• Member Since 9th Jun, 2012


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This story is a sequel to Dead/Light

Twilight's life definitely took a strange turn when she died. Of course, this won't stop her from living it to the fullest, whatever that entails.
Equestria will never be the same.

After the first, chapters will alternate between serious ( - ) and silly ( ~ ), because I didn't want the story to be limited to just one. Most will be standalone, and in no kind of chronological order; expect little correlation between chapters and occasional verb tense changes from one to the next.

This story should be considered in perpetual hiatus, as it will rarely be the focus of my attention. Do not expect regular updates.

Rated teen just to be sure. Cover art made by this butt.

Chapters (3)

The year is 2014, Equestria teeters on the brink of war. As the Zebra Republic seeks to conquer the lands of the old Zebra Empire, Equestria has created a task force to be the first line of defense, the tip of the spear, and equipped with the latest battlefield technology and trained in advanced covert tactics. They call themselves, the Ghosts.

Crossover between the first Ghost Recon game, and the events take place after the 4th season

Chapters (1)

One day, Applejack was petrified by a cockatrice in the Everfree forest.
It was a long time before she was ever revived.

A story of moving through lives and the bonds forged in-between.

Was begun before the season four finale, so disregard anything in canon relating to Tirek. He does not exist in this story's timeline.

Thanks to Discord Kantus for prereading.

Now with a reading by Terminal Velocity. Click here to view.

Chapters (6)

Everypony enjoys myths and ponytales, even if they know such things aren't real. Alicorns fighting against a spirit of chaos? An ancient princess trapped in a library under a tree, waiting to be found? Quite enchanting and fantastic tales yes, but nonetheless as fictional as Daring Do and other such stories. At least, that's what Rarity used to think.

She doesn't anymore.

Dedicated to Annuska for being as amazing a writer as she is a friend.

Now a physical book!!!
Based on an old oneshot.
Chapter Art by Arctic Waters // Graphic Design and Typography by Swan Song.

Chapters (46)

To better herself, Luna has studied Twilight's actions and friendship reports almost religiously. However, she never expected to find the tables turned and be under the microscope herself, nor did she realize that a pony would go so far for one they called friend.

Pre-reading/editing by auramane, Habanc, Foals Errand, Meridian Prime, and Timaeus

Cover art commissioned by me and done by Silfoe and can be found here. Thanks a bunch!

Chapters (47)

A flip of a coin. A twist of fate.

Twilight Sparkle, younger sister of Princess Celestia's personal student, Shining Armor, grew up listening to her brother's bygone dreams of joining the elite of the elite: The Royal Guard.

Now, fresh out of the Academy, this young mare is ready to prove herself equal to the deeds of the great soldiers she read about as a filly. Too bad the princess she ends up protecting isn't Celestia.

Chapters (7)

Dash’s Checklist
1) Become captain of the Eventide Watch. Check
2) Convince Soarin, Lightning Dust and Sunset Shimmer to join. Check
3) Deal with the emotional problems of a timid coltfriend, a headstrong mare trying to prove herself and an all powerful mage that's terrified Celestia is going to show up and vaporize her?
4) Use said group to protect an alicorn of magic, who’s stronger than the entire Royal Guard combined?
5) Don’t stress out from all the press ready to bash away at every attempt you make to prove that you are capable as Captain?
6) Have three buds to take care of you when everything goes to Tartarus as you’re embroiled in a political plot that will possibly create soldiers that can fight against alicorns? Check.

Chapters (4)

When I lost my sight, I became a recluse. I hid away, staying in my own world instead of out in the one meant for those with sight. But when Princess Celestia had me move to Ponyville, I had to adjust to a new walk of life, again intended for those with sight. I guess I'm doing okay, thanks to a certain pegasus mare whose kindness and gentle voice got through to me where everyone else has failed.
Rating may be subject to change at later points in the story.
((Cover art done by VGmaster78. Go give him some love.))

Chapters (8)

A lost princess, blessed with a magic mane that glows when she sings.

A daring thief who seems to care only for his own gain.

A sorceress who attempts to keep the young princess in a tower to hold onto her gift of eternal youth.

And an adventure which promises to change their lives forever.

Chapters (2)

I'm Scootaloo. I'm a vampony. Born in 1891 then reborn in 1909. I'm 123. This is the story of my life. My marefriend was interested in my life, and asked me to write it out for her.

Chapters (5)