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Scootaloo has never talked much about herself. Nopony knows her family, or has visited her home. But she has one big secret she's never told anypony... especially Rainbow Dash.

Chapters (1)

"Her parents hadn’t come close to telling us what had happened. As I read her newest letter I couldn't believe what she was telling me. This kid hadn’t 'had an accident'… this kid, damn, this kid had been buckin' broken... she’d been broken…"

Based on characters and situations from "Tiny Wings" by DeadParrot222.
Image "Filly Dash" by Imalou. Both used with permission.

Chapters (1)

Twilight's life is treading on very thin ice, and the only hope is for her to open her eyes, tonight. After a conversation with the doctor about Twilight's condition, Celestia enters her room and talks to her. After all, it might be their last night together.

Chapters (1)

Whilst enjoying the company of Twilight Sparkle and her friends in the doughnut shop immediately following the events of The Best Night Ever a disappointed Princess Celestia send a letter off to Prince Blueblood explaining the implications of his failure of the "Rarity Test", among other things...

Chapters (1)

When Spike returns home early from a gathering he sees something that causes him to go running from their little home...the sight of Twilight and Caramel together.

Once Twilight finds him, shivering and cold, she decides to try to address his fears...by giving him The Talk.

But, to Twilight's surprise, it may not be a talk about basic biology that Spike needs...perhaps something far more important is on his mind.

Chapters (2)

Seriously, a lot.

(Now with a Spanish translation by the generous SPANIARD KIWI!)

Chapters (2)

She never saw herself as a caretaker, nor did she foresee gaining a sister, but after taking in a homeless filly, Rainbow Dash finds herself in a new role.

Playing the big sister for the only Cutie Mark Crusader without a family, Rainbow Dash finds she still has a thing or two to learn about sisterhood. After butting heads with Scootaloo one too many times, Rainbow Dash consults an expert on the subject.

This story is a sequel to My Sister, Loyalty

* Featured 06/23/2012
* Written prior to Sleepless in Ponyville

Chapters (1)

After Rainbow Dash's rump meets lightning one time too many, she feels like her reputation in town is ruined as ponies start laughing at her misfortune. Her self-esteem in tatters and her loyalty waning, its up to her friends to help her. Please review!

12/22/11 EDIT: Updated with corrections, revisions and an added scene in Chapter 11

Chapters (12)

"Like two peas in a pod we did everything together!" sang Twilight in the season finale. But what if she was letting on more than everyone else knew? What if Twilight really was a pea?

Chapters (1)

Every night, in a little stable just outside of town, an old mare lays down to sleep. And every night she has the same dream of rainbows and open sky...

Chapters (1)