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Nightshade, (OC, originally Davis) has a rather unique power, one that many with less than selfless intentions will give anything to get a hold of. He is on the run, and just when he appears to be caught, he finds himself in a new world entirely. Called a monster by his fellow humans, how will he fare in a world where ALL humans are considered as such? And can he stop the darkness within himself? An HiE story, no the main character will not be ponified, because then it would lose the whole point. Also my first fanfic, so commentary is appreciated. Mild Swearing, Gratuitous Violence, Rated T for Teen. I do not own any of the characters, except Davis because I made him up, and I really don't care if you use him in your fic or not just s long as you make sure to direct back here so everypony knows where he came from. All things pony related are the property of Hasbro (insert proper legal jargon here)

Chapters (35)

Instead of being killed in the cold Antarctic by Dr. Manhattan, Rorschach finds himself rematerialized in a strange new, pony filled world. He finds himself drawn into the lives of the ponies of Ponyville but some ponies fear that this sociopath will bring danger and darkness to an otherwise peaceful existence. Will the mane 6 help Walter Kovac find peace within himself or will he bring them all down with him in his cold views of reality and existence?

As Seen on Equestria Daily!
And our TvTropes page (By Crowrob0t): http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/RorschachInEquestria

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and its likeness is owned by Hasbro Studios. Rorschach and Watchmen are owned by DC comics. All rights go to their normal original, intended owners.

Chapters (22)

When the Mane Six find the barely alive body of a strange creature with gold slitted eyes, they must help it not only adapt to life in Eqestria but help it regain its lost memories. For those memories are the only thing that stands between life and death. But are all those memories safe to be remembered?
*Trying a photo cause my friend says i should get one. Let me know how it works I got dozens to use. Thank TwixSchitz from Deviant Arts she is a good artist*

Chapters (33)

Luna does her best to catch up on the events of the past thousand years and ends up reading even more than Twilight.

One day, an ancient tome slips into her pile of reading material and she reads it eagerly. What she finds there may very well be the discovery of the millennium: The location of the last refuge of the humans.

With the help of Twilight and her friends, the Lunar Princess sets out on an archaeological expedition to find the very last human on the planet of Equus.

And they found one, but why is he forged in a full body armor and claims to not being a human... Well he's not one anymore.

Chapters (4)

Note: The rewriting has started!
Magnus is the sole survivor of a colony ship headed towards Betelgeuse. The ship gets thrown off course when a huge asteroid slams into the ship, which is then pulled into a black hole.

When the ship exits on the other side, he finds himself alone and in an unfamiliar shape. His only companion, an advanced A.I named Ana keeps him slightly sane during their six thousand year voyage through unknown space in a nearly derelict ship.

Everything changes when they find a small blue planet teeming with life.

The old version can be found here: Link

Editing by: Lab
All art by: Mister Aibo, DeviantArt, Fimfiction Profile

Chapters (2)

Something I just couldn't get off my mind until I wrote it down. Be warned: the ponies in these battles really go off on each other. Almost exactly like it is in "Epic Rap Battles of History", except with less cursing. There's plenty of verbal bashing, though.

Vinyl Scratch is the DJ for most of these battles, and will be doing the all-caps commentary (except for the ones she's in, of course). OC tag because of slight self-insert.

I've heard that this story is better when read with someone else. You know, with each person doing one half of the rap battle? :derpytongue2:

List of Rap Battles (as per request)
#1: Twilight Sparkle vs. Rainbow Dash
#2: Pinkie Pie vs. Rarity
#3: Spa Sisters vs. Flim Flam Brothers
#4: Octavia vs. Vinyl Scratch
#5: Angel vs. Gummy
#6: Derpy Hooves (Ditzy Doo?) vs. Lyra Heartstrings
#7: Princess Luna vs. Discord
#8: Scootaloo vs. Pipsqueak
#9: Fluttershy vs. Screwball
#10: Apple Bloom vs. Diamond Tiara
#11: Trixie vs. Featherweight
#12: Silver Spoon vs. Spike
#13: Sweetie Belle vs. Queen Chrysalis
#14: Applejack vs. Carrot Top
#15: Bon-Bon vs. Lyra Heartstrings
#16: Twilight Sparkle vs. Rainbow Dash (rematch!)
#17: Big Macintosh vs. Shining Armor
#18: Iron Will vs. Photo Finish
#19: Gilda vs. Prince Blueblood
#20: Nightmare Moon vs. the Doctor (Doctor Whooves)
#21: Princess Celestia vs. Princess Luna
#22: Snips and Snails vs. Twist and Ruby Pinch
#23: Braeburn vs. Soarin'
#24: Zecora vs. Cheerilee
#25: Winona vs. Opalescence
#26: Derpy Hooves vs. Pinkie Pie
#27: Spitfire vs. Daring Do
#28: Princess Cadence vs. Queen Chrysalis
#29: Babs Seed vs. Lightning Dust
#30: Sunset Shimmer vs. Trixie *
#31: tba

