Favourites 287 stories
  • Favourites 287 stories - 413 unread chapters
    Created by Retden
    - October, 2014
Found 246 stories in 51ms

Total Words: 10,342,591
Estimated Reading: 4 weeks



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Life pretty much sucked. I had little to no friends, failing pretty much all classes in school. My parents abuse me and to make it worse they are my only family. That means I'm kinda stuck with them. The only good things in my life are my Video Games and my remaining dignity. After being humiliated in front of the entire school one day. I decided to end my life and make the pain stop. Right as I am about to end it all. There is a knock on the door and I go to see who it is. No one was there and strange scroll laid on the door mat. I unfurl it to read "It is time to come home, brother".

Chapters (2)

It's not terribly easy being a pear selling pony in an apple loving town....Forelle is a pear pushing pony from Roam, here to help her family out and find her way in the world. This is what happens to her in the course of an average day.

Forelle created by Egophillaic

(Oh neat the update made the featured bar, thanks everypony!)


Chapters (4)

I'm a spiteful old man. I've spent my entire life trying to fulfill my wish. The same thing every one of us wants.

The year is 2070. I'm the last brony alive, 82 years old. But I did it. I created the portal. And I'm jumping through. No regrets.

I've actually finished writing this story! Can you believe it? It's also available in book form, Click Here to go to lulu.com

Chapters (14)

We know Twilight Sparkle as the silly little mare who didn't have any friends until she was sent to Ponyville by Princess Celestia. However, the rest of Equestria knows Twilight Sparkle as poor number 107497, a number even foals are taught to be wary of. The filly was perfectly fine, until one last taunt pushed her over the edge, into her own imagination, where she made friends; each friend a part of her mind.

Five years later, as Princess Celestia sits with her comatose student, aforementioned student moves. Both in the physical world, and slowly from her dream world as well.

Rated Teen because... well... I'm not sure, it just needs a Teen tag.

Chapters (4)

When Princess Celestia faces a harsh choice to execute an innocent and virtually harmless changeling, will she be able to go through with the notion of taking the filly's life, or will sympathy overtake her moral alignment?

*In this story, the changelings are based off of Season 2, so it's as if they've never given love freely. Sept 4th, 2017

Chapters (9)

Ace was a street magician with a lucky streak. His luck was legendary among casino owners and fellow magicians. Any risky trick would succeed flawlessly and any gamble would pay off for him.

After performing his greatest and final trick he is brought face to face with the entity responsible for his incredible luck. The goddess of fortune herself. Lady Luck.

She offers him a deal. To become her champion, her Wild Card, and go to Equestria to spread luck among those who need it the most. So he finds himself in a magical land, in a new form, and ready for anything that comes at him. To a reasonable degree.

(Part of the Chess Game of the Gods universe created by Rust and BlackWing)
(Cover art by Grusborg on deviantART)

Chapters (61)

You can't control time, but when you're is given a deal that is just too good to be true, you discover that not everything goes without a catch...

Read as a teen is transported to Equestria in exchange for the ability to manipulate time, and his struggle to cope with the differences in his world to this one... but not without having some fun first.

Will add tags as I move along.

(First story, feel free to eat me.)

Chapters (7)

The Doctor takes to the stars in this fourth installation of the Doctor Whooves Series.

When the TARDIS is unexpectedly pulled off course during her first foray into the wider universe, the Doctor, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and a somewhat-reluctant Twilight find themselves brought to the doorstep of a utopian alien city. While Rarity and Pinkie immerse themselves in two opposite ends of the local culture, questions that have gone unasked for centuries draw Twilight into the shadowy labyrinth of intrigue and deception that sustains a delicate balance of power in this "perfect" society. A balance that some will go to any lengths to preserve.

And as the mystery surrounding the cryptic messages left in the Doctor’s path continues to unfold, will the growing schism of distrust between Time Lord and Friendship Scholar over unspoken secrets cost both ponies more than either of them are prepared to lose?


"Only Skin Deep" is my fourth Doctor Whooves Episode and the sixth in the expanded "Number 12" continuity begun by the inspirational Squeak-Anon.

It is strongly recommended to read the following fics here on FIMFiction.net before proceeding with "Only Skin Deep."

1- Number 12by Squeak-Anon
2- Traveler by Squeak-Anon.
3- The Pinkie Conundrum
4- Game of Stones
5- Along Came a Spider

Comments and critiques are very much desired and let this crazed writer-pony know that the herd does indeed care.

Elements of Number 12 & Traveler (c) Squeak-Anon
Doctor Whooves Intro posted on Youtube by: Cshep99
Cover & Concept Art provided by FoxInShadow from Deviantart.com
Number One Assistant & Proof-Reader - 2dextreem
*Rated T for some Doctor Who level violence.*

Chapters (6)

Meet Cyr. He's one of the last of his breed: A Changeling Behemoth, living battering rams that are selected and mutated from the worker caste of the Hive. Aged from centuries of labor and service to his Queen, he grows disgusted and weary of the Changeling's plots and malevolent attempts to feed on love, especially after his capture during the Canterlot wedding. Thus begins a new (and possibly more enjoyable) chapter of his existence.

Chapters (20)

The Doctor goes beyond Equestria in this third installment of the Doctor Whooves Series.

When a chance encounter with the Doctor in the middle of Ponyville causes Zecora to run away in blind terror, he is understandably perplexed, as the two had never met before. Shortly after, the cryptic zebra turns up suffering from a mysterious ailment that is somehow related to her homeland of Zebrica, and the Doctor, Twilight, and (much to their surprise) Fluttershy must travel to the distant savannah in the TARDIS to discover the cause of her distress. But what begins as a search for a cure will lead to a darker place than one might believe possible, as a mystery spanning the whole of time and space deepens and hungry gods from far-off memories demand the Time Lord’s blood.


"Along Came a Spider" is the third Doctor Whooves Episode and the fourth of the expanded "Number 12" continuity begun by the inspirational Squeak-anon.

It is strongly recommended to read the following fics here on FIMFiction before proceeding with "Along Came a Spider."

1 - Number 12 by Squeak-anon
2 - Traveler by Squeak-anon
3 - The Pinkie Conundrum
4 - Game of Stones

Comments and critiques are very much desired and let this crazed writer know that the herd does indeed care.

Elements of Number 12 & Traveler: Squeak-anon
Doctor Whooves Intro posted on YouTube by: Cshep99
Cover art provided by FoxInShadow from deviantart.com
Proofreader, Editor and Number One Assistant: 2dextreem

*Rated T for scary moments and some Doctor Who level violence.*

Chapters (11)