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An average college student dies. No big news there. However, this unfortunate fellow happens to die at just the right time for a millennia old god to sense him. Discord, who not having anything better to do while encased in stone, takes the time to grab the recently departed soul and set him loose in Equestria. With a few 'improvements' of course. The question is; For what reason?

Chapters (3)

During a playful conversation two friends accidentally open a portal to a different world and are forced through. They find themselves in Equestria and as ponies which in and of itself isn't terrible, but it turns much worse when they realize that they are children as well. Now they have to figure out a way to outsmart Equestria's Social Services, get along at school, earn a living, and keep up their cover as an independent set of brothers; all while trying to figure out how to get back to Earth or at least make themselves their proper ages again. Puberty sucked enough the first time around.

6/6/2014 Just hit the first time this story has been in the featured box. Thanks everyone for reading and supporting.

Chapters (21)

Chris and Keon are two zoology majors that get separated from their class after following what Chris believed to be an undiscovered species of bird, during a trip into the Amazon rainforest.

Finding themselves stuck in a pit, they discover an ancient ruin adorned with murals and statues of what they believed to be ponies. They soon realize that the bird in question was the orchestrator of their fate, as they’re brought to what they are certain is their deaths.

Waking up, they are not only separated from each other, but in a new land entirely. Will they take this opportunity to learn about creatures only ever seen in legend, or will they be too busy being studied themselves?

Rated teen for sexual themes, crude humor, mild drug use.
(Edited by DF)

Chapters (21)

During the battle with the changelings, a trapped Discord manages an undirected spell that reaches across universes to bring an agent of chaos to Equestria. What's brought back more than qualifies.

Steam! Gears! SCIENCE! A very confused Spark! And, eventually, really good coffee.

Here comes Agatha Heterodyne--MARE GENIUS!

Chapters (6)

After a teleportation spell gone awry, half of the Element-Bearers have disappeared. Six months have passed, and the Princesses fear that their old enemies may rise up once again.

Fortunately, Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Applejack have finally returned, along with three battle-weary dragons and three bedraggled humans. Battle-hardened and scarred, no one can believe that these are the same mares they used to know.

They tell a tale of world far beyond Equestria. A world where magic and technology are worshipped side by side. A place where a thousand different races eke out a living in the midst of unending combat. And a massive, unbelievably complex world, used as a playground between two vengeful gods.

A place called "Byzantine".

This is inspired by Crossed Paths and On the Wings of Angels. Includes characters from Star Wars, Dresden Files, Skylands, the Dark Tower series, and How to Train your Dragon.
This is a multiversal fic, and features characters and places from all across fiction.

Chapters (2)

New adventures and new worlds. The Elements of Harmony decide to explore the magical mirrors within the Crystal Palace to gain knowledge of the different worlds. Stepping through a portal again is exciting for Twilight and new for the other five. But landing in this new world was anything but good for the Mane Six. Now they're all stuck here as...



Aang, Katara, Sokka and Toph are searching for the Flying Bison, Appa, in the safe city of Ba Sing Se but things don't go to planned when six benders show up lost and confused on their doorstep. Aang makes it his duty to protect the six girls form the Fire Nation no matter the cost. Even if one of the girls seems to be able to wield fire.

Chapters (5)

Ken was a human orphan, no parents, no siblings, no relatives. He was alone in a cruel world that want nothing to do with him, until the day a saiyan got sealed inside him, his body changing into that of a saiyan/human hybrid. From then Ken's life changed as he was brought into a science lab for the next two years of his life, treated as a specimen and scaring him mentally. His only comfort and friend being the saiyan sealed inside him.

All that changed, however, when he is transported to a mysterious world, a world called, Equestria.

Number of times Saiyan of Equestria got featured: 3 (12/30/2013, 8/?/2014, 11/21/2015)

This Story is divided into 'Sagas' like Dragon Ball Z. They are listed in order: Pony, Oozaru, Discord, EIOSES, Tournament. With Peaceful Intermissions between them.

