Favourites 1416 stories
  • Favourites 1416 stories - 2323 unread chapters
    Created by frond0
    - October, 2014
Found 1,212 stories in 83ms

Total Words: 58,752,742
Estimated Reading: 23 weeks



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Two thousand years after the return of Princess Luna, Equestria's technology and magic has advanced far enough that the once far off dream of faster than light travel is now a reality.

And that reality is the ES Harmony, the pride of its designer, Princess Twilight Sparkle, and Equestria's first FTL capable starship. It is due to make its maiden voyage to travel further than anypony before it.

And yet when they receive a distress call from origins unknown, this ship's maiden voyage will become one the crew will never forget.

(Featured on 31/7/2016)
(Not a strict crossover with Star Trek, but here Equestria Girls takes place in the Star Trek Universe)

Chapters (30)

Scorpan, brother of Tirek, is a wanderer of the wastelands that surround the land of Equestria. And when he feels his brother's escape, he wanders no more and heads for an island that is occupied by nothing but an unstoppable force of rage and hatred. A force that makes all the monsters of the wasteland quiver in fear, for this force is the King of them all. But he slumbers a deep slumber, as the monsters encased him into the heart of an island... But Scorpan knows how to wake his King, and is willing to sacrifice himself to his King so that Tirek can be stopped.

Tirek has consumed every ounce of magic in Equestria. He has consumed the magic of the ponies, he has consumed the magic of the Alicorns, and he has consumed the power of friendship. If there was only something that could stop him from making Equestria and The Everfree look like the rest of the world...

Folks, I made this because why not. Godzilla keeps everyone in line, and Lord Tirek is no exception to his rule over the monsters. The Final Wars Godzilla is being used in this fiction.


I have fixed all the errors that I could, and changed a few sentences so that it can flow better. I hope that this improves the reading experience!

Chapters (2)

Who would have thought it would be so hard finding shelter from a storm in a land known for being friendly and accepting?

Inspired by this comic I saw. To whoever made this comic, good job.

Chapters (1)

For five years Chrysalis has spied on the pony solely responsible for her downfall during the Canterlot Invasion. How Twilight has able to see past her? What was her history? And why did Chrysalis find herself so attracted to her? After discovering her feelings for the purple alicorn, Chrysalis attemps to flee Ponyville, only to be captured. Left with no other choice, she is forced to agree to be a part of Equestrian Government.

Chapters (9)

In the aftermath of 'All Bottled Up', Starlight and Trixie think they've got off scot-free. Aha, but they reckoned without the keen observational skills of one Twilight Sparkle, and what followed is now documented here for posterity...

And your enjoyment.

Featured on 16/4/17 to 18/4/17

Chapters (1)

Ever since coming home to Equestria, Sunset's found herself unable to sleep. During yet another restless night, she stands on her balcony, searching the stars for something not even she can find. Yet tonight, the stars are looking back in the form of a concerned Princess Luna.

Maybe together, they can find the source of Sunset's troubles.

Synopsis written by the talented Novel Idea!

Cover art done commissioned from the amazing puff-pink on tumblr! Take a look at her awesome art!

Fic partially inspired by this comic by Little-Tweenframes

Story was featured on the front page of FiMFic on 160417, rising to 6th place.

Chapters (1)

My name is Twilight Sprinkle, and my passion is donuts—from the delicate morsels I serve at elegant cocktail parties to the hearty pastries enjoyed by hard-working ponies who get up early. I don’t have friends, I don’t have books, and I sure as the sun don’t have any wings. I don’t care whether you’re here for revenge, for romance, or for a favor. My name is Twilight Sprinkle and I’m not who you think I am, so either buy a donut or get the hay out of my store!

(Edited by the mysterious the masked ferret.)

Chapters (9)

After the birth of Princess Cadance's fourth child, an adorable little pegasus filly, Princess Flurry Heart wants to know why none of her brothers and sisters are alicorns.

Her parents claim not to know why she's different.

They're lying.

There is now a Spanish translation of this story, courtesy of Spaniard Kiwi

Chapters (1)

Flurry Heart has made the ultimate sacrifice, but is it truly over? After using her own life essence to restore Equestria to an inhabitable state in her own world, she is reborn into a new one. But this one seems much purer, while the enemies that cost her everything to defeat are all either banished or destroyed. Even her mother and father are still alive, and more surprisingly, even her Aunt Twilight? What is this twist of fate and what does it mean for Flurry Heart?

Chapters (1)

There are 100 billion stars in the Milky Way, and humanity is determined to explore every one. We send probes, probes with the blueprints to reproduce human explorers upon arrival. Uninhabited worlds the galaxy over can be colonized and populated, until after many years they too can join the vast throng of interstellar civilization. But if a probe is very, very lucky, it will land on a populated world instead. Equestria is one such world.

Even so, it's far from perfect for colonization, not with an environment lethal to human life. But each probe is resourceful and armed with the greatest machine intelligence mankind has devised. If placing a human mind into a newly manufactured human body won't work, it will just have to get a little more creative.

This book has a Hardcover! If you want to pick it up, you can grab it here: https://starscribe.net/

This story was written at the behest of Canary In The Coal Mine, who is sponsoring it on my Patreon. As usual, cover by Zutcha. Editing by Two Bit and Sparktail.

Fantastic prereading help from: Chyre, Danger Noodle, Doctor Disco, and Doggyshakespeare (who also did the Esperanto translation). Thank you all for helping to make this story more readable and more consistent for everyone.

Chapters (89)