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Princess Luna meets her greatest foe, the bed.

She discovers just how hard it is to find the perfect position while laying down in a bed.

Chapters (1)

I am an unknown pony. I use to play at the gala but now I don't anymore. no pony knows who I really am. Now I just play the piano for other amusement at a run down bar.

Part of my inspired by music series
Based off of the popular song Piano Man by Billy Joel
Also this idea is based off a conversation I had with someone over skype

Chapters (2)

How far would one go to fit in with eveypony else? Would somepony give up their home, their friends, or even possibly their life?

This my first fic *Insert generic first fic stuff here*. Comment on whether I did good or do the world a favor and jump off a cliff.
A collab between me and this guy here http://www.fimfiction.net/user/Psicosis

Chapters (4)

The sequel to The AppleDash Project, but that was episodic you can jump right in! All you need to know is:

Applejack and Rainbow Dash have been together for more than a year now. Their relationship has blossomed through Discord, a changeling army, and a whole hoof full of crazy situations and dumb mistakes. They've managed to form a partnership and learned to work out their problems together, not an easy lesson for two tough, stubborn ponies.

But now Rainbow Dash is convinced that their lives are getting boring, and if there's one thing Dash doesn't like, it's boring. So Dash has set out to make her relationship with Applejack more interesting. . . and AJ's not so sure she likes that sound of that.

From the original AppleDash Project:
The AppleDash Project is a series of short fics attached to various episodes, detailing a relationship between Rainbow Dash and Applejack behind the scenes. The stories take place sometime during or shortly after the indicated episode.

This is not meant to start shipping wars, argue that AppleDash is canon, or offend other shippers. In fact, if you like the idea I encourage you to try it with other ships!

Teen rating means that there may be talking about sex, but nothing on screen. Expect sitcom-like innuendo.

Chapters (4)

Featherweight has had a crush on Scootaloo for as long as he can remember, but he never did anything about it. That is, until the fateful day where he is given the challenge to kiss her before nightfall.

Chapters (15)

Apple Bloom is tired of being on her own. With time stopping for nopony and a great, bright beacon calling to her, the little earth pony makes one of the hardest decisions of her life, and embarks on one last crusade with her friends.

However, one friend is not so quick to accept the truth. Can a certain little white filly learn to cope with the thing she fears most - saying goodbye?

Chapters (1)

Being constantly asked to care for one’s little sister would try anypony’s patience, even a soul as generous as Rarity. But are her parents’ requests an example of selfishness, or a different kind of generosity?

Chapters (1)

As the light of his life begins to fade away, Carrot Cake stays by her side. But when the end is in sight, what can he say, what can he do, to show that his love is strong?

Image was done by ParadigmPizza on DeviantArt.

Chapters (1)