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    Created by frond0
    - October, 2014
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This story is a sequel to The Weed

Sometimes, things you never intended to have happen, happen anyway. And sometimes, there are consequences. Sometimes, these consequences are tragic, and at other times, a new beginning, chance for something wonderful to happen.

Every now and then, they are weapons grade adorable.

This is deeply rooted (Get it, rooted?) in the Weedverse. Without reading The Weed, and having some small knowledge of the 'verse in general, it might be difficult to understand what is going on.

Chapters (3)

In the best case scenario, diplomacy is a long, complicated, and often frustrating undertaking. This is not the best case scenario.

Picture is from silfoe

Chapters (1)

A new villain appears in Equestria who wields magic powers of ice and snow, using said powers, he foalnaps princess Twilight, while in this new villains custody she finds that he doesn't seem all that villainous to twilight, just... Sad and lonely.

Please PM any errors about my writing so error correction comments don't fill the comment section but if you have feedback please feel free to comment down below.

Chapters (4)

I should have known something was up when I found an old Halloween costume in my closet from when I was six. I really should have known something was wrong when the costume actually fit.


Good thing Mewtwo is still one of my favorite Pokemon, because I am one, and this is most definitely not my world.

A Tale of the Displaced

April 8: Sorry all. Accidentally hit the Publish button on latest chapter before I was ready. Carry on.

April 9: Okay, the chapter Friendship Report is up for real now.

There are and will be crossover chapters with other Displaced authors and characters. Those chapters are meant to be fun, but I understand that some people do not like such crossovers. That is fine. The main story stands on its own: you can skip the crossover chapters without having to worry about missing anything important. Though I hope you will at least give those chapters a chance.

But please, do not comment solely to say how you dislike Displaced crossover chapters. It is not conducive, and it just spams the comments section with negativity. By all means, criticize my work, tell me what isn't working or what you think I could be done better, but please don't insult me by deriding my choices for my story. Any such comments made from here on out may be judged as spam and deleted.

Chapters (14)

Captain Magic Barrier is far from home. Almost everything he once held dear is gone—except for a pair of alicorns, the country for which he fought, and his skills as a competent military officer. And it’s all thanks to a certain legend regarding the longest day on the thousandth year.

Professor Tail has got something to prove. A sharp mind and a quick wit in the world of academia, this pegasus is harboring a state secret that could change Equestria’s defenses forever. She just needs to survive basic training first.

Now, a common ally has played her royal hoof to bring these two together. Perhaps she knows that once training is all said and done, the physicist caught in the unfamiliar world of guard service and the captain dragged through the ages will find themselves a bit less displaced.

So, this was a super fun one to write. Well, sorta-write. In truth, I wrote very little. This story is a collaborative effort between myself and this sexy topless Wingly fellow here, and it is based quite heavily off of our characters and their intertwined stories. The amount of work he put into this is staggering, and words can not express how bloody impressive it is/was. I mean, I was there supervising, but he bloody brought it.

Cover art by the amazing dream--chan!
We have a bunch of folks who helped Wing edit that deserve thanks. These are our editors, proofreaders, and coffee slaves!
Editing Slave Word Worthy, Coffee Slave Iryerris, rebellious slave that has to be beaten into submission regularly Doccular, to Shady's Slave Floofy, because typos can suck a knob, and to the Overcute Pet, Sixkiller5, because print runs need typo slaying.

Special thanks to Discount Slave Alticron, for letting us use a certain earth pony we want to crucify.

Wing's magical comments about various story timelines can be found here, but the gist is that NLD and its coming sequels exist in a separate continuity from APD.

Lastly, if you find any typos, please PM them to Wing You should also totally follow him too.

Chapters (30)

Fluttershy might be stronger than she looks.

At least, that's what Rainbow says. Applejack's skeptical, to say the least. Especially after she just lost an arm wrestling match. Besides, that sweet, gentle pony couldn't win a tug-of-war against butterflies, much less be stronger than her, right?


Edited by Doccular42

Chapters (1)

Winner of the 2017 Scribblefest "Rainbow Dash" Award!

  The Cycle of Flame defines every phoenix’s life, even those who refuse to fly the path ordinated by the Cloudsong. One such mischievous phoenix has found a home on the edge of the dangerous Dragon Lands. But after an old friend beckons her home, this phoenix meets a creature of myth and legend who gives her a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
  The phoenixes know her as Glorious Dawn.
  But the ponies of Equestria know her by a different name...

Entry for EFNW Scribblefest 2017 - Prompt: Growing up wild and forever free

Featured on FimFiction on March 13-16, 2017 with a Hot Tag! :pinkiegasp: :pinkiehappy:

Historian's Note: Believe it or not, this is not set in the Wavelengths Timeline!

Cast: Philomena and Princess Celestia with the Dragon Nation and the Griffon Kingdom

Cover & Section Break Design by Novel Idea
Flame Icon by MisterAibo
Philomena by moongazeponies

Beta Reader & Editor Credits
Ebon Quill - Audio Director & Quest Designer on The Manehattan Project
Tchernobog - AppleDash Fanatic, Special Guest Beta Reader
Little Tinker - Master of Systems at Poniverse & Scripting Engineer on The Manehattan Project
Beltorn - Commenter-at-Large on FimFiction
Painted Heart - Wife of the Author :rainbowkiss:

Word Count: 6,600
Version: 2.6

Chapters (1)

After breaking her wing and being grounded for a couple days, Rainbow Dash gradually finds she's a lot smaller than she realized.

My tags: Heartwarming

Inspired by this wonderful artwork:
Colored Source
Non-Colored Source

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle's long journey had been aimless. Formless. A search for something she could not, or would not name. Her living, singing ship had plied the void for so long with no destination in sight.

But everything is different now. This is a mission of mercy.

Thank you to TheMaskedFerret for her help, and for being a friend when I needed one. And for ScarletWeather, who also read this and is also very good.
Cover Art from the animated "Echoes of the Past". Watch.

Chapters (1)

After a long hard day of friendship lessons Twilight settles down with Spike to look through her old photo album. Starlight's reaction to one of the photos brings a shocking secret to light. Starlight is a mother, and she does not know to whom.

Twilight and her friends now want to help Starlight find her long lost foal, while trying to puzzle out just how a mother could not know her own foal. Starlight meanwhile is trying to decide whether to bury the past, or drag it all up once again. Both will be painful, but the question remains. Which one would hurt the least, for all involved?

Several truths are revealed, and motivations are uncovered. When everything is laid bare how will everyone react? Will Starlight's life be turned upside down, even in this time of change for the former villain?

Chapters (14)