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This story is a sequel to My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic!

It has been one month since the Elements of Harmony were used to trap Discord again, and it has been one month since Twilight lost one of her closest friends, the only consolation of which being that Church was finally getting some well deserved rest. At least, that is what she and the others believed. Discord, still trapped within Church's mind, has been picking away at his sanity the entire time, messing with his memories, making him forget what was real and forcing him to remember what wasn't. When he finally escapes, will Church be able to distinguish between reality and the memories Discord tampered with, or will his slim grip on reality finally give out?

If the ponies he is led to believe are his friends are of any indication, probably the latter.

[Before asking questions in the comments, please read!]
- This is a sequel to the completely unjustifiably popular, My Little Caboose: Blue is Magic!
- You probably will be extremely confused if you have not read that before this.
- You probably would be even MORE confused if you have never heard of Caboose.
- Click here to watch the series if you have not.

Chapters (90)

This story is a sequel to My Little Heartbreak: Meanwhile, Back at the Farm

It has been settled. This month, Twilight and CO agree that for Heartbreak to live in Equestria, she needs an actual place to live in. A real home. With money tight, and Heartbreak not having much of anything of her own, how are they going to get her this dream home?
The answer will drag both Heartbreak and Rarity kicking and nearly screaming through a series of seemingly unfortunate events involving travel, discovery, and later on: The Cutie Mark Crusaders!
But there are dark secrets still being harbored within both Heartbreak and her new home. Will Rarity, a pony who prides herself on her looks, charms and grace be able to teach a pony who doesn't care about any of those things anything about generosity? Hopefully. And hopefully before one of them strangles the other.

Chapters (45)

TD Harrison Powell, the human that first came to Equestria in No, I am NOT a Brony, GET ME OUTTA EQUESTRIA!!! has been in Ponyville for about three months when Twilight realizes something interesting: she doesn't really know that much about humans and how they work. Sure TD is receptive to her interviews for the most part, but he can't tell her everything and she wants to find out about how he acts casually.

So she decides to stalk him for science!

This is a little one-shot I decided to make while I'm waiting for my pre-readers to get the next chapter to me. This is canon and isn't supposed to be taken seriously at all.

Inspired by, but not ripped off of, Mood Wings

Chapters (2)

Orphaned from birth, with only the memories of a soft touch and gentle voice to remember her by, Twilight yearns for her mother. What pony wouldn't want to know why they were abandoned, why they were left to be found by the Princess of the Sun herself.

That was nearly two decades ago though. Twilight was older now, and hopefully wiser. She is happy with her two best friends, Cadance and Shining Armor. They are like family to her, the brother and sister she never could have. Though dreams still haunt the young mare, dreams of lullabies and tender kisses, she has moved on.

The personal servant to the Princess of Helios, the land of the Sun, Twilight enjoyed both rank, and knowledge. But it also means that when Princess Luna comes to visit her old friend, Twilight is given the task of tending her. The Princess has come in search of marriage, at the behest of her ruling Council. They demand an heir to ward off the potentially catastrophic attacks of the neighboring dragons.

Soon, Twilight will be tested and tried. She will be given the a choice between the life she has known, and the duty she is sworn to. But never, not once, will she forget.

For who can stop loving their mother.

Chapters (23)

Tartarus. A burning plane of existence made to punish the damned and evil. And ruling over this pit of hellfire is Hades, Lord of the Dead and God of the Underworld. And while torturing souls and abusing his two minions Pain and Panic are always good fun, he's grown bored. With his plans to rule Olympus and destroy Hercules down the tube, he needs a new aspiration in his un-life. And since he needs to buy some groceries, Ponyville seems like the perfect place to go shopping. And maybe make an ally or two for his newest plan to take over Olympus. If he doesn't burn them all to a crisp and steal their souls first.

Chapters (8)

Wishing she rather be in a prison of stone herself, Celestia grieves hourly about how her life as gone amiss. One Luna that casually pranks her is enough as is, but triple the matter and you have a bride for any Draconequus. Dealing with both the silliness of Luna's youth and present, the Goddess is distracted to Nightmare's plot to overthrow her. As fast as her faithful student can work, Twilight Sparkle is in search for a way to reverse the spell, the only question is: can Celestia hold out long enough?
A/N: In all fairness, I had this thing sitting in my box for a while now. Any criticism? I need work on sentence structure and flow, if you don't mind pointing it out. The emotions and characters would be nice as well!
Image belongs to 90Sigma on dA.

Chapters (3)

Boring life. Boring job. Boring friends. Would I trade it all away for a new life in a new world?

Hell no.

Do I get a choice in the matter?

Fat chance.
Not HiE per se; more like (Insert creature here)iE. No Mary-Sue, no self-insert; just a regular, cynical guy whose life became a bit more...Chaotic.
Not a 'Human in Equestria turned pony' story.

Chapters (19)

This story is a sequel to The Broken Mare

While ensuring that the Nightmare has once again been banished to the Moon, Luna is attacked while teleporting back.

A stallion has escaped from the lunar prison. Who is this pony? Is he controlled by the Nightmare? What is he after?

Is Twilight's daughter in danger?

Chapters (6)

Twilight Sparkle wakes up on the edge of the Everfree Forest, with no memory of how she got there, or why she is now several months pregnant. The last thing she remembers is getting home to Ponyville after attending her brother's wedding. What happened? Why is she with foal? And why has Fluttershy's cottage been abandoned for some time?
This is my first MLP fic, and the first story I have posted online in many years. Its been bouncing around my head for several months now, and I've been wanting to write for much longer. I would like some feedback on my writing style, and if you have any ideas for where to take this tale, please share them with me.

Sequal: The Rogue Stallion

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to My Little Heartbreak: Heartbroken

It's a week later, and Twilight is nagging Heartbreak into learning more about herself and what her special talents really are! Heartbreak shows herself to be the artistic type but with learning to be a pony and contending with ponies curious about the new mare in Ponyville, it's a rocky start that is leaving Heartbreak feeling more than drained of her ability to express herself. Let alone learn how to use a pencil with her mouth. Perhaps Zecora can help with a special brew she calls "Creativi-Tea"? Or will this just going to lead to a lot of Insani-tea?

Chapters (30)