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In a moment of weakness, Chrysalis had more than a taste of Shining Armour's love. 11 months later, Twilight Sparkle finds herself a brand new niece by way of 'A small foal in a basket on my door step'.

Special thanks for the picture by Awilldrawforfood1
Now edited with DoomManta.

Chapters (11)

No pony could have prepared for the adventure or horror Cerberus would bring to Equestria.

A single pound is added to the scale of love and tolerance in Ponyville, and everything changes.
A colt with a strange body structure and even stranger past...
Four mysterious horses wanted for treason...
A shift in Princess Celestia's disposition...
The sun at it's peak...
A heartbreaking inferno...
A war against everything everypony has ever believed in...

Chapters (19)

Fluttershy has always seemed to have had a terrible fear of dragons, but nopony has ever bothered to ask why exactly. So when a red dragon named Titan turns up in Ponyville, saying he's an old friend and looking to 'make amends' with the yellow pegasus, everypony, including Fluttershy's closest friends are shocked to say the least. Soon the questions on everyponys' lips are what broke their friendship in the first place, could it have something to do with Fluttershy's apparent fear of dragons, and can they both put the past behind them.

Inspiration: Sonic Syndicate (Band) - Red Eyed Friend (2008)

Chapters (9)

My name is Eric, Eric James Carlson if you want to be formal and this is my story of how I got sent to Equestria by the Eris, the greek God of Chaos because Discord presented her with a game but i find out that Equestria isn't the land of sunshine and puppy dogs that it is on the TV show. Now i have to figure out what I'm gonna do while I'm here and stuck in the middle of a three-sided war. Admittedly I took a few ideas from Rust and Blackwing's Chess Game of the Gods world in that outside of Equestria sucks, the gods who like to mess around with mortals and a few of the weapons used but it is a different universe. Picture isn't mine but it matches pretty well what is in my head. This is my first fanfic and I know my grammer probably isn't the best but I'm not a professional writer so be gentle. Will add characters as they appear.

Chapters (7)

link to dramatis personae

There was nothing left for Spitfire in Cloudsdale, just an uncle who hated her and painful memories of lost loved ones. The Pegasus Search and Rescue Corps offers her a chance to get out of town, see the world, do some good - and one day maybe have a shot at the Guards or the Wonderbolts! She jumps at the opportunity - and six days later, she limps into training camp.

Doesn't matter: she made it. The world can beat her down, but it can't keep her down. The friendships she forms here will get her through everything training has to offer. Will they also see her through the dark clouds on the horizon?

(Rated Teen for violence, language, some suggestive themes)

Chapters (13)


Chapters (7)

FireFlash has flashbacks to when he and Rainbow Dash first met. This is the sequel to The Lost Wonderbolts, revealing FireFlash and Dash's past together.

Please leave comments/ratings/faves! All input encouraged!

(this is not related to My Little Dashie in any way)

Chapters (6)

The Wonderbolt Fireflash, Rainbow Dash's best friend, goes missing right before she will be able to help Rainbow pass the entrance exam contest so that she can join the Wonderbolts. After meeting up with two other missing Wonderbolts, Spitfire and Soarin, the three of them must work together in order to escape, but can they get over their differences and make their way home?

PS: please leave your comments. I would love to know what you think of my work, and whether I should write another fanfic. If yes, please don't hesitate to tell me what I shopuld write about!

Chapters (8)

"Whatever you do, don't touch anything, don't look at anything, don't breathe on anything!"

During his exploration of the Freelancer base, Caboose stumbles upon a lab of experimental Slipspace technology and does what he does best: pushes buttons. The next thing he knows, he's in a strange place talking to a tiny yellow filly and he couldn't be happier!

Inspired by DarkWing's My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic! If you think this is good, you might like My Little Caboose even more!

Chapters (4)

Scootaloo has never been able to fly, even to save her own life. The fact is, she can't fly, and she may never be able to. But at least she's got a friend, one that she can always count on to stay with her.

Chapters (1)