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This story may look short, But it has a sequel that is over 50 chapters long and this is story 1 of 3 in the series! I hope you enjoy! Rate fairly and I always love comments!

P.S The quality gets increasingly better by a dramatic amount as you go through the chapters.

2021 Edit: Please be merciful these stories are a product of their time and my inexperience in writing, that said please enjoy what you can anyway! :heart:

My name is Chris James, and I just turned 19 and I am coming home from a party with my family, here are a few things about me. I am a closet brony, I am a very nice guy, I love animals and I can adjust to things rather fast. But when my trip takes a wild turn (and I mean that literally) I find myself put in a very strange predicament.

Chapters (10)

After the defeat of the beast and the apparent death of Cole MacGrath due to his usage of the RFI. Zeke Dunbar takes Cole's body out to sea during a thunder storm to say a final goodbye to his best friend alone. But, when a stray bolt of lighting strikes Cole's casket. They are both transported to a unknown land. A land filled with...happy...candy colored...talking...little...ponies.

Friendship is magic/Infamous crossover.

Chapters (3)

Raider, a young pilot and wanna be Sky-Knight is engaged by a battle-cruiser, unfortunately for him it doesn't end well. Fortunately for him he is still in one piece and in a slightly less desolate location than he remembered...well as he plummets to his death that is.

Chapters (5)

Introducing Mr. Jason Tiberius Nalick, a man of loss and failed rebellion, finding a purple rock. This purple rock sends him suddenly into a whole new world. A world if he was told he was going to a few moments earlier would laugh at. His arrival marks the beginning of events that shake nations, dethrones a corrupted ruler, helps preserve millennium-old dynasties, and helps protect a country and his new friends against forces only two living beings know still exist. Will Jason ever find peace and erase his past?

Reading this generation old tale, is a Princess of the world Jason falls into born years later who, as a life lesson, is forced to undertake the study of the Magic of Friendship using this age old tale as a guide. Adventures spur forth and she comes face to face with the past told in the very book she is reading as she tries to right her wrongs and become whole again. Will she ever be able to find her way?

Chapters (18)

The Toa of ice, Matoro has just died to save the universe. Unfortunetly, what he thought would be a peaceful death turns into a visit to a strange new world inhabited by small, organic, talking rahi. After some complications involving Brutaka, the other Toa Mahri end up here on a 'rescue mission'. They have to adapt until Brutaka can open up another portal.

Until something goes wrong...

Now the Toa and ponies have to find the ones who dissapeared all the while the Makuta are hunting them.

But what if there is more that one Makuta in the land of Equestria?

Chapters (13)

Spartan A-042 finds himself on a mission gone wrong when he winds up in a land of talking ponies and other magical creatures as he struggles to comprehend how he got there, why he is there and above all, how can he leave.

Chapters (18)

The Cutie Mark Crusaders have always lived in the now, getting what they think needs to be done as a soon as possible, executing their plans just so they can move on to the next one right away, not thinking about the consequences till they’re right there in their faces. But when an attempt to earn their cutie marks goes too far, Sweetie Belle and her friends must face a horrible reality that sends their world into darkness and fear. How will the truth be uncovered and what will be sacrificed to undo this nightmare?

Chapters (3)

I had a, basically, perfect life. Few responsibilities, I lived in a somewhat luxurious environment. The best a middle class family in a kind of peaceful capitalist country could offer.

So how did it come to this? Dragged out of my home and into a strange land by an insane being? And to make things worse, how come I'm suddenly a father to such strange creatures?

Mythical beasts of legend now crawl around me, wailing for food and love. But my own mistakes have lead me into a fight in which I don't belong and until I am able to clean my name and erase my mistakes, I doubt there will be much peace in my life.

I do not believe to be ready for this...

Chapters (14)

Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia's Personal Student, has been assigned by the princess to a top secret division. There, she works with a psychotic, elderly Earth Pony named Walter, a young pegasus mare named Astrid, and another Earth Pony named Peter. These group of ponies are given the duty of solving strange and impossible problems. Later on, however, Twilight learns things about her past that she didn't know, and finds a new kind of friendship: Love.
These are the chronicles of Twilight Sparkle, and her enrollment into Fringe Division.

(Crossover between Fringe and MLP. I own nothing.)

Chapters (3)

In the aftermath of a huge explosion in the Everfree Forest, Ponyville soon finds itself as the new home for Lucario, an "Aura Pokemon" from another dimension. While he avoids explaining what has happened to him and where he came from, he repays his new friends' kindness by protecting them from the evil forces that suddenly appears around Equestria.

Meanwhile, a certain princess of the night watches his every move, unable to judge if this new visitor will bring safety or utter destruction upon the land.

(This story primarily takes place between season 2 and season 3. Elements from season 3 and beyond may occur, but won't have a significant impact on the plot.)

Chapters (19)