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Following the assassination of Princess Celestia, the Long Night withered the once bountiful Apple Harvests of the Apple family. In the years since, they have been reduced to dumpster diving and street life. Applebloom, unwilling to continue in such a state, violates her elder sister's wishes in order to find help from Applejack's friends, who surely must be better off.

Unfortunately, Applebloom's journey to Canterlot shows her the true fates of the bearers of the Elements of Harmony, who are as unable to help Applebloom as they are to help themselves. Applebloom's desperation grows with each reunion. In the end, she must turn to powers greater than begging to save her own future and those of many others.

Illustrations by the very talented Cyaneus!

Chapters (11)

Is there something wrong?

[Cover image by PivotNaza]

Chapters (2)

Ever noticed how HiE fanfics always show the human characters first interacting with ponies when they're "presentable"?

Chapters (1)

True friendship comes from where you least expect. It manifests itself in the smallest acts, the ones seemingly without any importance to the bystanders. But for the ones that choose to take part in the events unfolding, even the smallest of acts can mean something a whole different than what others make them to be.

Original idea belongs to Nimaru, who granted me permission to write this story based off her comic with the same name, which can be found right here.

[Cover image by MrBarthalamul]

Chapters (1)

Ever noticed how almost nopony knows how to properly discern between tracks and favorites?

Critical acclaims:


Holy shit this is meta.....so very meta....


Chapters (1)

After a falling out with Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon is befriended by Sweetie Belle. However as time goes by, the silver-maned filly quickly learns that she has slightly-more-than-platonic feelings for her new friend, and that some ponies aren't above petty revenge. Can Silver Spoon's new found feelings survive public humiliation, petty grudges, and potential rejection?

Cover Art and Chapter 9's art were commissions by angel-wing101, Final Chapter Art was a Commission by dragongirl983
If you use any without my or their permission, I will jump through the internet and murder you, so just ask first.

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to Drop of Moonshine

Sequel to Drop of Moonshine -

Applejack receives an order from Princess Celestia, for a batch of cider prepared with a very special recipe that involves honey, yeast, and time. She's even invited to taste the special cider when it's ready. But, when Rainbow Dash finds out about the special tasting, the three mares soon have a little too much to drink. What shenanigans will unfold and how will Twilight keep a lid on things this time?

Chapters (1)

Captive tortoises have been known to live for about one hundred and fifty years. Most ponies are lucky to live past eighty. Rainbow Dash was not Tank's first pony, nor will she be his last. The stoic tortoise doesn't have much choice but to live with it, though, and enjoy his time with each of his friends as much as he can.

Chapters (1)

Following a devastating fire at town hall, Twilight asks six of the ponies involved—Octavia, Colgate, Vinyl Scratch, Lyra, Derpy Hooves and an odd pony who insists on being called the Doctor—each to give their version of what happened. These brief tales reveal a strange series of events involving blackmail, muffins, misplaced mail and a bomb with the power to destroy three-quarters of Equestria.

Chapters (7)

Big McIntosh spends the day bucking apples with Apple Bloom and she learns some history about their parents. Just a little short story requested by my little sister.

Art work:
'Apple Family - Big McIntosh and Apple Bloom' by juaiasi

Chapters (1)