Favourites 1416 stories
  • Favourites 1416 stories - 2323 unread chapters
    Created by frond0
    - October, 2014
Found 1,212 stories in 76ms

Total Words: 58,752,742
Estimated Reading: 23 weeks



  • Featured 23574 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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This story is a sequel to Sunshipped

"Um, Sunburst? Look. I was visiting your sister and... uh... things have gotten kiiiiiinda weird. Like, seriously, get ready to be an ape weird."

Chapters (10)

Luna has done something terrible. Can she ever be forgiven?

Cover artist is Clasherz, image used with his permission.

Chapters (1)

Twilight's power, along with that of Celestia, Luna, and Cadance, has been claimed by Tirek. Drunk on power, the demon-centaur is unleashing destruction upon Equestria, his reign of terror just beginning.

But there is hope. A crystalline chest, a gift from the Tree of Harmony, able to be opened by six keys. Keys which Twilight has now claimed the last of. All they can do is hope, hope that whatever is contained inside the chest is enough to stop Tirek.

And then something goes wrong ...

Note: This story is in no way connected with my other fanfics. It's very much a one-off in good fun.

Chapters (1)

Why does Princess Celestia leave Twilight to face all the villains?
Sunset Shimmer has returned to Equestria, to confront her former teacher.
The solar princess decides it's time to answer Sunset's questions.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle finally achieved her destiny. She was now a Princess of Equestria, and needless to say her friends were surprised. When a second, unicorn Twilight Sparkle appeared alongside the new alicorn, even Princess Celestia was shocked. Now the Elements of Harmony must help the pony make friends and learn magic, as well as get used to her surprising un-Twilightness.

Meanwhile, a 17 year old high schooler with nothing to do during summer hits his head and wakes up in Equestria. He must now learn how to live his new life as Twilight Sparkle's "twin sister" and survive in a town where a catastrophe happens every Tuesday or so.

July 18, 2016: I got Featured! This is awesome!
August 1, 2017: Another Feature!

Chapters (9)

An old stallion is tasked by a mysterious god with keeping the fire burning in an old lighthouse. He guides the way for the ponies of Equestria's past, present, and future, both teaching and learning the simplest truths of life in the process.

The comments are gone because of my fiddling with the powers that be (that is, removing chapters and reposting them after editing) a few years ago, when I had no idea of how Fimfic works. I don't remove comments willingly.

Edited and preread by the omniscient, omnibenevolent and omnipotent sourichan,
jeray2000 and JeffCvt.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The One Who Got Away

A frustrated young orphan colt with a talent for painting is determined to run away from his dead-end rural village for the distant cultural haven of Baltimare. All he needs to do is slip aboard a raft and drift down the river Fen until he reaches his destination. It’s a simple plan, and would have worked just fine except for one thing.


Editors: Tek, Docontra, Themaskedferret,

Image credit: Pen Mightier(pencil) and Manifest Harmony (colors)

Now Featured on Equestria Daily
And a wonderful review by Paul Asaran
Available in paperback at Lulu.com at cost

Chapters (20)

Twilight Sparkle has ascended to alicornhood. It's the proudest moment of her life. The happiest moment in Celestia's recent memory. But not all is as it's supposed to be. A second star appears just after her ascension. When it lands an exact copy of Twilight as a unicorn is revealed.

A human goes skydiving for the first time. Unfortunately, his parachute has some difficulties. After a hard landing and a second, slower fall he finally makes it to the ground safely. Now in the form of a purple unicorn he has one question. Does catastrophic brain trauma carry into the next life?

Sex tag for vulgarity
Featured Feb 6, 2017

Chapters (8)

During Lesson Zero, Spike warned Celestia of Twilight's impending breakdown. What if Spike did this during the course of many episodes, with Celestia valuing his input?

Sometimes, however, it backfires on the both of them, as in the case of A Canterlot Wedding. Afterwards, Celestia has a heartfelt chat with Spike.

First two chapters are letters being traded back and forth with one actual scene. Family Celestia and Spike, Momlestia. Cover art by JAEneth, used with permission.

Day 2 of my Self-Imposed 28 Fics in 28 Days Challenge

Chapters (3)

Princess Celestia sends an oddly simple message to Twilight and Spike. The contents: "What are you wearing?" Complications and chaos ensue.
Inspired by this artwork.

Audio Reading by Lead Bread

Chapters (1)