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In the midst of Twilight's efforts to save the Crystal Empire from Sombra's return, she comes across an ancient artifact hidden away by the dark king. When she accidentally activates it, she brings two strange beings from an entirely different world to Equestria.

A Steven Universe crossover

Chapters (8)

A teacher at CHS has assigned an extra credit project. It's a bit out there: Come up with an idea for an original invention and write an oral presentation and pitch for it to give in front of a panel of judges and an audience of peers.

There's no possible way that can end badly, right?

(Rated Teen for language and suggestive content.)

Chapters (1)

For Sunset Shimmer, letting a group of impressionable high school students in the know about another dimension where magic reigns and talking ponies are the norm is not the easiest thing to handle. It does not help that the portal to this dimension is right in front of the school.

Sooner or later, though, she has to deal with more than mere questions about Equestria. Twilight becomes curious enough that words won't cut it for her anymore. She wants to see this dimension for herself.

So, Sunset begins by offering to bring her camera through the portal to take pictures and videos of her next trip there in Equestria.

Chapters (34)

This story is a sequel to Undead Robot Bug Crusaders

Apple Bloom is an undead ghoul, but that's OK. She's finally come to terms with her condition, and is determined to rise above her curse.

Sweetie Belle is a robot, but that's OK. With manual in hoof, she's prepared to learn everything she can about herself, and whatever the future holds.

Scootaloo is a changeling, but that's OK. Changelings are citizens now, and she's ready to do her part to show the world changelings can be friendly too.

Together, the three of them are getting by, one day at a time. They may never get their cutie marks, but that's not going to stop them from having fun, finding their talents, and maybe even going a week without causing massive amounts of property damage. Maybe.

Meanwhile, Babs Seed is still blissfully unaware of the unusual destiny that awaits her, Diamond Tiara is slowly finding her place in the world, and Ponyville is still the weirdest town in Equestria. But then again, what else is new?

Edited by Bahamuttone

Cover Art by someone close to me IRL who probably doesn't want anyone to know she made pony art.

Chapters (26)

Applejack asks Sunset if she ever misses an aspect of her home. Specifically, one aspect that can possibly be filled in a big way this side of the portal.

The following contains young adults talking in a frank manner. Reader discretion is advised, not recommended for those with a maturity level above twelve years of age. Parental guidance is not advised, they would not understand.

Thanks to Tired Old Man, Nova Quill/Firimil,
Steel Resolve, and Somber Star for their edits and suggestions.

Chapters (1)

Cover art from here

Bored due to there being nothing for her to do, as no Friendship Problems have arisen that have needed her help, Twilight decides to visit her Canterlot High friends and see what's going on.

However, something goes wrong and the portal closes, leaving Twilight stuck on the other side. That's fine though. She can just hang out with her friends and wait it out.

However, it won't be that simple. Though she turned into a human like normal when she arrived, Twilight is now about 6 to 7-years-old and it seems she has access to her magic as if she were still an Alicorn. The human world isn't prepared for this.

AU universe where Friendship Games happened before the Season 5 finale, so Twilight's human self is already transferred into CHS, but pony Twilight has yet to go with Fluttershy on their Friendship Mission.

Rated Everyone for now, but may change it to teen depending on future chapters

Note: Twilight didn't see Sunset's messages in this AU due to them coming whilst she and the girls being away dealing with Starlight, followed by how much she'd been avoiding her castle in the following episode.

Spike is the reason the messages never got answered though, due to Big Mac accidentally knocking the book of it's place on the machine whilst he and Spike were in the library, Spike not being there in time to see it glowing to indicate messages being received, so he just placed it back on there without a thought.

In Popular Stories 22-23/1/2016. A good start to the Year, I feel

Whoa. Featured 3-4/3/2017. Okay, honestly, I really did not see that coming. What?

Chapters (8)

The USS Burning Age is a small, understaffed Miranda-Class starship that does a variety of every tasks for Starfleet in out-of-the-way, low-risk, low-priority worlds. Picking up a a confused, marooned life form might have been the highlight of its service, but that's barely the beginning of the story.

Twilight didn't mean to travel faster-than-light, but here she is, on a space ship, with no idea how to get home. She has high hopes, though: surely, this 'Federation' will send her straight home as soon as they can. Hopefully she'll survive that long.

Chapters (3)

Ever wondered what might have happened in 'Read it and Weep' if Rainbow Dash had decided to steal the Daring Do book from Twilight, instead of the hospital? This is my attempt at an alternate ending to that episode. It's also my first story, so apologies if it's no good. Criticism is welcomed!

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie travel to Las Pegas for a bachelorette party to celebrate their friend Rarity's impending marriage. However, after awakening from a long night of partying, Twilight, Rainbow, and Pinkie find they have no memory of the night before and must race against time and across Equestria's infamous city of sin to find Rarity so the wedding can occur.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie's been an apprentice baker ever since she moved in with the Cakes, and part of that is because she hasn't completed her master piece: the dish which will prove she's worthy of the unamended title. For her, that's a soufflé. Something she's never been able to successfully bake.

With the Cakes out of town and the bakery closed for a day, Pinkie has a chance to spend her time in trying to take that final step. And perhaps somewhere before the end of her failures, she'll learn something about why doing so was important --

-- or if it was ever really important at all.

(This story takes place one week before the start of Triptych.)

Part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page and FIMFiction group. New members and trope edits welcome.

Has a reading by KwirkyJ. Listen as desired.

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (1)