• Member Since 1st Jul, 2012


Just the average fan giving back to the MLP Community

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After the fiasco of last year’s Hearth Warming Tree, the Student Six are determined to have a multicultural Hearth’s Warming, where everycreature contributes a tradition of their own. For five of them, that’s no problem. For Gallus . . . complaining about the food and barely tolerating everyone’s company isn’t a very good tradition.

This was written for Miller Minus as a part of Jinglemas 2019! For more information about Jinglemas, checkout our group!

Chapters (1)

Sunset was expecting Princess Twilight Sparkle to be the one to come through the portal on a day when the holidays line up between the two worlds. Instead, her care package of Equestrian Hearth's Warming decorations is brought over by a student from the school of friendship, Gallus.

This unexpected encounter will lead to a holiday lesson that resonates with both of them.

Written for Jinglemas 2019 [Run by the Jinglemas Group]
Written for Wanderer D

Chapters (1)

Reforming the tax and legal system had been her responsibility a thousand years ago, and it will be so again. There have been many changes during her millennium of absence, but the fundamentals always stayed the same. Ponies would find ways to circumvent the laws for their own benefit, and it was her job to make sure that didn't happen—in the most direct way possible.

Sequel: Gryphon Greed is Good
Artwork by: HoodwinkedTales with Speedpainting
Proofread by: Eckaji, Snakeskin Ducttape, and PresentPerfect
Featured on Equestria Daily
Review link: PresentPerfect, Ambion, and PaulAsaran

Chapters (4)

Cadance didn't know what to expect when her formerly banished Aunt Luna returned from her thousand year banishment. But, she's quite entertained by the hilarity. Especially if it means a chance to play a little joke.

Edited by Habanc. Preread by The Albinocorn, Foals Errand, and Timaeus

Cover art was done by Silfoe and used with permission! In fact, this fic is a gift for her!

Now with Spanish translation by SPANIARD KIWI.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Dragon Greed is Good

With one monetary crisis averted, another inevitably rises to take its place. This time, disaster threatens to strike as a trade dispute breaks out on the high seas between the Gryphon Navy and Equestria's largest trade company. Will the conflict escalate into a war? Will it affect the nation's import of coffee beans?

The Princess of the Night will at least make certain she solves the latter.

Proofread by: Snakeskin Ducttape and PresentPerfect
Artwork by: quvr
Review link: PaulAsaran

Chapters (6)

The story of a brony named Kyle who also happens to be a sarcastic ass with a horrible sense of humor! Can he take his new life in equestria? Or will the secrets he discover tear him apart?

The first fourteen chapters are written as if Kyle is looking back on it, writing from memory along side the company of princess Luna. Chapter 15 is when we catch up to his timeline, enjoy! (This fiction is finished. Just so you all know.)

Note, Sticking this here. THIS FIC WILL NEVER CONTAIN CLOP. Just saying. There may be references or hints. but never clawp. Evur. And don't ask me to write any either. Clop is...Scary. everyone has there problem points, Mine is porn and settings. So yea. Do people actually read these?

WARNING: This story wont be for everyone, The character in the book (And myself) Tends to ramble on with his thoughts leading them down unusual alley ways and beating them to death with sticks.

Also, First story ever submitted to...Anywhere. Most of it written while very cold. so my typing may be off. If you see any mistakes, please don't be afraid to tell me where they are, constructive criticisms also welcome.

Chapters (90)

This story is a sequel to The Brony International Guard

When the Brony International Guard came to town Lyra thought all of hers dreams had come true. Finally, she had proof that nopony could argue with. But there's something strange about these creatures who call themselves 'bronies'. It isn't just their weird humor or quirky behavior. They're keeping secrets from everypony, and only Lyra seems to notice, or even care. None of investigations have solved this mystery just yet, but with the arrival of some new divisions, she may finally have the chance she needs...

Chapters (1)

Twilight is an intelligent mare, and always has something to say. But when a group of bizarre creatures shows up at her library offering life long service and devotion, for once she's at a loss for words. Which is too bad, because she'd really love to ask: what's a human and why are they so weird?

Story Image by: Megan Lara

Chapters (1)

Griffonstone can be a very hard place to live... especially for Gallus. So with nothing to look forward to when heading back home, Silverstream invites him to travel with her to Mount Aris and spend the break with her. However unknowingly to Gallus, it will be a vacation that he will never forget.

Cover art by: Sweetcream1

Chapters (1)

Another year, another Hearths Warming for one Gallus the Griffon. And once again, he's all alone. Sure, he's got his friends, but they don't make a family...

Gilda the griffon: rude, grumpy and no lover of the holidays. But then again, considering her version of Hearths Warming consists of griffons trying not to claw each other's eyes out, who could blame her?

Maybe it's that jolly spirit in the air again, but perhaps just this year, maybe these two griffons will find something that they both need.

Chapters (1)