• Member Since 1st Jul, 2012


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This story is a sequel to Midnight Rendezvous

A sequel to “Midnight Rendezvous” by RainbowDoubleDash, itself a sequel to “We Finally Did It” by Rated Ponystar.

After Sandbar's announcement about him and Yona having done "it" provoked a lot of confusion and embarrassment, now it's Smolder and Ocellus' turn. Their own announcement about "it" creates a different kind of confusion, but still a lot of embarrassment.

Contains discussion about, but no depictions of, sexual topics.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to We Finally Did It

After a slight misunderstanding about how far Sandbar and Yona have taken their relationship, Ocellus and Smolder contemplate how far they want to take their own.

Thanks to Rated Ponystar for writing the fic this story launches off of and for permission to post this, and to Trinary for giving me the idea in the first place!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Equestria Dogs

Some weird red slime is found in the Everfree Forest, which the Young Six take a look at. Sandbar, Ocellus, and Silverstream accidentally get sucked in, though the just pop back out. However, they seem to be acting differently. The pony and hippogriff seem to be fine that’s talking while the changeling seems to act like a cat.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Training a Princess

Note - This story is able to be read separately from anything else in the series. If this is your first fic of mine, please, enjoy! If you want to read in series, wait until year 3 (not quite but close enough) of Training a Princess or some events may be spoiled.
Art: Credit to Cloureed, a good friend of mine.
Meadow Dawn had been spending time in another Equestria, an allied version that while more militaristic, was giving her much needed leadership training. A side effect of that world was the strong chance of landing in another, so much so that there was an entire division dedicated to recovering lost ponies from such events!
Now Meadow Dawn finds herself to be among that affected group, using her skills to hide as best she can until their Equestrian Defense Force members can rescue her. It'll be hard, considering the world really doesn't want her to lose her colorful nature!


Author's note: Very proud of this project, as it has very little extra fluff as best I can tell, and is probably one of my best works to date for the goal of keeping it short and sweet. Let me know what you think!

Chapters (12)

Spike and Smoulder want to hang out with Ocellus over spring break. That's good! But they're going to the dragon lands. That's bad! But Ocellus is a shapeshifter. That's good! But Ocellus has a thing for dragons, and oh no this just got complicated...

Big thanks to Salty Alty's editing for making this nice and readable

If you liked this story and would like to donate, check here https://ko-fi.com/raynetheskunk

Chapters (1)

This story is a prequel of Good Trooper Gilda

The world is strewn with the ruins of lost kingdoms. A wise monarch knows how to preserve her realm for posterity, but it's hard to have a posterity when you're childless, and too old to be laying eggs. Old hens shouldn't have these sorts of problems, but they are hers, as is Trottingham until her time runs out.

But Gharne has a plan. If only she can trap the ponies' eternal princess inside of her web.

A duchy might live forever, if its duchess did the same.

Chapters (1)

Romance, palace intrigue, and swashbuckling adventure await our six heroines when Princess Luna summons the Elements of Harmony to Canterlot.

I started writing this story in the middle of March 2011 and submitted the last chapter and the epilogue to EqD 3 1/2 months later on July 4th. The basic idea for it, though, had come to me after watching the first two episodes on YouTube at the beginning of that February, but it took me a month to discover there were places on the net to which a person could send fanfiction and have it posted. I don't get out much, y'see...

The discerning reader may, therefore, find a bit of canon-fodder here and there, and for all that I've thought about diving back in and changing a few things to make the story line up better with Season 2, I'm not gonna. For better or for worse, this story's done, and I hope to use what I learned while writing it and from the comments it's gotten--and the comments I reckon it'll get here--to make my next story better.


Chapters (17)

Three years ago, ponies discovered Amaranth, a desert world of ancient, abandoned technology and countless mysteries. It has become the frontier for the unscrupulous, the adventurous and the dispossessed. Salvor airships ply the skies, pirates prey on the weak and idealists seek to unify the disparate.

Three months ago, Scootaloo left Equestria for Amaranth. She hasn't been heard from since.

Now Sweetie Belle searches for her lost friend, to find her, tell her the truth, and bring her home. But as she does so, she stumbles upon a great and terrible secret sought by a number of dangerous and powerful creatures. A secret that explains the shared history of Amaranth and Equestria and could spell the end of both worlds.

Primarily an adventure tale with aged-up Scootabelle shipping as a plot element.

Thanks to my pre-readers, Blue_Paladin42, jml123hi and Not A Hat.

Cover art used with the kind permission of Valhalla Studios. 'Cause airships.

Chapters (31)

Gallus and Silverstream head off to Griffonstone to spend the holidays together, and though they have a rocky start, it’s sure to be one to remember!

Story written as part of Jinglemas 2019 for the user Muggony, for this group.

Merry Christmas!

Chapters (1)