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A Dishonored/My Little Pony crossover.

The city of Dunwall, once the pride of the Isles, is on the brink of anarchy. As Emily Kaldwin, the child Empress, and her assassin-turned bodyguard, Corvo Attano, struggle to prevent the death of an Empire, a deal made with an Outsider sends Twilight Sparkle into the chaos.

Some credit for this goes to Urdeth, who helped pre-read my chapters.

Dishonored was co-created by Bethesda Softworks and Arkane Studios. MLP:FiM is property of Hasbro. I have no affiliation with either.

Chapters (9)

In Equestria, everypony views heroes as stories for fillies and not to be taken seriously. However, in another reality, heroes do exist. When a dimensional transport portal goes awry, a certain vigilante finds himself in a colorful land full of ponies. And he isn't happy. Will Batman have to fight his way out of Equestria? Or can even the most dark hearts find peace?

Batman will be based off the arkham city batman universe with a few villians thrown in.
other heroes will be mentioned or have a minor role.


Please comment and/or critque

Chapters (33)

A bard, a being who tells stories and sings songs, lands in Equestria, soon even Canterlot is raving about this mysterious "Bard". That is, if he can learn to live with being blind. Hopefully there's a piano somewhere.

Photo was made by the awesome Harumityan

1/2/13:on hiatus until inspiration hits. sorry 'bout that!
1/7/14: Inspiration hit. Like a truck. Ont the freeway, going 90 mph. Thanks, DM
DM: Guess we know who was driving that truck. Meep meep, motherbucker.
1/7/14:Featured box... Huh?
1/8/14: I broke Fimfiction.

Chapters (7)

Shawn Spencer, psychic detective, is a thick-tufted boy genius who ice skates through life on polished blades of snarky eloquence. He has tested himself against some of the greatest criminal minds of his time and emerged victorious... though often through unbelievable luck and not a small amount of bumbling.

Now, he faces a challenge unlike any before. One that will test his mind, his sanity, and his adaptability as he is thrust into the midst of an unfamiliar world and the ponies who populate it.

The Mane 6 face their own challenge, as an old enemy, tempered in the crimes of a much harsher world than theirs, returns to Equestria. It is a challenge they are ill-prepared for and one that only their strange, new, alien friend can help them overcome.

Chapters (20)

This is pretty much a self-insert, mostly done for comedic purposes.
After a mishap with an invention of mine, a friend and I find ourselves in the magical land of Equestria. How will the peaceful land of Equestria handle the influx of two humans? Will Jay and I ever find a way back home? Will anyone give this story a fair shot? Read and find out.
Things that actually involve MLP:FiM begin in the second chapter.

Chapters (73)

Johnny is a typical Southern boy from a small town in Tennessee who just happens to enjoy My Little Pony, but hates a certain orange workhorse for her stereotypical behavior. Soon, he finds himself hiding out in an abandoned barn waiting out a storm only to wake up in Sweet Apple Acres and in front of Applejack. Johnny doesn't see eye to eye with her, but when Applebloom and her friends are stolen away from the farm during the middle of the night, he finds out there is more to this pony than meets the eye. Can the two form a fast friendship in their effort to locate the CMC, or will they have to dig a few graves for three little fillies?

Chapters (14)

This is the second installment to the Eternity Series:

• Son of Eternity – You Are Here – Savior of Eternity •

NOTICE: Some chapter break and other images aren't working the way they should be. Here is the reason why. So sorry in advance.


The epic of Pinkie Pie and the Immortal Man who's fate is tied to Equestria's. His life will be filled with dangers, choices, secrets, love, and most importantly, beauty. As time flows, the world begins to understand the immortal, and the immortal begins to understand his true purpose in the universe.

As disorder descends within Equestria and in the immortal, he must fight for the survival of himself and for the ones he loves. He must venture out and discover the truth in the oldest and most sacred realm in all of Equestria. Meanwhile, an ancient deception comes into effect and Equestria must fight to survive. Will time take hold of what once was lost to it? Begin your adventure below.

Two side notes: This story is based off of pre-season 3 knowledge. Any future information that may warp this story does not necessarily effect it on pre-season judgment. Second is that this fan fiction is based off of the Where the World Ends Map.

Chapters (34)

This story is a sequel to Equestria & the Heroes of Ether: Titan Landing

Magic. Ether. What-ch-ma-call-it. It has many names yet in each world, even in worlds where magic doesn't exist, there is always a Titan of Ether. And each of these Titans had their own heroes to save their world if it was needed to be saved. However, Equestria which had no Titan of Ether was in danger from a very real and dangerous threat, the Earth's Titan of Ether could not stand by and watch a world so close to his own be destroyed. So choosing a few heroes and imbuing them with powers, gear and magic similar to a Pen & Paper RPG, he sent them out to save Equestria.

Terry was the first of these Heroes to be sent out. More was soon to follow. Can Terry unite these heroes, both from Earth and Equestria to combat this threat? Well if you want to know, turn the page and read on.

For this is their story.

* * * * *

This Story contains mild Gore, Lots of swearing and is a crossover. You have been warned.

The Story was originally New Life for an Old Golem which had gone may revisions and re-imaginations. This one was the one I stuck with and started to write on. This story is taking over the New Life for an Old Golem.

The story is based on the idea that since Equestria is a land of magic and myth. Thus raiding the Pathfinder Bestiary Books and Races books would provide the nice setting for the stories.

And yes. Before you all point it out, there is a bit of Ultima in it.

Credit to Holy for helping me edit and shape the story even though now he is not the editor anymore. Still some props to you mate!
Thank you all for reading it. Even if you don't like the new direction for it.

Chapters (9)

A Ghost. A weapon. A tool. That's all he's ever known himself to be.

One day he's sent on a mission, a mission to assassinate a high priority target. When he fails that mission, and gets abruptly sent to a certain planet, how will he cope with being taken from the battlefield, and put into a world full of colorful horses that talk?
And will he have access to a Tactical Nuke?

Only time will tell in this tale of adventure and comedy!

Chapters (5)

If you were given the chance to go to Equestria, would you take? I sure did, unfortunately for me I had no idea what I was getting into or how my presence would affect everything. Now Equestria is going crazy and only myself and a rag-tag group of new friends can stop the events. But if we do win and Equestria goes back to normal, how will I get home?

Edited by NightmareKnight I mean Thardoc. Thardoc's doing it now.
Pre-reader by quilzel

Chapters (31)