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The sequel to Wayward Courier. Read that first, or you'll get lost.

Two months after his first visit to Equestria, Thomas has returned. And this time, he's not alone!
Now the ponies have to deal with not only him, but a depressed snarky ex-Scribe and a Brotherhood Ghoul with her own list of incredible achievements and emotional baggage.
However, things aren't well in Equestria, as they quickly find out...

All major details relating to Season 3 are non-canon to this fic.

Chapters (39)

Rarity has tea with Jesus and absolutely nothing objectionable happens.*

*Untrue. A gnat perishes.

Chapters (1)

Golden eyes and a large, curved front tooth were the first give-aways. I was changing and I knew it. I was changing into the monster from my dreams, no, my nightmares.

That wasn't all though. He left me a last little gift as he called it, sending me into a deep slumber only to awaken inside the room of a large white horse with a horn and wings. And she did not look happy.

Adjusting to a land filled with ponies is hard, adjusting to a land filled with ponies whilst you can feel your body and mind change is harder.

I had hoped that if I write down my memoirs I would escape him, escape his influence and his power and his alterations.

How wrong I was. Now I can only recite my tale as I feel the last shards of my sanity leave me. As I feel him beginning to take over.

You can find the artist of the picture at: Poor Yorick
I'll add tags/characters later depending on what I plan for this.

Chapters (13)

Rarity and Fluttershy have been friends for years, and every week they go to the spa. But after every trip, Rarity finds herself growing greener with envy over Fluttershy's beauty and grace, if not something more than just envy— and what might happen if she finds out Fluttershy feels the same way about her?
Rated Teen for moments of sensuality, foreplay, and sexual themes. Reader discretion is advised.
Assistance by Karrakaz, Blue_Paladin42, TheGreatEater, Setokaiva, Squinty Mudmane, Aurora, Starfall, and Ariamaki.
Cover Image by Megasweet, used with permission.
Image colored by Explosivegent.
Additional graphical design by Novel-Idea.
TV Tropes page can be found here, credited to Winter Lily.

Chapters (75)

A series of vignettes exploring various pony ships. Because shipping is magic.

Current: "Beginning a New Chapter" (TwiPie).

Synopsis: Pinkie Pie was not a pony who overlooked things. Sometimes Pinkie got a little too excited or a little too distracted by balloons or music or high-intensity explosives, but she didn't forget things. She didn't overlook things.

Chapters (24)

Mr. Cake sees the town around him change- except for his little slice of life, behind the counter. He meets old friends, makes new ones, and ends up selling a multitude of muffins.

Chapters (5)

MLP/Terminator Crossover

Since Judgment Day, Humanity has been fighting a costly war against Skynet with millions dying each year. Despite their best chances they continue to lose engagements, and those they win are at a heavy cost.

Parker is a renegade I-950 fighting for the Resistance against the Machines when an operation to destroy a Time Machine sends him to Equestria. But unknown to him, and the ponies that inhabit the peaceful land, he is not the only one from the war who made it through.


Constructive criticism is appreciated.

Chapters (11)

Discord has given up. Defeated so easily? It's time to retire. But he can't just leave Equestria without chaos can he? So he selects a random human to take up his mantle and to create a new reign of chaos.

Can this human manage new powers? Will he go mad or he will he end up as a statue for foals to gawk at? Is there a third option? Not very likely but with this much power he's going to try his best to create chaos and harmony at the same time.

Link to the picture I used: http://karzahnii.deviantart.com/art/Discord-s-Game-322137800%0A

I do promise to try and keep this light hearted and relatively comedic. Oh right I wrote this in response to the 50 000 word pony story contest. I failed horribly but I thought I'd post what I've got up here. I do plan on finishing this and it being around 50 000 words in the end.

A little warning for you in that the prologue is written very differently then the rest of the story. Also it is mostly unnecessary if you want to skip it altogether. The other thing I promise is that the romance is between ponies only and ponies that appear in the show.

Chapters (15)

Ulquiorra Schiffer, Cuatro Espada of the Arrancar has awoken in a strange, unknown forest. After wandering around and talking to an unusually good looking sea serpent, he discovers this world is populated with talking, multi coloured ponies.

Another Bleach crossover fic

Character list will be updated when new chapters are written

Rated teen for adult themes and violence

Chapters (9)

The year is 2806, and Humanity has long left the loving embrace of their planet. After defeating the fanatical Enlightened, a warmongering alien race who had come to destroy them, many thought that an era of peace and prosperity was to come.

But that was not the case. Earth was lost in the war, and Humanity was divided.

A galactic civil war is raging in the galaxy, and three notorious pirates seeking to leave that life depart on a voyage to find the long-lost homeworld of Humanity: Earth. But complications arise as their destination is far more colourful, and far more occupied than originally expected…

Follow the tale of the Cerberus Pirates, and their struggles on a foreign world with nothing but the technology on their persons and the wreck of their ship to work with. Striving to get back to Mother Earth, and doing whatever it takes to achieve that goal.


[Gore tag is more of a warning that things get a bit intense, but not to a sickening degree. Merely a word of caution, as it were.]
[The Team: Dumbgamer99 (Slayer), SovietBacon (Yuri), and Shadow Horizons (Drake)]
[Current Beta-Readers (thanks a tonne, you guys!): Rokkurin, PhiliChez]

Chapters (12)