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Ever been bested by a sickeningly sweet pony, specifically one who wields the Elements of Harmony? Are you just tired of love and hope and kindness filling your world? I know I am. Come to the next meeting of Villains Anonymous, where no unjust deed of cruelty goes unrewarded. Discuss your beliefs of disaster and anarchy with your like-minded colleagues, speak of plans for your next big scheme for world domination, or just be a stuck-up jerk. Here at Villains Anonymous, all evil is welcome.

-Discord, The Spirit of Disharmony

P.S., Chrysalis, it's your turn to bring snacks.


Updated 11/11/12

Seeing as how some of you want me to write more, I'll get on it soon.

Chapters (6)

Now, heres an idea for a story that EVERYPONY has heard: Rainbow Dash teaches ole Scoots how to fly. Now this, though, this is original. Scootaloo was a late bloomer. She didn't know how to fly as a filly, and was often rejected for it. And now, when Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle get their cutie marks, Scootaloo is left friendless. The only way she can return is to rise.
Rise through the sky.
On beautiful amber wings,
Light the sky on fire,
With the jealousy you bring.
Rise through the sky.
Let your will shine through,
and they'll come to accept you,
Oh, young Scootaloo.
For you, my filly,
are different than the rest.
You can rise through the ranks,
And prove that you are best.
Rise through the sky,
they know not who you are.
But I know clear,
A Valkyrie you are.

Chapters (4)

Scootaloo has always idolized Rainbow Dash. When Dash agreed to teach her, she was positively thrilled. Unfortunately, accidents happen. Rainbow Dash isn't good at dealing with the consequences of her actions.

Chapters (1)

You'd think that being trapped in stone would mean that, if nothing else, I could get some peace and quiet. Unfortunately, it seems that Celestia has other ideas.

She has appointed these ponies... these 'Keepers', as she calls them, to keep me entertained during my incarceration.

Honestly? I'd prefer the boredom.

Cover art by matrosha123
Spanish Translation by SPANIARD KIWI found here

Chapters (3)

Cheerilee loves teaching. Despite all the trials and tribulations it presents, it's worth it in the end when her students learn something new. Not even a letter from the Ministry of Education reminding her about the impending teacher evaluations can sway her. But tack on her new relationship, the constant 'help' of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and some strange behavior from Dinky and Sparkler, and her life is about to become a lot more complicated.

This story is set in parallel with The Life and Times of a Winning Pony and The Study of a Winning Pony with the approval of Chengar Qordath, Comma-Kazie and Ponibius.

Cover art used with permission, source is here

Chapters (3)

Deep in the Everfree Forest, Spike must be strong for Fluttershy.

(This was a challenge I took on: Write a Spike x Fluttershy sadfic in 60 minutes. This is my first ever sadfic, so please be lenient with me.)

Chapters (1)

You heard right, friends and fellows--The Album 2 has been begun! Sign up today!

Interested in joining more collabs? Then come to The Collab Cage! A group that hopes to be ALL things collab for this entire fandom!

The Album is a collaborative project between over seventy different authors. This project was designed to not only create something entirely unique and creative, but to test these authors to write in a different manner than they might normally be used to. The exercise was to take a single character--one per author and no repeats--and imagine a mental 'snapshot' of them during daily life, during a Moment we might not normally see or even think about, and write a story from said picture. So enjoy this collection of short Slice of Life tales--and be sure to check out each author's page and stories. They've worked hard to produce something amazing; please reward them for their effort!

Note: Individual Snapshots are posted in a random order (including my own), with one or two more added per day. Character tags and Rating are subject to change, but each individual snapshot will be marked appropriately.

There's still room for more; visit The Album and see if there's anypony remaining you would like to write.

Cover made by: Skunkiss
Edited by: Peregrine Caged


In anypony's life, there are the big days--tragedies and adventures, moments of loss and love, treasured memories to share and never forget.

But for every single day that comes once in a lifetime, there are hundreds that pass by unnoticed. Sometimes the simplest of moments can have just as much importance and life as the dramatic ones.

Here one can find snapshots of these moments--the every day, often unseen or even unregarded days of the lives of a variety of ponies.

Because every picture, no matter how common, is worth a thousand words.

Chapters (68)

Things couldn't possibly get any worse for Rainbow Dash. Her job is falling apart, she's convinced that she's made her friends hate her, and even her dream of some day joining the Wonderbolts is in peril. While things are looking pretty bleak for Ponyville's coolest pegasus, her best friend and kinda-sorta fillyfriend Pinkie Pie is determined to whatever it takes to help her, and she's not going to quit until she can put a smile back on Rainbow Dash's face.

This is a side-story of "The Life and Times of a Winning Pony" which occurs after the events of Chapter Ten of that story.

Chapters (1)

After working on a major project for the betterment of Equestria, Twilight Sparkle brings her work to her mentor and princess for approval and funding, and her proposal is rejected outright without explanation or sympathy.

Devastated by Celestia's refusal, Twilight tries to determine whether she has failed her work or her teacher - and wonders what her special status and talent is worth.

Chapters (1)