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Have you ever woken up as a vegetarian cartoon pony? I have, and she won’t shut up about it. I’m stuck in her body as our minds swap control and our memories blur. I can’t seem to do anything right, and it’s even worse when she’s in charge.

Now, we’re in a back and forth war for control of her body. I just want to eat meat again, and have a little personal space. She’s convinced I’m hitting on her friends and trying to score. I’m not sure I can survive the rest of the day, let alone until we fix this.

Edits by: Selbi, Abcron, Breath of Plagues, Refro, Jaestring, The Parasprite, Starbound Gurren
Pre-read by: SkeeterTL, Solidfire, Penjacker, TypewriterError, Pearple Prose
(It took all of them to corral my insanity.)
Cover art by Tsitra360
V1.1-Rated teen sex for strong innuendo.
V1.2-Pinkie Pie now enforcing RIAA guidelines.

Chapters (18)

This story is a sequel to An Affliction of the Heart Volume Three: Hybrid

Warden, the broken pegasus, his wife, Kuno the changeling, and their hybrid daughter, Swarm, continue their adventures in a wild, wacky world!

Chapters (16)

A changeling who finds responsibility thrust upon her after the failed Canterlot invasion.

A unicorn who finds herself part of first contact with a strange new creature.

A princess who finds hints of one she long since lost in another's mind.

With the arrival of a strange bipedal creature into Equestria, all three will find themselves intertwined with the fate of the girl. When language cannot be understood how will communication with the new arrival be achieved, and what secrets may the creature be bringing with her? What does the girl possess that may alter how the changeling in particular sees the world.

What could the girl possibly have that would allow one word – hope – to resonate so strongly, not only for herself but also the changeling.

This is a retelling of A Voice Among the Strangers from three viewpoints in particular. You don't have to read AVAtS to read this one, as I will be attempting to make each a full story on their own.

Also, this seems to share a Tv Tropes page with A Voice Among the Strangers!

(Thanks again to Tulip for the Cover image!)

Chapters (8)

'I looked at the reflection, and the beast looked back.'

Viktoria had never seen the mirror before, now she wishes she had never examined it. With her body twisted into a strange and unsettling new shape she must become accustomed to her new equine form before finding a way home, and along the way also return her body to normal. Her body betrays her with each movement, muscle memory working against her. Will the newly encountered Flitter and Cloudchaser be able to help her?

Even with the new addition of wings to grant her flight and escape, Viktoria has never felt more confined.

'Others see me for what I am. I only wish for them to see me for who I am.'

( Thanks go to AkuOreo for such a lovely cover art! )

( Also, seems to have a Tv tropes page in the making! )

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to The Rogue Stallion

The Broken Mare is healing, the Rogue Stallion is leashed, and a cute little button of a filly is stumbling between them. Now what?

Here's the answer to that question. The sequel to The Broken Mare and The Rogue Stallion concludes.

Note: Yes, this will follow the path of Season Three, but placed a year later. Chapters will be irregular and intermittent due to a nasty school schedule.

Chapters (2)

Few ponies in Canterlot and Ponyville still suffer from the Blank Plague, but there's one very important exception. Princess Luna sequestered herself away from pony contact so she could raise the sun and the moon by herself while Celestia was ill. But Luna cannot live alone forever, so she must expose herself to the plague and endure its effects just as Celestia and Cadence did, while Celestia resumes commanding the sun and the moon once more.

Bellerophon Michaelides, the only human in Equestria, hence the only being immune to the magic-devouring plague, must tend to Luna as he tended to Celestia, with a recovering Twilight Sparkle staying by his side. But Luna has other duties beyond moving heavenly bodies, and dreams do not abide the light of day. Darkness does not rest lightly.

Chapters (3)

When a magic-devouring plague comes to Equestria, not even alicorns are immune. To ensure the sun will rise again, the only wholly non-magical citizen of Equestria must put aside his personal feelings and serve the crown.

Part of the Xenophilia: Further Tales chronology.

Chapters (5)

Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy were brought together by Twilight Sparkle and the magic of friendship and have had incredible experiences. But now they are trapped in a world they don't understand-Equestria. How will these five normal human girls deal with such dangers as dragons, minotaurs, parasprites, -and perhaps the most dangerous of them all,- themselves?

Art Source: http://demoncat8.deviantart.com/art/Eqg-In-Equestria-Cover-392108298

NON CANON with Season 4 and EQG 2.

Chapters (7)

SG-1 is sent through the Stargate as a forward scouting team for an extended scientific mission to P3X-597. Arriving in a long abandoned castle, the team heads out for the nearest village. As they approach, it becomes clear that the locals aren't exactly human. Their contact with the pony-like aliens goes well, conveniently timed alongside a celebration of the sun, until an over-the-top, hammy, evil pony appears to ruin the festivities.

A Stargate SG-1 crossover.

Chapters (12)

Dusk Shine has been in a crazy relationship with Eris ever since she decided to crash his birthday party two years ago. Their opposing nature has made every day of their love just as exciting and unorthodox as the first day it started.

Follow Dusk Shine as he tries to keep his sanity with the girl that drives him crazy in more ways than one.

Chapters (4)