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ONESHOT: There can be horrific events in our lives, some we will never forget. Today, Mr. and Mrs. Cake will have a moment like that, when they buy a Starbits coffee machine, and a certain hyper pink pony wants to try it out...

Elslowmo and Nasse-Seta get credit for the cover image, it just felt right for this story.

If you enjoyed this, check out the sequel Ponyville Discovers Coffee. Here's the link: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/39039/Ponyville-Discovers-Coffee

Chapters (1)

This is the story of a young pegasus stallion, or you specifically. After the passing of your mother, and your ever increasing distant father, your brother has never felt safe in the cloud home. Afraid of heights and normal life in Cloudsdale, you decide to abandon your former life to start a new one on the ground, in a town called Ponyville. While there you find a cute mare that runs the local post office who goes by the name of Ditzy Doo.

Chapters (15)

Fantastic, I finally get to visit my favorite cast of awesome talking ponies to have one small thing keeping me from enjoying it to its fullest. I CAN"T FREAKING INTERACT WITH ANYTHING. I guess being a ghost in Equestria isn't the worst thing that could have happened, at least I can shadow my favorite ponies and see what going on in their lives. Heh, I guess I've become the ultimate stalker, I do miss having someone to talk to that wasn't me, myself or I though.

Set before the events of season three.

Rated teen for now for safety, rating may change later on based on where the story goes. Characters will be added later if they get added to the story.

Chapters (23)

Harry Potter was a lonely boy who one day wished for a friend. Luna, trapped on the moon, wished for the same. And so their wishes are granted. How will the two deal with each other? And what about Nightmare Moon? Needless to say, their lives are going to change in both expected and unexpected ways...

Other stories in the Lonelyverse:
Hooves, Plush, and Magic: The Untold Tales
The Wizard and the Lonely Princess: Hallowe'en Special
A Nightmare Christmas

Chapters 9-11 now re-written.

Chapters (31)

Twilight Sparkle is a studious researcher. As such, when internet connectivity comes to Ponyville, she recognizes it as the exciting and limitless research tool it is! But can she avoid getting mired in the pitfalls of this marvelous new frontier? Or will she be forever trapped by it's more seductive dark side? Her guide through this unforgiving jungle is Rarity, the only one to have had any experience with the internet in the past. But can even Rarity protect her from the pitfalls ahead of her?

Chapters (2)

A strange occurrence left you stuck in Equestria. Awesome, right? But questions arose about the method of transportation. How did it happen? And what does it have to do with the unicorn Twilight Sparkle?
Along the way of finding answers you made new friends, discovered new things about yourself and the world you thought you had already figured out.
This is your tale.

Chapters (9)

You have been working for the Apple Family for months now, but you find yourself unable to tell anypony your true thoughts and feelings. Instead you hide behind a mask so convincing that even the Element of Honesty believes it.

This story takes place in the same universe as my first story, Rising Sun, so if you have some questions look there before asking them. Anyway, enjoy this, and the two sequels, I Would Give to You, and Faux Pas of the Heart. Links to those stories can be found in the final chapter.

As of 9/14/12 10:51 Eastern Time Approval rating is 96.125%

Chapters (21)

Pinkie Pie learns a new word that starts with 'F' and ends with 'K'. No, it's not firetruck.

How will she use this new word? Let's find out.

Chapters (1)

Princess Cadence is a lonely filly who has been shielded and protected all her life as a princess and member of the dwindling race of Sacred Alicorns. She longs for a friend her age to play with, and as a young teen she is sent to stay in Canterlot where her Aunt Celestia would personally mentor her in developing her magic. There she hopes to finally have the freedom she longs for and find somepony to be her friend. Instead, she is asked to foal sit for one of her aunt's royal adviser's fillies who may just be as lonely and reclusive as she.

This is the story of how Princess Cadence learns that the ability to give love cannot be complete without finding love for yourself, and sometimes it is found when you least expect it.

Chapters (13)

Twilight asks Big MacIntosh to read to the Cutie Mark Crusaders while she runs an errand. He's not much of a reader, but he just can't say nope to Twilight.

Chapters (3)