Credit goes to Kisa122 (DeviantArt account) for Cover image. My first fan fiction, constructive criticism is appreciated. Warning: Slight elements of Gore, Tragedy, Dark, and mentions of sexual material (Not much really, just a few words. Doesn't break Teen Rating)

Chapters (75)

After a magical spell gone wrong (God, another?) Twilight inadvertantly summons a strange creature to Equestria. The creature is different than it remembers, with wings and a newfound aptitude for electromagic. Is there something sinister behind the change? And when the time comes, will the creature wield it's powers for Equestria? Or against it? And just what are Spellblooms, anyway?

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to Better Living Through Science and Ponies

I've decided to rewrite this entire story. Considering that I began this project with almost no creative writing experience, I was bound to make some pretty bad mistakes. The story flow is not well organized, and there is an unhealthy amount of redundancy and poor pacing, as well as some pretty important things that I should have included. I intend to address these issues to the best of my ability, but it will be a long and arduous task. This story means a lot to me, so I want it to be more than the mere amateur mediocrity that it resembles. So, give it a read if you want, but keep in mind that it will change. I recommend that you put this on your read later list in the meantime.

This is a Portal 2 crossover. If you haven't played Portal 2, please do that first. Then read the prequel if you haven't done that either.

After Chell finally escaped the confines of Aperture Science, a freak portal mishap down below transported her, along with the entire Enrichment Center, to the land of Equestria. Upon entering this world, she was transformed into a pony. In a strange body and in a strange land, Chell was fortunate enough to be accepted by the ponies of Ponyville, and she lived out a new life contently among the ponies.

But that peace was not to last, for GLaDOS took a particular interest in the ponies of Equestria, and after two weeks of preparation, she launched a surprise attack and kidnapped 300 ponies to serve as test subjects, including Chell's friends and the princesses themselves. Once GLaDOS had them, she subjected them psychological torture. To save her friends, Chell made her way into the one place she hoped never to see again. In doing so, she freed the ponies, defeated GLaDOS in battle, and helped bring about the destruction of the facility. Although this made Chell a hero, she paid a terrible price in that brutal fight.

Beaten, battered, and traumatized, Chell spent months recovering from her wounds. After returning home from the hospital, all she wants is to once again live a normal life in Ponyville, but to do that, she must first heal from her wounds, both physical and psychological.

At the same time, GLaDOS herself has survived Aperture's destruction. With nothing left but herself, she vows to get back to testing. Though she faces an uphill climb, she is determined to see her facility rebuilt and the testing resume, and will stop at nothing to achieve this.

Has a TV Tropes page (will need to be updated after rewrite)

The works that this fanfiction is based on are properties of Hasbro and Valve. I would like to thank Pen Stroke for writing the original story and Flyer for his assistance and advice.

Please note, this is an unofficial sequel. I have received permission from Pen Stroke, but it is not canon to the original. I hope you enjoy it, but keep in mind that this is a fan work (of a fan work), and Pen Stroke holds the rights to the original story.

Chapters (23)

(Post-Mass Effect 3)(FemShep)
When the Reapers were defeated, the galaxy believed that Shepard and Anderson were both lost in the final battle. However, the two long-time friends were also known for not letting death stand in their way.

Waking up, in the middle of a desert, on an uncharted planet they both embark on their strangest mission yet. Attempting to find their way back to the Human Alliance, a place called Canterlot may hold the answers they seek. But first, they had to get there while trying not to draw too much attention to themselves.

Too bad for Anderson since massive explosions and collateral damage followed Shepard wherever she went, without fail.

Crossover of My Little Pony and Mass Effect.
Cover image credit goes to: CSImadmax at http://csimadmax.deviantart.com/
Chapters 1 - 6 proofread by: http://www.fimfiction.net/user/GermanDash (Pre-March 2021 update)

Chapters (10)