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A stallion faces his final hours without regret, looking into the face of royalty without balking. Our leaders are meant to use their power to show us the way to a better future, but what is one to do when that power is held without merit?

Speak out, or suffer in silence?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Darkness of Love

Spike saved the Elements of Harmony, but a past mistake had caught up to him. He died a week later, leaving Twilight heartbroken, holding a crystal that contained half his soul from before he succumbed to dark magic.

Now, some months later, Twilight has spent her time searching for the key to bringing Spike back. With everything in place, and Cadence assisting her with Spike's resurrection, will everything go as planned, or will something falter and leave Spike half of or twice what he used to be?

Opening theme for this story is: Awoken - Sound of the Aviators

Rated 'Mature' for Violence and Sex. To see sex chapters, click on the link here.

Chapters (14)

How far would you go to save someone you love? That's the question that Clay must answer as he faces a gauntlet of physical and mental toutures. Clay is now a proud father of two ponies, and is trying to connect with his adopted daughter Evening Star. A gifted unicorn filly who has unstable magic. As he tries to prove to her that he loves her with all his heart however Evening Star is abducted by a unicorn cult, Clay along with his wife Firefly and his friends Dinky and Sky Tearer must face an army that threatens not only Equestria, but the very way unicorn's, pegasi, and earth ponies co exist. Clay makes a vow to bring his daughter back to her familly and stop the uprising...no matter what the costs.

The official sequel to Wings for a Pony.

Warning: It is highly recomended that you read Wings for a Pony first for full comprehension. There will be spoilers for the first story if you have not read it.

Proofread by Starfall

Special thanks to Concier for providing the cover art and to cmdrhellyea for the original cover

Chapters (7)

Scootaloo was an orphan until she accepted a changelings offer to become a family. Now that all the craziness with the changelings is over it should be smooth sailing as Scootaloo and her family try to live their life but nothing's ever that easy.
(Sequel to Lightning Strikes)

Chapters (29)

(Second person POV) (Romance) (Comedy) (Adventure)
You try to steal the Elements of Harmony as your final heist so you can retire and end your career in thievery; however, it takes an unexpected turn for the worse when you're caught red-handed by none other than Princess Celestia. You must help the princesses in their everyday tasks as well as part of a work-release program while you make a plan to escape. The only challenge is deciding whether you really want to escape or not...

Chapters (7)

Who am I? Thats what a pegasus pony asks himself when he wakes from the dead and crashes at Sweet Apple Acres. Anonymous searches Ponyville for answers to his identity. Who is he? Why did he wake up in a morgue? Why is he an adult pony and have a blank flank? So many questions and very little answers. Can Anonymous find out who he is and find his place in Equestria, or is he doomed to be anonymous forever?

Chapters (6)

Princess Celestia has been dethroned, Princess Luna is missing, and the Elements of Harmony have been sent into exile. But that’s old news.

Four years after a bloody war that raged across the continent of Equestria a supernatural winter rages as ponies try and survive under the rule of a cold ruler.

Twilight Sparkle and her friends have been called back to Canterlot and must now come to terms with the new kingdom that Equestria has become. As they learn to cope events conspire against them that force them back into the fight.

But a single question remains, who will they fight for?

Edited by the awesome TacoTown

Chapters (1)

Waking up in an alternate universe in which you are a supervillain can be hard.

Finding out your friends are rebels trying to kill or overthrow you isn't very easy to deal with either.

But trying to solve the situation? That's a real horn cracker.

Chapters (7)

My name is Arc.

Ten years ago, I joined the gleaming order of the imperial guards under Guard Captain Shining Armour. I'm a unicorn who attended and graduated Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. My teachers call me lazy and said I never truly tried to do anything. It's not my fault I sometimes find Magic difficult. It just happens!

But something's happened, and I'm not sure I'll ever be the same after this.

(I don't mind if you guys don't like this fic, as is standard, but please, if you downthumb it, tell me what it is you dislike about it so maybe I won't stuff up in future fiction. It'd be greatly appreciated)

Thanks ever so much to Maelstrom for this image~ I chose this one over Dusty's because he's in full armour, so you get it. And this is a fic I'm working on whilst taking a break because my creative juices were dammed up working on already written storylines, even if I was adding to them. WELCOME TO ARC ANGEL! Oh, and I might have to up the rating at some stage, I'll let you guys know if I do.

(Warning, not canon to the Phobia story arc, things will be different)

Chapters (21)

Princess Luna and Derpy Hooves are best of friends and share a love of gaming. They play, they own, and they dominate in the online gaming world. They're just freakin' awesome alright? Gaming is what brought these two together as friends but as time goes on (and Princess Celestia's antics) will this love of gaming bring them something more than they expected? Will they become More than Gamers?

Wrote this while I was blasted and drunk so if you hate it... I don't blame you at all. It's going to be a chapter fic so yeah, deal with it.

Based off the Ask Princess Molestia tumblr but a bit more tame... I think?

Rated T for alcohol, minor language, and a whole lot of sexual themes and what not. C'mon, if it's based off a Princess Molestia tumblr and you really don't expect sexual shit, then you need to be sent to the moon.

Chapters (22)