Picture by Silversnow here on this site.

...should there be a 'sex' tag, considering some of the stuff brought up in the rap battles? :applejackunsure:

Chapters (75)

Somewhere below the sea, there lies a city.
A city envisioned to be the home of invention, of progress, where the finest minds of all of ponykind would be allowed free-reign, and so reach a potential undreamt of on the surface.

Yet something has gone terribly, terribly wrong, both with the city itself and it's inhabitants. Now, only abominations and the keening wails of the damned inhabit the once bustling tunnels and domes of that great place, and of all thats left of it's former splendor there is only rot and rust.

Is it possible to escape such a nightmare? Is it at all possible for an individual to survive such horrors, such insanity, without being tainted themselves?

Perhaps that is the only fate that await those inside; to die under the waves, alone and forgotten... or to leave a monster.

Chapters (3)

A Metroid crossover.

After destroying the X, the Galactic Federation charges Samus with treason and hunts her down. While running from the Federation, Samus manages to escape but ends up crashing in Equestria, far from any explored sector in the universe and with no way of returning home. Can the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy adapt to a land full of talking, magical ponies who think friendship is magic?

Some notes:

1. This takes place after Metroid Fusion, which is the last game in the Metroid chronology/timeline so far. It also takes place after season 2 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

2. Samus crash lands on Equestria and meets the mane 6. I'll try to not make it too cliche. Also, no ponified Samus (at least, not planning to).

3. In this story, Samus is a Federation runaway. They are hunting her because she destroyed the X parasites in Fusion and they wanted to research on them (I recommend checking the Metroid Wikia for reference).

4. I'll take the 'Tragic' as not so tragic. Don't expect deep depression from this story.

5. I'm open to ideas! Any review/comment is greatly appreciated. Feeding my ego will increase the chances for updates!

6. Any story inspired or ripped off from this story WILL catch my attention. Please tell me if you are going to write one, so I can read it!

Without further ado, enjoy!


Original artwork by johnjoseco. DA page
All I did was paste Samus.

Chapters (21)

Daniel is just like any other human, except no average human has an anciet rune under their house, get teleported to another world, has his whole damn house come with him or has the ability to use magic not used in centuries and need to fight an enemy he just learns about. He is a 17 year old athletic nerdy guy how has always wanted a brighter, exciting and new world. He has thought of many ways to cope with any situation, is fair just, and is honorable. But that all may go out the window when he is in a world full on ponies, magic, danger and maybe love?

Cover made by Frees

Chapters (42)

Vaati the Wind Mage has grown bored with the whole villain thing. He's trapped himself in a cycle doomed to repeat itself forever. Seeking a way to escape this miserable cycle of escape, kidnapping, and defeat, the legendary sorcerer inadvertantly teleports himself to another world entirely; a world populated by talking magical ponies who believe friendship is magic. Just how will the former villain survive this sugar bowl of a world? Will he end up learning a few lessons in friendship himself? One thing's for sure, retirement has never been this exciting.

AUTHOR NOTE: This story takes place in an episodic format. That is, it follows the style of the show in that every chapter is an 'episode', hence why they will all be lengthy. Some episodes will be canon ones with Vaati along for the ride, and others will be original where Vaati takes center-stage. The first episode takes place shortly after 'Griffon the Brush-Off'. Vaati is from Legend of Zelda and is property of Nintendo. You already know who owns FiM.

Chapters (18)