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When Luna and Twilight discover the Forward Unto Dawn, they wonder what this could possibly bring to the peaceful land of Equestria. They have no idea what could possibly be on this odd object racing to the ground.
When Cortana awakens Master Chief from his slumber, she warns that the Dawn is falling to the surface of an unknown planet. Chief must find a way to get to the ground safely and survive in this new, oddly colored place.

This the beginning of my first fanfiction. It will be a continuing story until I decide to stop. I hope everyone will be supportive and encouraging as I write this story for all you guys.

Chapters (14)

Major Grant accomplished his mission in wiping out Maelstrom's virus. He was to be uploaded back to the real world... Only for the virus that he unknowingly had, disrupted the upload and found himself in an alien world of talking equines. He tried to contact the General but he had no signal. The virus was off of him but may now be floating freely in this foreign world. Should he stop the virus from spreading or just worry about getting back to his world?...


Chapters (4)

The planet destroyed. The flood gone and the covenant obliterated.
All because of one man, Sergeant J. Forge. The man who literally stared death in the face to save those aboard the 'Spirit of Fire'.
But what if the detonation of the slipspace drive tore a larger than intended hole in the fabric of space, essentially creating a portal to another world.
What if Forge hadn't perished on that day, but awoke to find himself in a completely new and foreign world ?

Chapters (8)

There are some creatures that are forgotten or never known about, back when Equestria was just starting and the Princesses had just begun to rule there was another species unknown to them. The humans, they were an old race that had been around much longer than the ponies. However one day they were wiped out. Only one lives a young boy named Sean, the last human.

Chapters (94)

Lauren Has been having very strange dreams lately. Dreams of her being in Equestria and killing an evil clone of herself... but were they really just dreams? Or were they something more?


Hello everypony,
In case you are wondering, yes this is the sequel to 'Journey to My Imagination' by DeiStar.

Credit for giving me permission to write this sequel: DeiStar.
Also, New Cover!

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to Where the grass is green, and the girls are... PONIES? (Chapters Revised)

In this story Chris wakes up to find he has been dead for almost a year, and what his death has done to the ponies of Ponyville, join him as he attempts to undo what damage he did and try and take control of an evil force that surfaces during this story.

2021 Edit: Please be merciful these stories are a product of their time and my inexperience in writing, that said please enjoy what you can anyway! :heart:

Chapters (47)

What do you mean we've been canceled!
AD17: I lost the ideas, so we're retconning to another possibility.
I'll kill you!
AD17: Gangnam Style.
Op, OPOP, OPA GANGNAM STYLE! Wait, where'd he go?

Chapters (12)

Alex has been thrown around realities for a long time without control. This time, he jumped to Ponyville and will be staying for a lifetime. Can he build a life here? Does he want to? What about the family he left behind?

Cover art is a commission by AphexAngel

Also, a big thanks to my ediors, pre-readers, and idea givers: Marvelous Cheshire,
Tosety, DiscordsAdvocate, KMCA, warpd, Spect, Makkelulu, KitsuneNoYomeiri, earthrise, Pen Brush

Chapters (70)

Leaving everything while at the same time leaving nothing behind, join Charles as he undertakes humanity's final and most important mission. Sometimes we need pain to encourage hope.

* I don't take credit for any music or pictures I use in this story*

Special thanks to Horcon for proof reading

Chapters (6)

A lone boy by the name of Gyro Gurlukovich, is stuck in between the war against the Taliban and the US military. Not only does he fight with the Afghanistan Rebels, but is also in a war with himself, believing that Equestria is real he wishes he can leave, but many horrific events Gyro will come across in his journey to freedom, but can he escape the war with whats been hiding inside of him all these years..
AN:I'm still new to editing but be honest if i need help

Chapters (5)