesty, and so the secret slips one night, and Applejack couldn't feel more guilty.

Chapters (2)

Jon Stewart needs to find a way to get more people to watch his show. To do this he welcomes a new series of guests from a far off land containing monsters, magic, and most importantly... ponies!
Join him on an adventure that has him matching wits with sentient mythical creatures ranging from god-like ponies to a fire breathing dragon! Each "Episode" marks a different MLP character getting a chance to travel to the human world for an interview on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.

Please feel free to leave a suggestion for who Jon should interview next.
Disclaimer: For proper context it is highly recommended to reach each chapter in order as many interviews allude to past guests and events.
A special thanks to Zeta040, Cantankerous, and Zervziel for proofreading several stories listed below.

List of Characters who have already appeared:
- Chapter 1: Spike
- Chapter 2: Derpy
- Chapter 3: Applejack
- Chapter 4: Ms. Cheerilee
- Chapter 5: Octavia
- Chapter 6: Zecora
- Chapter 7: Mayor Mare
- Chapter 8: Twilight
- Chapter 9: Trixie
- Chapter 10: DJ Pon3
- Chapter 11: Rainbow Dash
- Chapter 12: Iron Will
- Chapter 13: Fancy Pants
- Chapter 14: Queen Chrysalis
- Chapter 15: Luna
- Chapter 16: A Changeling
- Chapter 17: Rarity
- Chapter 18: Lyra and Bon Bon
- Chapter 19: The Cutie Mark Crusaders
- Chapter 20: Discord
- Chapter 21: Fluttershy

Chapters (107)

I'd heard about the TV show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic from my college roommate who is way too into the show. Disturbingly so, actually, but good gravy I would never watch the darned thing! What am I, five? I've got better things to do with my time than watch a silly little girl's show. However, that didn't stop... something from transporting me into the world of the show, so here I am... in Equestria... trying to get home. This is gonna be interesting.

Special thanks to GuyFace, Jack Kellar, Storm Shaker, Spiffy McSquee, and Goober Trooper for helping me with this one!

Chapters (26)

Twilight Sparkle, Celestia and Luna are transported into a strange alternate Equestria, the Land of Always Summer, where the day lasts forever and a terrible queen rules with an iron hoof.

Feel free to check out or add to the story's TV Tropes page.

Chapters (19)