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She never expected to see a golden chariot flying over Ponyville. She never expected just how much her life would change. She never expected Twilight Sparkle … and Twilight Sparkle most certainly never expected Pinkie Pie.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Petriculture

It's been several months since Pinkie Pie made a stunning admission about her past that permanently changed her relationship with her friends, particularly Twilight Sparkle, but life seems to have settled back to normal (well, normal by Pinkie Pie's standards, at least). However, when an old nemesis returns and ensnares Twilight in her influence, it's up to Pinkie to make things right.

This is the second story in The Petriculture Cycle. There is a TV Tropes Page for the entire Cycle here.

Cover image by Page Turner; "Princess Twilight" vector by Nianara.

Chapters (7)

Due to a clerical error, everyone's favorite Cutie Mark Crusadering Pegasus Filly accidentally dies and goes to Heck. It kind of sucks for her, but there is some hope for her to return to the world of the living, and she doesn't have to turn into a zombie to do it, either! With the help of a mysterious and badly-designed Alicorn OC, can she make her way to meet the King of Heck and plead her case to return to life?

This is just a dumb idea I got from a combination of Mario Romhacks and too much chocolate milk. Labeled as "Dark" due to a death, but it's more of a silly comedy.

Vector in the Cover Image by starwarsmike1 ( http://starwarsmike1.deviantart.com/#/d4g7mlx )

Chapters (4)

The friends we take for granted are often the ones that leave the largest impact on our lives. When Spike falls seriously ill with a mysterious disease and the ponies strive to nurse him back to health, Twilight Sparkle comes to grips with this very realization about her number one assistant--and friend.

EDIT: So this little story made it on Equestria Daily on 10/8/12. Now please excuse me while I pass out on Rarity's fainting couch while murmuring a soft Fluttershy "...yay."

Chapters (1)

Desperate to be free from Diamond Tiara's bullying, Apple Bloom wishes on a star and escapes to a new Ponyville, filled with strangely familiar colts and stallions. As a filly in a school full of colts, she comes to see a new side to both her friends and her enemies.

Inspired by Conner Cogwork's "On a Cross and Arrow", but not intended to be part of the same world or follow the same story.

Chapters (7)

After a quite terrifying encounter in the Ursa Majors cave with Twilight Sparkle and her friends, Rarity awakens the day after feeling not too well, and steadily getting worse as the day drags on not realizing her body slowly succumbing to the effects of Vampirism.

Chapters (3)

EDIT: First and probably only ever, added Author's Notes to address the frequent "Were means man" issue. Please read them before commenting.

"Fluttershy gets bitten by a werewolf from the Everfree Forest, but when a side effect of the changes limits her inhibitions, she starts to wonder if the cure is such a good idea. Even if she does start to behave a little 'differently' otherwise..."

A one-shot story in the spirit and style of an episode of the show itself.


Cover image by ~Dragon-Fangx
(With one small edit to fit details of the story)

Chapters (1)

While helping Twilight rearrange her lab, Spike comes across a magical powder that changes him into a pony! While Twilight tries to find an antidote, pony Spike has some adventures of his own.

(Originally posted (part 1, at least) to EqD in May 2011. I'd run across a ponified Spike picture and suddenly got an urge to write it. Another story that I tried to make seem like a viable episode)

NOTE: This story takes place in the same continuity as Appleshy, Sparkle Kitten, Trixie's Great and Powerful Revenge, and Tragic Magic. It takes place chronologically after all of those except Tragic Magic. The other stories are not required reading to fully enjoy this story (though feel free to read them anyway!), but there are one or two elements that call back to Sparkle Kitten in particular.

Chapters (6)

It seemed like it was going to be a perfect morning for Twilight, until she realized she had woken up with Rarity and Rainbow Dash, tenderly cuddling next to her on the bed. Just what the hay happened last night? And why do they keep calling Twilight 'mistress'?

Chapters (1)

Princess Luna's Lunar Stallions kidnap Twilight Sparkle when they see how lonely Luna is, and give her to the Princess as a gift. Nightmare Moon emerges from Princess Luna's psyche during the sleepover. The dark goddess would love nothing more than to have the beautiful mare all to herself, and the resulting chaos forces Celestia to call a psychologist to sort out Luna's multiple personalities.

Chapters (20)