• Member Since 9th Jun, 2012


I enjoy games, music, and writing. Want to know more? Message me. ;3

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Total Words: 21,100,584
Estimated Reading: 8 weeks



  • Featured 23599 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Rarity and Fluttershy have been friends for years, and every week they go to the spa. But after every trip, Rarity finds herself growing greener with envy over Fluttershy's beauty and grace, if not something more than just envy— and what might happen if she finds out Fluttershy feels the same way about her?
Rated Teen for moments of sensuality, foreplay, and sexual themes. Reader discretion is advised.
Assistance by Karrakaz, Blue_Paladin42, TheGreatEater, Setokaiva, Squinty Mudmane, Aurora, Starfall, and Ariamaki.
Cover Image by Megasweet, used with permission.
Image colored by Explosivegent.
Additional graphical design by Novel-Idea.
TV Tropes page can be found here, credited to Winter Lily.

Chapters (75)

Love is a tricky business. Twilight knows this, and the subject has always fascinated her ever since she saw its raw power at her brother's wedding. She is fully prepared to study it in depth... some day. But when Cadance asks her to take part in an experiment that could revolutionize love in Equestria, Twilight realizes that day has come sooner than expected.

If you had a clock that could count down to the moment you meet your soul mate, would you want to know?

Cover art courtesy of Jondor. Go on his page and tell him he's awesome!

Chapters (4)

There are some strange artifacts in the Alicorn Archive. Unfortunately, Twilight learns of a dangerous one, first hoof. Being launch into the future where her future self needs help more than ever, she is met with a terrible explanation. Her family and friends had turned their backs on everything, joined a rebellion, and now seek to take future Twilight out. Twilight now has to bear this burden and choose some hard choices. Aided by some old and new friends, as well as a few legends, she aims to fix everything.

Chapters (2)

((For those who haven't seen Godzilla 2014 yet, MAJOR SPOILER ALERT IN FIRST CHAPTER!! You have been warned.))

Whenever the King of the Monsters is in need of care, he knows the one small soul suitable for the job. However, how will his caretaker keep him a secret just to prevent pandemonium and chaos to all of Ponyville?

A short Godzilla(2014)/MLP crossover fic, just for creativity's sake... (And I freaking loved the movie). XD

Chapters (1)

In the warmth of her cloud home, Rainbow Dash is about to turn in for the night when she hears Scootaloo crying outside in the middle of a vicious blizzard. Plucking the freezing filly from the snow, Rainbow hopes to provide some much-needed comfort for the otherwise tough young pegasus, but she uncovers a disturbing reality that she knows she cannot handle alone.

Knowing only one pony that could really help her out, Rainbow enlists Twilight’s help, determined to set things straight for Scootaloo. But what Rainbow doesn’t know is that in her efforts to provide a better life for the filly, her friendship with Twilight will develop into something more.

Edited by Alcatraz, Rated Ponystar, Rocinante, Ponysopher, Marshal Twilight, Knight of Cerebus, ShimmeringStallion, and Jake The Army Guy

Proofread by Neko Majin C

Chapters (23)

This story is a sequel to The Story of Nyx: A Snowflake in The Wind

Several months after Nyx frees Snowdrop from the pony version of Purgatory, life in the small town of Ponyville seems to be finally calming down. The young couple's relationship is kept under wraps well enough to not attract much attention and it seems like it's only going up from here. But when the secret of how long Snowdrop has actually been dead is revealed, the two's relationship is strained and torn. Combined with the daily visits of Princess Luna, trying to investigate the sudden high levels of divine magic in area, can Nyx and Snowdrop make their relationship work? Or is it doomed to be a permanent divide?

This story officially takes place after Season 4
Editor wishes to remain anonymous.
Nyx is from Past Sins by Pen Stroke
Cover Source : Link

Chapters (1)

Years had past since Twilight Sparkle had gone missing. Many had speculated that she was kidnapped, some thought she could not take her new role as princess and ran away. Others had theorized that she was kidnapped by changelings in revenge to what happened at her brothers royal wedding.

Now, just past of all hope being lost for her return she is found in the middle of the lake. Yet, even though she is found, could she still be lost? Can her friends reach her in time, or is Twilight doomed to a fate worse than death?

