Favourites 1416 stories
  • Favourites 1416 stories - 2323 unread chapters
    Created by frond0
    - October, 2014
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Total Words: 58,752,742
Estimated Reading: 23 weeks



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I, Queen Chrysalis of the Changelings, was a paragon of my kind. I was the greatest military ruler my people have ever known. I was mere months from conquering the most prosperous nation in the world.

Then a strange dragon rose from the stone, and everything changed.

I do not think of conquest any more. Now, I think of persimmons.

[AU fic where Discord decided to wreak bloody vengeance when he was first released. Heavily based on (BUT NOT CANON TO) the wonderful alarajroger's Elements of Opposition continuity. Go check that out, because it's fantastic and better than this story.]

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to I am NOT a Pony

It has been one year since Luna lost her son, and depression has gripped her heart. She's lost the will and the strength to perform her duties. She see's her son when she closes her eyes. His death haunts her, literally and figuratively. She's not sure if she's losing her mind, or if his spirit is really haunting her. But something dark is definitely happening...something Luna has yet to understand.

Chapters (12)

The steady march of decades had changed Equestria, and they had changed Twilight Sparkle. There were new marvels in the world and, yes, the absence of others long treasured.

Now, something was coming up in her busy schedule, something Twilight Sparkle had dreamed of since her youngest years. Behind her wry smile was a budding excitement and the heady wonderment of childhood, the likes of which her retainers might never have imagined her capable.

Twilight Sparkle smiled, she didn't need to show any different, because she knew: for all of it, she was not so changed after all.

Chapters (1)

When the Crystal Empire returned, it brought King Sombra back with it. Immediately, he had started the war against Equestria... the war that proved to be a terrible disaster, brought tragedies and sleepless nights to the pony nation. Princess Celestia was leading the finest warriors herself, but even with her on the front line, it took every other pony in Equestria working day and night to barely keep up the fight against Sombra's army of the mindless slaves... the army that was growing stronger with every new pony captured and enslaved.

At that point, no effort could help Equestria win that war. To do that, it would take some sort of a... primordial force.

Marked as "Crossover" for main character's strong resemblance to Malthael from Diablo III. Written to celebrate Malthael’s arrival to the Heroes of the Storm game.

Upcoming chapters schedule:
Prologue - 07.06.2017
Chapter 1 - 08.06.2017
Chapter 2 - 09.06.2017
Epilogue - 10.06.2017

Chapters (5)

Everything dies. Sometimes, a life is left unfulfilled and with many regrets. The problem is, there are no do-overs. No second chances.

Not usually, anyway.

Sometimes, cosmic beings of unknown power just like to provide people with those second chances one such person thought impossible. Why? Who knows? All she does know is that she's now a small blue pony with wings.

A very young blue filly at that, and one who has to deal with the scars of her secret old life while living under the shadow of an older sister who doesn't know what to make of her.

Life is never simple, is it?

Inspired by: Gilded Sister by Kind of Brony.
Cover art made by Skijarama!
Reading can be found here.
Featured on 13/07/2017.

Chapters (46)

Principal Celestia always has wings in her dreams.

They got her into trouble, once. She let herself believe that they meant she was an angel. Then she grew up, and learned some hard lessons about what being an angel really required.

Now six magical girls have just fought a demon in front of her school. And her phantom wings are itching.

Her life is turning upside down ... and she hasn't even heard about Equestria yet.

Rated Highly Recommended (Top 15 Stories Sitewide) by Present Perfect! "It's f**king flawless, you guys. … The first [6]00-word chapter by itself is a masterpiece."

"Literally the single best EqG story on the site." —Professor Plum
"[One] of the best stories on the site, period." —Pearple Prose
"One of my all-time favorite pieces of fanfiction." –brokenimage321
"My favorite EQG fic of absolute all." -Skywriter

Rated Why Haven't You Read This Yet? by PaulAsaran! "I might have been skeptical going in, but horizon knocked it out of the park."

