Favourites 1416 stories
  • Favourites 1416 stories - 2323 unread chapters
    Created by frond0
    - October, 2014
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Estimated Reading: 23 weeks



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"My name is Crystal Faire, but your reality knows me as Flurry Heart. You may call me that if you wish.

"In some places, I am a monarch all of my own in my prime, I am aged and retired in other places, and I am deceased in others still. I go by many names in each of those realities. I have been to them.

"My mission is to travel the multiverse and save it one timeline at a time. But the multiverse is breaking down and timelines are collapsing and I do not know why. I have always been a master of time and I have always been on my own, but the past has a habit of catching up and I fear that my lonesome may no longer be enough..."

Digital pdf version here
Print book version here

Crystal Faire vector art by Little Tigress / moonlightfan (dA)
Edited by PoisonClaw
Preread by Onyx Archer

Featured on 4/26/17!
Featured on Equestria Daily! 7/26/17
Goodreads entry~

Ask Me Anything 7/5/17
Ask Me Anything 2/4/18

Official FimFiction group

Chapters (33)

Emperor Mateus, emperor of the Palamecian Empire wakes up in a strange new world. Having been defeated not once, but twice by the hands of Firion and his rebel gangs. But instead of returning back to hell after his second death just like he expected, instead he suddenly finds himself drifting off through the void and dragged to a new and unfamiliar world with an even more unfamiliar body as well.

His mind somewhat warped and altered from his previous experiences, he now has now the chance to start over from scratch in a world that seems to be oozing with magic. But don’t be fooled by his now somewhat altered ego, he still is the Emperor, highly intelligent, cunning and extremely powerful (even though at the beginning his magic is weakened)

Now that he is here and given another chance in a new world filled with new possibilities and conquests he will make sure to not repeat his previous mistakes ever again while getting his…han-hooves…on a new empire. He is going to show this new world what true dominance is.

The Emperor is back and hungry for more power.


(Authors note: The current cover art is only temporary, I will create a more dedicated cover art if this fic is being received well.)

Chapters (23)

Artemio Baldarich has always led a successful and entrepreneurial lifestyle. At the young age of 23 he seems to have the rest of his life planned out with his role as a computer scientist for a defense contractor in southern California.

Arty’s plans however encounter a major roadblock when a test on a missile defense system leads to him being mysteriously transported to a foreign world beyond anything he ever thought was possible.

Not only is he very disoriented, but he must also deal with the fact that all the creatures around him seem to think that he is a young child based on the body that he now inhabits. Hopefully he will be able to find a way to use his knowledge of his world to build a new life for himself and find a way home.

Edit 6/8/2017: Story was featured apparently. Never thought this would happen, especially so soon, but it’s pretty cool that it did. I’m a novice to writing and I truly hope that I can improve my writing style as I contribute more to this story. Thank you to everyone who has left feedback for me, it is much appreciated.

Edit 6/14/2017: We have an editor now! Feel free to check them out: Doctor Disco.

Edit 7/07/2017: Taming Equestria now has official cover art done by the talented Mix-up! Check out his work on Deviant Art here.

Chapters (6)

Commander Shepard remembers firing the crucible. She remembers she had to make an important choice. She remembers good friends, a lover, and plenty of loyal crewmen.

She just can't remember what her choice was. What the threat she was striving so hard to end was. Or what the faces of the most important people in her life look like.

She also has no idea how she wound up in the monster filled forest she's come to call home for the past eight months. Or how she picked up a snarky A.I. making its home in her omni-tool.

Chapters (21)

After a magical mishap renders Rarity temporarily blind, Twilight Sparkle agrees to help her around the Boutique, utilizing a fancy spell that allows Rarity to see a simple outline of the world around them. It's just a gesture of good friendship; absolutely nothing more.

Nothing more whatsoever.

Who: Monochromatic
When: Interwoven Colours Conest
Where: RariTwiGroup
Why: Panties

Chapters (3)

In the alternate timeline where Sombra was not stopped, a human finds himself suddenly in Sombra's body... just after the dread tyrant has conquered Equestria. Now trapped in a world where just about everyone hates him, he must try to keep up the illusion that he is the villainous conqueror, while at the same time try to win over his new subjects.

However, this will not be so simple, as the real Sombra is not quite dead... and he is most definitely not happy.

Part of The Ocean Of Time series.

Chapters (8)

Twilight Sparkle is brilliant. This is not ego, this is fact. One proven by her latest creation for LunaTech, a personal robotic companion capable of meeting all of its owners needs. But when the robot starts to show signs of developing beyond its programming, Twilight must decide whether she can continue the experiments she's running. If not, can she really justify shutting it down?

Written for Monochromatic's Interwoven Colours contest.

Chapters (1)

Princess Luna created me in order to make sure she never would forget the pain she caused Equestria.

But this? This is not the way to accomplish my directive.

If only I could let her know...

Featured in the Royal Canterlot Library
Russian Translation by Doof!

Chapters (3)

Max works in a bar, hidden away from the views of the highly sophisticated and posh citizens of Canterlot City. Being human doesn't help improve his bar's reputation. But one day he'll learn that, if you stay in a certain place long enough, there will be ponies curious enough to trot through the door.

The bar's motto is "To mix drinks and change lives!"

Heavily inspired by the game VA-11 HALL-A
Rated Teen because reasons
Character Tags or "Regulars" will be added as story progresses
Featured on 16/05/2017 (Wow!)

Chapters (2)

Twilight is assassinated. Repeatedly. If only anypony knew what the word "immortal" meant...

Now with a reading by Skijarama!
Now available in Spanish!

Originally written for the Writeoff Association's February contest, "The Twilight Zone."
Thanks to Not_A_Hat, Masked Ferret, Floydien, Chryssi, and ChappedPenguinLips for prereading.

Chapters (1)