Artwork is done by: sharpieboss
and is used with his permission.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Celestia's Tiny Student

(Title changed from "Ponyville's Tiny Librarian" for reason pointed in this blog )

Twilight Sparkle is a one-kilogram pony the size of a large rat, shrunken by Princess Celestia following her entrance exam to the Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns to ensure that her power surges would not pose a danger to the ponies around her.

She’s spent thirteen years full of hard training at her new size, facing the life-threatening experiences that came with living in a world of giants. To survive those thirteen years of hardship and joy, of learning and adventure, and of pride and humility, Twilight has challenged herself to be stronger, to overcome any obstacle.

Now that tiny Twilight is on her way to Ponyville to oversee the preparations for the Summer Sun Celebration, how well will this miniature mare fare outside of the confines of the castle? How will the other Element Bearers react to her? How will Nightmare Moon react to the tiny unicorn? Is Twiny prepared to face Ponyville, and, more importantly, is Ponyville prepared to face her?

Art cover - kc day

Top editors: (editing and rewritting for months, hope quality is to your liking).

Nightmare Moon's sentences editor:

Applejack accent editor:
Crimson Star (Chapter 1 - Applejack)
Rebel Brony
The Notebook is grounded

Pinkie sentence's editor:
Plump it UP

Other editors:
Lab (small editing from prologue to chapter 4)

Rated Ponystar

To celebrate the release of this sequel, I created a group called “Twinyverse” for all fans of this story where you can talk about it and track all side stories with ease.
The Twinyverse Group

Chapters (25)

The Rainbow of Harmony wasn't enough to defeat Azazel, a being from another dimension. Twilight and her friends sacrificed their lives to give the seal the power it needed, but Twilight was left behind. Distraught by the turn of fate, she locked herself in her tower, searching for any possible means of bringing her friends back from the dead. Celestia and Luna went seeking answers as well, in the hope that it could help Twilight.

After three hundred years, Twilight has read nearly every book in the archives to find the answers. A strange theory about souls gives her a chance to bring back her friends, but the spell goes wrong, and she wakes up in another body: a human's body. Scattered across the land, the spell does bring her friends back, but they're also in unfamiliar forms.

Equestria isn't the country that she or her friends remember. After three hundred years without any monarchy, it's nearly unrecognisable, but it's still their home, and they need to defend it. For there are still threats to ponykind from outside, and Azazel is not without aid from inside...
Liberties taken with canon: Equestria Girls never happened. Everything else up to Tirek is ancient history in-universe. I haven't seen Season 4, so any nods to that are (probably) coincidental.

If you click the 'source' button on the bottom right of the image, it'll bring you to the gallery that inspired this whole thing. However, I won't be using all of the ponies shown there, and I may change a few things or transform a few ponies that aren't in there.

In case anyone gets confused, here's all the copyright stuff:
Most of the characters belong to Hasbro, and these depictions belong (mainly) to Yatonokami. Cloud Skipper and Midnight Blossom (actually, most of the Royal Guards) belong to Equestria-Prevails. There may be other characters later who belong to other people, so I'm just going to say here that I own nothing except this story and maybe one or two OCs, such as Azazel.

Spoilers in the comments, just like everything else.
Unfortunately, I've decided this story was basically just not going anywhere, so I cancelled it. I am still planning to do something with the concept once I'm done with LAT, though.

Chapters (10)

[The Gore tag is for the end of Act I and onward. Beware of possible spoilers in the comments.]

Within every one of us, even the best of us, there is an essence of Goodness, and an essence of Evil.

After a freak accident resulting in her mother falling into a coma, Twilight Sparkle put her magic studies aside to pursue medical science in an effort to save her. Eight years have passed, and Doctor Sparkle has successfully concocted the TS8 Formula, a potion that can separate the natures of goodness and evil that lurk within the hearts of us all.

All that remains is a small test to prove that both the Formula and such a separation are conclusive. Everything will be certainly fine . . . right?

(AN: Takes place shortly after "Too Many Pinkie Pies", but before the "Twilicorn era".)

Based on Jekyll and Hyde: The Musical

Act I pre-read/proofread by TechnoFlare, Sixkiller5, and Crystalatrix

Chapters (18)