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If you want a story of epic adventure and war, this isn't the story for you. If you want a tale of intricate romance and betrayal, this also is not for you. This is simply the tale of a less-than-simple unicorn who goes by the name of Twilight Sparkle.

This story is an educational experience... literally.
(No, this isn't a story about schoolwork. Gosh, some people have actually thought that.)
< Temporary Hiatus due to real-life issues>

Chapters (6)

"Warning! Containment levels Alpha through Delta have been breached!" the computer blared throughout the facility. Short bursts of gunfire erupted but were quickly silenced. The computer confirmed his fear immediately as he strapped his gas mask on: "Attention: All combat units determined KIA. All research units determined KIA. All class D personnel determined KIA. Please enter security code to override self destruct sequence. Self destruct sequence initiated; Timer set: 29 minutes and 56 seconds.".

PLEASE REFER TO THIS BLOG: http://www.fimfiction.net/blog/53777

Chapters (1)

You spent quite a bit of your time back home honing your flying skills, but an accident grounds you. Without a place to stay any longer, you move in with your cousin, who gladly takes you in. However, you take note of a mare in town, and you begin to wonder if there could be more to life than flying...

Sequel to The Color of Apples. Reading The Color of Apples isn't really necessary, but I do recommend it, as some events may not make sense without the context.

As of 9/14/12 10:53 Eastern time Approval rating is 97.6804%

Chapters (19)

It's April Foal's Day and Applejack is, as usual, the recipient of many pranks, much to the amusement of her brother. When she enlists Twilight Sparkle to help with her revenge things get a little out of hoof.

Chapters (6)

Spike only wants things to stay the same. Time, however, has other ideas. He's going to need a lot of help... An everypony story.

(Cover image by Rannva)

Chapters (17)

-Two pairs of siblings were shattered too soon.
-One split by stone, the other by moon.
-In grief of loss the brother ran.
-Now he's come back to help all he can.

-Brother of Discord, back from the waste.
-Two thousand years, add chaos for taste.
-Meets with the elements only to find,
-His brother demented, both body and mind.

-Chaos, Confusion, and Entropy's friend.
-Discord's antics, what he's come to mend.
-Hilarity, Joy, and Jokes to spare,
-The little known brother of chaos' heir.

Picture is 'Chaos Mage' © *Sergon (I edited the hue a bit.)

Chapters (13)

Sunshine...sunshine....what's mine...I will retake....hold your hooves.....and try....to stay awake....

Chapters (3)

You have been working for the Apple Family for months now, but you find yourself unable to tell anypony your true thoughts and feelings. Instead you hide behind a mask so convincing that even the Element of Honesty believes it.

This story takes place in the same universe as my first story, Rising Sun, so if you have some questions look there before asking them. Anyway, enjoy this, and the two sequels, I Would Give to You, and Faux Pas of the Heart. Links to those stories can be found in the final chapter.

As of 9/14/12 10:51 Eastern Time Approval rating is 96.125%

Chapters (21)

Penumbra, an astronomer, has observed the skies for years. Hundreds of of theories have been made, and proved or disproved by his works. Now, though, he's made a new discovery.

This will be a collection of tales, rather than one continuous tale. It will tell the whole story, but from different perspectives. As it continues I will edit the description as needed

Chapters (1)