• Member Since 24th May, 2012

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Being a complete introvert, Octavia is very surprised when a strange looking girl in her music class calls her a peculiar nickname. Her name is Vinyl Scratch, and for some reason, she acts like Octavia is her best friend! Who in the world is this girl???

Edited and Proofread by the very talented Shutup868

This story is heavily inspired by my love of Dawnfade's Vinyl and Octavia: University Days and my endearing love of Japanese yuri manga.

Got featured a while back and somepony was nice enough to point that out.

Chapters (8)

There is a legend. A legend of six heroes destined to protect Equestria from danger. But these six are not the Elements of Harmony. They are more.

The Steadfast Commander.
The True Genius.
The Vigilant Eye.
The Merciless Wrath.
The Fighting Spirit.
The Lone Wolf.

They are the true Protectors of Equestria.
They are the Guardians.
They are Noble.

Alright, so here is the story I have teased on my blog, The Noble Guardians! If you already guessed the concept, good for you! But for the rest of you, this is a Halo: Reach Crossover. I have seen a couple fics in which Six or Jorge are brought to Equestria, but they were always alone, so I decided to bring them all together as one. This will follow the show's storyline, with Noble acting as additional characters to the episodes, but don't worry, I guarantee they will be major characters with their own arcs and there will be plenty of original situations. I will also most likely skip any episodes in which Noble would have little to no involvement. (This will be few and far between, one example being "Call of the Cutie" I mean, even the Mane Six are only minor characters in that episode. I'll probably either mention those in passing or have another story going on with those episodes occurring in the background.) Anyway, see how Noble reacts to becoming Equestria's destined protectors!
Cover image credit goes to Gekko3309.
Naturally, this story contains spoilers for Halo: Reach

Chapters (14)

Baking cakes is part of being Ponyville's Premiere Party Planner. It's a particularly important job when the cake is for frowny ponies, or the sort of folks who don't normally eat cake.

But it's something that Twilight Sparkle doesn't seem to understand. At least, if she understood, she probably wouldn't barge into Sugarcube Corner early in the morning, screaming about Changelings invading Equestria and covert smuggling rings and blah blah blah.

It wouldn't kill Twilight to show some decorum. She clearly needs to get her priorities in order.

EDIT: This is now the most likely candidate for the image source. Thanks to m2pt5 for the tip!

Chapters (1)

I had a pretty good life. They called me Spit Shine, I worked in the palace, cleaning this, doing that. Hell, I even got to talk to the Princess, and learned all sorts of interesting stuff. It was stimulating, prestigious, and hey, call me weird, but I liked the work.

Shame I was also secretly a changeling infiltrator with a name too annoying to pronounce in polite society trying to observe and potentially subvert your nation state.

I mean, these things happen.

Of course, you'd be surprised what you can learn about a pony when you have a different perspective.


Original Concept by SoloBrony

Grammar-Less-Suckification by CarcinoGeneticist

Vector by Ackdari

Brand new Spanish Translation by Spaniard Kiwi!

Chapters (1)

Applejack arrives home on a cool autumn night to find a particular pink pony sprawled out on her bed. And she's eating her cookies.

Dedicated to Short Stories

Chapters (1)

When Rarity accidentally breaks a mirror, Pinkie decides there's only way to save her crush from seven years of bad luck.

Obviously, the solution is becoming Rarity's personal anti-bad luck bodyguard.

Cover art done by the awesomely talented PinkProposal !

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer wants nothing more than to be able to enjoy the holidays with her friends, but the festive season does nothing more than remind her of how alone and cold she's been for so many years. Is it possible for her to learn to love the holidays again?

Maybe with the help of some friends, she can.

Chapters (1)

A lone vampire bat sneaks through the mirror portal and ends up in the human world. Instead of apples, it now craves something far richer. And unfortunately for Sunset Shimmer, she's its next snack.

Sunset can't remember any of her activities past sundown. The light hurts not just her eyes, but burns her skin. And she's thirsty.

So very thirsty.

It's up to the Rainbooms to save Sunset from herself before she drinks the whole city dry. Too bad Twilight Sparkle is her primary target.

Thanks to Saro0fd3monz for the inspiration!

Edited by DrakeyC and HenryAnthonyCourtler

Now with a TVTropes page!

Now with a French translation!

Chapters (10)

Princess Celestia has returned from a diplomacy mission with the Changelings, and she has a big surprise. She and Queen Chrysalis have fallen for each other and are now a couple. Cadence, more than a little distraught over what has transpired, plans to separate the two and prove that Chrysalis is still the evil enemy she was at the Royal Wedding.

Sequel: To Cast the Doubt Away

Chapters (37)

When Twilight Sparkle was just a kid, her best friend was a girl named Sunset Shimmer. Though their friendship had a bit of a rocky start, they quickly became inseparable, no matter how much everyone thought of them as ‘weird’. They were there for each other.


Years after the tragic accident that tore them apart, Twilight is determined to move on from her loss, and she sets off on an independent research project to investigate the strange happenings at Canterlot High. Little does she know that she will soon come face to face with what appears to be a literal ghost from her past.

Coverart by Kare-Valgon. Chapter illustrations by Zorbitas.

Edited and Pre-read by Dubs Rewatcher, r5h, and Kalan.

Takes place after Rainbow Rocks, but was written before Friendship Games and does not take it into account.

Chinese translation

Print copies now available.

Chapters (25)