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The supernatural: Ghosts, zombies, werewolves, spirits... vampires...

Twilight Sparkle always thought that the supernatural was just a bunch of superstitious nonsense, just some scary stories to tell around a campfire. She couldn't have been more wrong.

After an occult ritual gone horribly right, Twilight finds herself among the ranks of these so called 'myths', whether she likes it or not. Due to the same force that changed her, dark shadows have begun to spread across Equestria, bringing to life these ancient fairy tales. And Twilight might just be the only one that can stop them...

For better or for worse, Twilight has been changed. Will she embrace this dark gift and become the hero Equestria needs, or will she eventually succumb to temptation and become the very thing she fights?

Chapters (12)

Novel Tale is an author that's been living in Canterlot for about ten years now. That's a pretty good track record for a changeling. He's even included a changeling character in his latest book, and his fans have been loving his take on such an obscure mythological creature, especially his biggest fan, Twilight Sparkle. Things are looking up!

Then an army of changelings from another hive attacks Canterlot.

Now all of ponykind knows that changelings are real, and his readers are sure to realize that the changeling in his book was too similar to the real thing to have just been based on a myth...

earlier chapters have been revised as of 7/19/13 to be more inline quality wise with the later chapters.

Featured on EQD 10/5/13!

Let it be known that there will be extensive changeling world building in the chapters to come.

cover image courtesy of ackdari.

Much thanks to Nyerguds for proofreading and to all my fellow tropers on the TvTropes pony fanfiction thread for helping me develop this from a vague idea into an actual story.

Chapters (16)

When Applejack and Ditzy Doo are caught together in the kitchen, what will Granny Smith say? Probably not what you think.

A meta-fictional response to a persistent trend I keep seeing in certain fics.

Chapters (1)

Spike has had it. It's not his fault the library is a shambles. In fact, he tried his very best to save it.

And now he's supposed to take the blame? Not this time! Until Twilight starts to fully appreciate his worth, Spike goes on strike!

He will not falter! He will not give in! He will stand his ground!
...if at the end of it all there is still some ground left to stand on.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to An Affliction of the Heart: Volume Two

Swarm is the first ever changeling/pony hybrid, child of Warden the pegasus, and Kuno the changeling.

What does life have in store for this unlikely trio?

Twists, for a start!

Chapters (14)

This story, and the Kirin Chronicles as a whole, are being rewritten and published as a new story due to the size of the adjustments.

Part II of the Kirin Chronicles
After Equestria recognized Twilight Sparkle's half-dragon form as a true Princess, word comes from the southern kingdoms that a great evil has returned. Will the Elements of Harmony still be able to stop it, or will their half-dragon abilities keep them from succeeding?


Part I of the Kirin Chronicles
Part III of the Kirin Chronicles
Featured from April 13th, 2013 to April 15th, 2013.

** This story was written when I was 15, and the quality and content reflect that. Please be aware that my position on topics contained within may have changed in the time between publishing and now, and I apologize for any offensive material that I may have condoned in my younger years. **

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Dark Wanderings

It's been nine months since Twilight Sparkle got back from her solo sojourn to the Capital Wasteland where she met Ethan Smith, AKA that Crazy Son of a Bitch, AKA the Lone Wanderer and was changed forever. Now with Equestria teetering on the edge of a three way war Ethan is called upon to save Equestria, or at the very least to keep Twilight alive. But dark things are awakening in the background and all is not as it seems, can Ethan save Equestria? Can Twilight keep her friends on her side? Will these questions never stop? The answer to at least one of these is yes but can you find out which?

Edited by TacoTown
Coverart by the awesome Derrem

Now has a Tumblr

Chapters (40)

Twilight Sparkle has disappeared. Not just from the face of Equestria but possibly from the face of her universe itself. She must now learn how to survive in a place unlike anything which she has experienced thus far. Luckily she has a friend out in the Wasteland. Join Twilight and The Lone Wanderer as they try and discover a way to send Twilight back to Equestria. Of course this is the Wasteland and things are never as simple as they appear...

Now has a Tumblr

Chapters (35)

Boring life. Boring job. Boring friends. Would I trade it all away for a new life in a new world?

Hell no.

Do I get a choice in the matter?

Fat chance.
Not HiE per se; more like (Insert creature here)iE. No Mary-Sue, no self-insert; just a regular, cynical guy whose life became a bit more...Chaotic.
Not a 'Human in Equestria turned pony' story.

Chapters (19)

This story is a sequel to An Affliction of the Heart

Kuno and Warden are happily together now, but events are transpiring to force them from their happy life.

The reappearance of the Crystal Empire causes Kuno and Warden to give up their new-found home. And Kuno, ignoring the fact that they're two different species and completely incompatible, decides that she wants a baby.

Chapters (14)