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So where does Sunset Shimmer live? That's what her friends have been asking and it's about time they got some answers.

Based on my own headcanon on where Sunset lives.

Edited/Proofread by PixelReality. Thank you for all the help!

Chapters (1)

Sunset hesitantly lets a very enthusiastic Princess Twilight take her new cellphone through the mirror, so that Twilight can study it in Equestria.
It does not work. At all.

*Featured 1/5-1/8*
Thanks, everypony!

Chapters (1)

{Parody of what could have happened in my story, Night-Light of Friendship}

The Battle changed the way the people at CHS looked at each other. They were all closer and better friends than before; even Sunset was slowly being accepted once again as another regular student.

Something had been... Off, about Sunset though. She was still friendly, but she refused to attend another sleepover at Pinkie's house. Or anyone's house.

Just what exactly is she hiding?

(Popular story on 10/13/15!! Thank you guys so much!!)

Chapters (3)

Are there times you've ever wondered, "Jee, why did the girls at Canterlot High forgive Sunset Shimmer for her evil succubus meddling so easily?"

The answer's simple: "Because, deep down, she's a pretty pretty pony, you stupid melon fudges!"

Chapters (4)

One day, Rainbow Dash notices something about Sunset Shimmer: she only eats salads, fruit, and non-meat products. So she decides to dare the former pony to try a meat product the next day at lunch. Little do they know what's on the menu that day...

Set in the Equestria Girls universe.

Chapters (1)

Multiple talks the girls have about different things. Subject varies from chapter to chapter. Suggestions welcomed!

Featured 3/11/18! This was a pleasant surprise after all that I've been through. Thank you!

Chapters (5)

Twilight is looking to hire guards for her castle. Derpy is looking for a new job. Lightning Dust is trying to find a way forward after her falling out with the Wonderbolts, and Flare Warden is just trying to get a position far far away from her brother.

Immense thanks to Fylifa for countless hours of editing and proofreading.
Cover art by Anchorxx

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to You Can't Extinguish the Sun!

Knit Wit is back from his beach vacation (with a sunburn), and he's hungry.

For a cheese sandwich.

Specifically, a MOON cheese sandwich.

Time to go to Night Court!

Chapters (1)

Spike realises there's a pretty noticeable gap in Twilight's otherwise encyclopaedic knowledge - and tries to fill her in. Confusion and embarrassment ensues (of course - this is Twilight we're talking about!).

(Teen rating and sex tag for discussion about sex and pony genitalia, no actual sex.)

EDIT: Featured on 19/3/19 to 23/3/19 - a huge thank you to you all! :twilightsmile:

Chapters (4)

Apple Bloom has long been searching for her special talent alongside her closest friends, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. Each day brings a new adventure, and the restless fillies tackle every challenge with varying results, but to no avail. One day, however, Apple Bloom notices a connection between her two best friends which sparks new potential within her for a destiny she never saw coming.

*Story takes place between FiM Seasons Three and Four
**Characters may be added as the story progresses
***Cover photo is most likely subject to change; current drawn by Marenlicious on DeviantART (http://www.deviantart.com/art/Apple-bloom-385119319)

Chapters (1)