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Twilight has a special gift/curse. One that she wishes she didn't have. What is this ability? Well, she can hear buildings talk, and boy are they ever chatty. Obviously,, this drives the princess a little nutty.

Now with a reading, huzza!

Chapters (1)

What do you do when somepony breaks into your house only to kiss you and leave?

Chapters (1)

This is how Prince Blueblood lost his self-imposed title with a slip of the tongue.

He really should have thought before he spoke.

Then again, it probably wouldn't have made a difference anyway.

Chapters (1)

Knit Wit is a kind pony who admires the Princesses.

Knit Wit is also an idiot.

He asks Celestia to extinguish the sun.

Madness follows...

Contains: Upset Celestia, brainless ponies, desired use of alcohol, time stopping, and face hoofing.

Featured 3-15-19 to 3-19-19!

UPDATE: I brought back the original beginning. I honestly hated the one I’ve been using for the last 3 months. I like the current one a lot more.

Chapters (2)

Twilight Sparkle is dead.
Twilight Sparkle is only slightly inconvenienced by this.

Chapters (1)

Celestia and Luna announce their retirement and their plans to turn the throne and power over Equestria to the mane 6. Unfortunately, this is the last straw for Twilight, and she goes off on a rant about why this isn't a good idea.

Chapters (1)

After a freak accident, Princess Celestia finds herself in a whole new universe. As she seeks a way home, she is captured by none other than Team Rocket.


Now on TV Tropes.

Chapters (84)

Sunset has a pretty unique job, streaming online! She talked about her job in passing, but when she misses a sleepover to do her job, the girls are just curious enough to check it out. What they find is a whole lot more of their friend than they expected.

Original concept by AmIDeadInside

Part of the B_25 vs Flutterpriest 24 Hour Writeoff

Chapters (1)

The global dust storm of a century, the dying message of an indomitable robot, and a unicorn who just can’t let go of a mystery.

(Now with a dramatic reading by Skijaramaz - Tone Shift.)
(Russian translation available at ponyfiction.org.)

Chapters (26)

It is a common fact of life in Equestria that ponies in general are frightened of things they do not know or understand, a fact Celestia is all too aware of in her daily life. So when a portal to another dimension opens above the palace, bringing to Equestria a strange visitor the likes of which nopony has ever seen before, it will be up to her to ensure that peace is established between it and her subjects.
Also Blueblood is there.

A crossover between MLP and Pokémon
This short tale is a genuine attempt at a comedy piece that I came up with to help me ease back into the flow of horse-words and pony tales after my long absence, one which I hope you will enjoy
Criticism, whether it be constructive or not, is always greatly appreciated

Chapters (1)