• Member Since 31st Oct, 2011


Not much to say. I hope you appreciate my stories and/or comments.

Favourites 169 stories
  • Favourites 169 stories - 244 unread chapters
    Created by Salnax
    - October, 2014
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Total Words: 7,045,872
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks



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Non-canon prequel to The Enchanted Library

As a filly, Rarity's favorite bedtime story was about three princesses trapped throughout Equestria by a wicked spirit of chaos. How she dreamed of finding them all when she was older, especially the princess trapped in a library under a tree. She knew, however, that fairy tales weren't real.

Only when she grew up would she find out how very wrong she was.

Based on an AU a friend came up with in which Rarity stumbles across an enchanted library where Twilight is its spiritual guardian, and both form an unlikely friendship as she helps Twilight be restored to normal.

Chapters (1)

This is the first book of The Humanity Within Trilogy. Its sequel is What I've Done.

I wasn't always like this, a monster, running through the woods on an alien planet. I was once a man. I had dreams, a girlfriend, and a great job.
Then They came. In the middle of the night, They scooped me from my home, and... changed me.

Now I'm a beast, a demon the like of which the world I've become stranded on has never seen before, scraping by on the fringes of society, hiding from the natives, and doing my best to avoid notice.

After all, who could ever be friends with a monster?

Cover Image done by the very talented PaintSplotch! You can find his FimFic account here.
And here is his DeviantArt Account!
Now 100% approved by Twilight's Library!
Mad props to my prereaders:
Admiral Applejack.

Chapters (15)

Vinyl and Octavia, despite living together, have never been seen at the same time. Is there a reasonable explanation for this? Or, could there be a deceptive reason?

Thanks to TheArtrix for the cover art.

Inspired by the comic "The same pony" by "TheMaiah"

"Popular Stories" tab. Feature boxed for seven days!
Randomreader-001 (webshoter) did a fanfic reading of this. You can listen to is here.

Chapters (1)

During a slumber party at Applejack's house, Twilight decides to show off a new spell she's learned, using Rainbow Dash and Maud Pie as her test subjects. There's a few unexpected side effects, though, and the two soon find themselves seeing things through each other's eyes.

Written for the Transformations Body-Swap contest! 2nd place in the PG13 bracket!

Thanks to Auramane and Zaphod for prereading!

Chapters (3)

One fateful day, Discord felt a disturbance in the balance of things. Not just him, but Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich, too. They all know what happened.

Laughter had experienced a loss.

This is for the loss that has been endured on 8/11/14, of a comedy icon that never failed to try and make everyone smile. O Captain, our Captain.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie doesn't tell ponies about Pinkamena and Surprise. The doctors said that they were bad for her, that they were a disease, but she disagrees. Sure, Pinkamena's a bit of a grumpy-pants, but she's still a great friend! She's often the voice of reason to counter-act some of the other two's crazier ideas, after all. Surprise, on the other hand, is a great prank-player, and always up for some fun. She's more like Pinkie, only more hyper. Both are great fun to be around, and they get on well.

Thing is, she knows that if she told ponies about them, then they would be dragged back to the hospital. And then be 'treated' again. None of them want that. Because of this, not even her best not-in-head friends know about them. The three of them have, for years now, been careful enough to keep the existence of Pinkamena and Surprise secret.

This has, of course, gone out the window now that Twilight is hammering on the door after overhearing one third of a conversation, with no sign of anyone else talking.

Hints of F/F shipping inside. Nothing will actually come of it here, though. Maybe in a future story.

Cover art can be found here: http://killryde.deviantart.com/art/Smile-338206490

Chapters (21)

Alone, a young timberwolf must try to survive in the wilderness. Survival above all else. That was what his mother taught him. But when he encounters 'monsters' that could apparently 'gobble him up in mere seconds', he begins to doubt everything he knows about the world.

Chapters (1)

Ever had one of those days where everything's just gone wrong, one problem after another?

Of course you have.

Ever had one of those days when you wake up to find you've accidentally switched places with your counterpart in a world where you and all your friends are stallions?


Maybe that's just Twilight, then.

But the Princess of Magic isn't going to let a little thing like being in the wrong universe ruin her day. She has a schedule - a checklist! - and it matches up with this Dusk Shine's perfectly. Apart from the names and the genders, everything seems to be a match, and Ponyville has seen much weirder things since she moved here.

Being stallions or mares shouldn't make her friends that different. What could possibly go wrong?

Chapters (9)

In response to threats of a griffon attack on Equestria, Twilight responds with a letter detailing just why such actions would prove unfavorable for them.

Chapters (2)

Usually "Human-In-Equestria" stories involve bronies. What if instead the person involved is just outside the target demographic but violently allergic to rainbows and singing equines of a distinctly dazzling hue?

She hadn't wanted to come but she wasn't given a choice. The ponies were garish, the monsters were scary and her options were limited. If she ever wanted to see home again she'd have to solve the mystery behind her kidnapping while making sure she stayed alive long enough to do it...

Cover image by GoldenGriffiness.

Chapters (16)