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(Post-Mass Effect 3)(FemShep)
When the Reapers were defeated, the galaxy believed that Shepard and Anderson were both lost in the final battle. However, the two long-time friends were also known for not letting death stand in their way.

Waking up, in the middle of a desert, on an uncharted planet they both embark on their strangest mission yet. Attempting to find their way back to the Human Alliance, a place called Canterlot may hold the answers they seek. But first, they had to get there while trying not to draw too much attention to themselves.

Too bad for Anderson since massive explosions and collateral damage followed Shepard wherever she went, without fail.

Crossover of My Little Pony and Mass Effect.
Cover image credit goes to: CSImadmax at http://csimadmax.deviantart.com/
Chapters 1 - 6 proofread by: http://www.fimfiction.net/user/GermanDash (Pre-March 2021 update)

Chapters (10)

Silence. The golden rule is silence. Silence, and obediance.

For years, you have trained as a royal guard. Now, thanks to the fortuitous return of Shining Armour, your old-time friend and Captain, you are promoted to guarding Celestia personally. What follows, though, is the discovery of a personal side to the Sun Princess that you could never have imagined, not even in your most vivid dreams.

Chapters (5)

At Celestia's behest, Twilight Sparkle arrives in Ponyville to prepare for the Summer Sun Celebration, and potentially the return of Nightmare Moon.

Her preparations will be anything but easy. The stallions in charge of the festivities all seem to have taken a "romantic" interest in her, and every one of them is terrible at flirting. Really terrible. Really.

T for innuendo/creepy behavior. Thanks to Sereg for prereading and to Midnight Rambler for helping with the first draft song sequence. Thanks to Posey, Jetto, Blank!, and Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi for editing (Plus three other anons who didn't give me their fimfic names). Especial thanks to whatmustido and ocalhoun for nitpicking the hell out of this mess.

All-mare version
All-stallion version
Stallion Twilight/mare main five version
The password for the FIMfic versions is: TUSH
(Every version is essentially identical, save character gender. Comments are enabled on the Gdocs if you notice any typos :twilightsmile:)

Chapters (3)

Sequel to my previous Dragon Age crossover Ponies and Grey Wardens: The Equestrian Age.

Years after Equestria was visited by the strange, bipedal creatures, their stay there has yet to be forgotten. But now, a dark force from both the world of the Grey Wardens and that of the ponies meet, creating a threat that will ravage all in its path.

With both of their lands at risk, the people of both worlds must come together once again. Reunions will be had and new bonds will be created. But with a powerful enemy that none are prepared to face, will the heroes of Ferelden and ponies of Equestria be able to stop it? And what will be lost in the attempt?

Chapters (6)

Scootaloo was an orphan until she accepted a changelings offer to become a family. Now that all the craziness with the changelings is over it should be smooth sailing as Scootaloo and her family try to live their life but nothing's ever that easy.
(Sequel to Lightning Strikes)

Chapters (29)

The changelings have been defeated but is that the last of them? As the threat of the changelings grows an unlikely pair try to be a family to one another. One a changeling, cast off from the swarm. The other a little filly who only wants a family.

(Mechcolt as pre-reader)

Chapters (10)

Fluttershy has found a new kind of creature in the forest. After tending to its wound, she brings it home with her and decides to keep it as her own. She soon realizes that this creature is more than just an animal and soon finds a way to communicate with it since neither of them speak the same language.

Chapters (1)

You know what they say once you hit rock bottom...

Chapters (4)

With some changes on Star Swirl's time spell, Twilight accidentaly gets trapped in the past. But after saving two fillies and enlisting them to be her students in magic, they go on adventures together to survive the ruthless world they live in. With new friendship and foes, they discover what it truly means to be family by choice.

Now with the collaborative efforts of Angel Bunny, Fausticorn and soulwinds!
Art by awsdemlp.deviantart.com
People who I am in deep gratitude for offering help:
Cerulean Starlight
And FAN ART by 1110soulite!

Chapters (14)

Darth Vader is one of the most despicable forces in the galaxy. Once a powerful and respected Jedi Knight, he betrayed the Galactic Republic and Jedi Order for the dark side of the Force. The newly christened Sith Lord was apprenticed to Darth Sidious and quickly became a master of the dark side. Vader was soon the scourge of the Jedi, continuing the Great Jedi Purge by slaughtering all remaining Jedi.

An extension of Emperor Palpatine's will, the Dark Lord was constantly on the move, traveling throughout the galaxy to defeat rebel uprisings and kill any surviving Jedi. This mission brings him to the edge of the Outer Rim into the Unknown Region of the galaxy, in an unknown star system. High above an unnamed planet he duels with one of the last remaining Jedi in the galaxy in a starship battle. But during the battle his ship is damaged, and he crash-lands on the mysterious planet.

With his connections to the Galactic Empire severed, Vader must find a way out the land known as Equestria, inhabited by the strange creatures known as ponies. That, or he could take it over.

Chapters (12)