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Vinyl Scratch walks into a bar. There is no punchline.

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Featured on Equestria Daily (6 Nov 2012)
Inducted to the Pony Fiction Vault (10 May 2013)
Dramatic Reading courtesy of Farnsey's Fanfiction Theatre 3000
Live-Reading courtesy of the Living Library Player Society

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Hey, everyone. OtterMatt here. Just for the record, I’m not coming back to FimFic. Not ever. I’m sorry to say it, but my life has moved on, as it were, and writing just isn’t a part of it anymore. That being said, I love these stories of mine very much. There’s a lot of myself that I put into them, and at least a couple people have told me that these stories meant a lot to them as well. So, for those people, and for anyone else who enjoys my work in the future, I’m charging my friend Spabble here with curating my completed stories. Thank you all for the love, the faves, and the support as I grew and learned. Keep doing what you love, and the best of luck to you all.

Chapters (1)

When a tornado wrecks devistation through Ponyville, how will Twist survive the loss of her home and family? Will a certain pink Mare be able to help her and be there for her in this time of sorrow?
And how will the rest deal with the losses they have suffered. Can Pinkie help them all? Can she bring happiness to her friends who suffer?

All she knows is she cannot let them remain sad, especially one certain filly she cares about a lot, and has no family left.

Credit for cover art goes to leadhooves on DA. I did not create the art, he did.

Rated Teen for character death and language.

Chapters (2)

It's lunchtime in Ponyville, and Twilight Sparkle's stomach is calling for something with a little more flavour than what she usually feeds it. How will she and her friends react, though, when the lavender unicorn discovers that there is no place in Ponyville where a pony can get a decent burrito?

Chapters (1)

Applejack and Big Macintosh both have dates for the evening, but Apple Bloom isn't about to let them out of the house until her curiosity is satisfied. . .

This could be a while.

(If you are against fillyfooling or coltcuddling, this is not the fic for you.)

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo finds a photograph in a box of Rainbow's old things, and Rainbow tells her the story behind it - the story of how she and Fluttershy met, grew close, and finally came to live in Ponyville...

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo used to be part of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, but now that both Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom finally got their own cutie marks, Scootaloo is all alone. She's just one Crusader. That's not fun. But she's determined to join her friends; by doing anything possible to get that beloved mark; so she won't be a blank flank anymore...

However, will Scootaloo's idol, the amazing Rainbow Dash, teach her a lesson she'll never forget; making her realize something important? And what will that lead to?

Story was inspired by the cover art; which, in turn, was stolen from the Equestria Daily.

Cowritten by RushingAutumnLeaves.

Chapters (1)

Luna thinks of a novel way to cheer up a distraught Sweetie Belle. Five stars on Equestria Daily!

EDIT ONE: Please also check out Singing to the Moon by the fabulously talented uSea. It's a story which I didn't even know existed until someone in the comments pointed out the similarities (I mean, seriously, that story even has some of the exact same phrasing as my own. It's eerie).

EDIT TWO: Funnily enough, long after this was published, the show itself also did something similar. I guess there's something about this pairing that lends itself to this idea?

Chapters (1)

As the daylight fades away, Twilight is faced with the ultimate decision. In front of her is a friend, behind her is the past, and in the middle is she, the mistress of magic. And now, all she has to do is make the ultimate decision.

Chapters (1)