Rated 5/5 by csquared08! "The opening chapter here was truly something else. ... Then I hit the end of chapter 3. holy crap."

Rated ★★★★ by Louder Yay! "A lesser writer might have made a horrible, cliché-ridden mess of this story, but fortunately horizon is not a lesser writer. For a start, it's by some distance the best portrayal of the human world's Celestia I've read."

Third place in the "Under the Sun" June 2017 Writeoff!  (That first draft has been revised and expanded for FIMFiction.) Praise for the Writeoff version:

"Holy cow ... That's how you write an EqG fanfic! You captured the heart and SOUL of this/your version of Principal Celestia, wrapped it up in bi-universal consistency, and sold me on an idea of redemption I didn't even know I needed." —Xepher

"This is gorgeous. A thorough, exhaustive, incredibly moving portrait of a character who I don't think I've ever seen get quite this much development or attention." —Posh

"This is actually, after all these years, an original take on a story on Luna's banishment. If that's not something to be celebrated I don't know what is." —Quill Scratch, Radio Writeoff

MORE REVIEWER PRAISE: Rated "Definitely Read" by Super Trampoline! Reviewed by City of Doors! Reviewed by Titanium Dragon! Featured on Equestria Daily!

Rated T for brief cursing and alcohol use. Cover art by Seniloko, used under Creative Commons license.


中文 - 行政天使

Chapters (4)

So, I was living a fairly normal life, going to school, reading fanfics, marvelling at the magnificence of the internet and humanity at large, you know, a totally normal person. Then, suddenly, I wasn't. No biggie, because every brony's dream came true for me: I was reborn as a pony, an Alicorn even! That sounds great, right? Ah, aha, um, nope! Not when I'm the "son" of God-Empress Celestia of the Holy Empire of Equestria, who would make even the Imperium of 40k balk at her xenophobia and egomania. Well, I've got magic, that has to count for something, right?

If you would, please contribute to my Patreon, where you can support me and commission stories: Link

2017-07-09: Holy salmon, I've been featured. My first ever story got featured. In 3 days. I have no idea what I did to have the honour, but thank you all!

Edit: Here's a picture of the main character, Solus:

Chapters (28)

As the Princess of Canterlot, the Mistress of the Sun, and the most beloved ruler of Equestria, it could be assumed that Princess Celestia was the pony who ran Equestria. Few people know that she actually doesn't.

Her assistant, Raven Inkwell, does. And Equestria would be nothing without her.

Chapters (17)

By some cosmic happenstance, a young woman is transported to Equestria, and finds herself in a precarious situation. She's taking it in stride so far. Maybe because finding herself in an alien world and in an alien body is not the worst thing that's ever happened to her.

Some wounds, especially those of the soul, can take a long time to mend. What healing arts can the ponies of Equestria offer a scarred young woman? What can she offer them in return?

Timeline-wise takes place starts off in the later parts of season 4 but before the season finale. It also mentions events from the EG-movies and the comics, but neither of which are required watching/reading in order to understand this story.

- Human-turned-into-pony-
- Who's kind of okay with being a pony-
- And becomes friends with the Mane 6.
- Being a pony is pretty awesome.
- Has both slice of life and adventure.
- Equestria Girls happened.
- Like the source material, it has adventures.
- And Celestia is not a jerk.

Cover art by the extraordinarily skilled viwsrasputr.
The piece in particular has been uploaded here: https://derpibooru.org/1478347
Really cool art by Cyanjames2819. Also found here.
Leave a comment if you so desire. Simple praise also appreciated.

Chapters (23)

Pinkie finds a young colt collapsed in the snow in one of the worst winter storms of the year. The colt's parents are no where to be seen and he does not understand Equestrian.

Desperate to help the lost colt Pinkie volunteers to take him in. But is Pinkie really ready to provide the proper environment that would help encourage the colt to overcome his challenges?

Cover Art done by the amazing Mixup.

Check him out:
Mixup (fimfiction)
Deviant art

Chapters (5)