• Member Since 1st Jul, 2012


Just the average fan giving back to the MLP Community

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Spike and Gabby have been dating for quite some time now, but this is the first time Spike has invited his girlfriend to spend Heart's Warming Eve with him and his family. Will Spike be able to survive the onslaught? Will Gabby achieve her secret goal?

Request done for OmniFox.

Covert-Art by gsphere!

*If you are feeling generous you can buy me a Ko-Fi!!

Chapters (1)

Sandbar returns to the School of Friendship for his ten-year reunion.

The decade has been kind. From Yona to Ocellus, everyone is getting somewhere in life. But if time brings change, then no one has changed more than Gallus.

Cover Art was done by RedPalette. Many thanks to her and you can find this specific piece here.

Proofread by the handsome RoMS, whose stuff you must check out.

Livereading by WoodeIfNarrator14

Originally written for 2019's Everfree Northwest Iron Author.

Content Warning: Fic features a trans character venting about the trans experience.

Chapters (1)

What do dragons think of hot peppers? Gallus wants to know.

By the end of the day, he'll wish he hadn't.

Chapters (1)

It's 'Hearts and Hooves Day' at Twilight's School of Friendship and the rest of Ponyville. The Young Student Six decide to try and celebrate this pony holiday with each others. This leads the young six (Silverstream,Yona, Sandbar, Gallus, Ocellus, and Smolder) to different adventures and high-jinxs together. Yona and Sandbar's family meet each other at the bowling alley where things get out of control. Silverstream recruits Gallus to help her solve a mystery. Ocellus and Smolder try their hand at causing some mischief. While Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash are back to challenging each other. Hoping that they can all make it through the day.

Chapters (8)

Silverstream is your typical peppy hippogriff. Even if she can get too excited, her friends still love her. Then one day, while she was in the library she found an old fashioned book. She decided to give it a read, but it wasn't for the faint of heart. She tries to forget about it, but something feels... Off.

Edit: New cover made from mellow91 from derpibooru

Chapters (4)

Every student of the School of Friendship had to complete a capstone project before graduating. While the other students wrote songs, baked cakes, and other ordinary things, Ocellus and her friends decided to make their last project together count--they built a ship, and planned to sail it north all the way up the coast to Manehattan. But none of them were terribly good sailors, and they never could've imagined what found them on the water...

Now they've been washed ashore in a strange land, surrounded by creatures they never imagined in their wildest dreams. To survive long enough to make their way home, they might just have to make some new friends.

Writen as a Patreon reward for Vilken666. Editing by the usual starpub crew, Two Bit and Sparktail. Cover by Zutcha.

Updates Mondays.

Chapters (32)

(Takes place after S9 E9, Sweet and Smoky)

Smolder is proud that her brother was able to finally be himself without fearing being ridiculed. Now if only she could find it in herself to do the same...

Chapters (1)

King Guto embarks on a perilous quest to seize an artifact which may hold the key to reclaiming Griffonstone's greatness. But when a mysterious hermit offers another choice, Guto faces his greatest test as King. Griffonstone's fate is in his talons.

Written for FanOfMostEverything's Imposing Sovereigns Contest II.

My Little Pony is owned by Hasbro and its affiliates.

Chapters (5)

Two of the Young Six have gotten the second call from the map. This time, Smolder and Sandbar are going to the Dragon Lands. Once there, they were surprised to see that the one needing help is Dragon Lord Ember. Not just her, but a king from a certain hive.

Chapters (3)