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  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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When Pinkie Pie starts to become a tad overweight, and all her friends notice it, she is forced to do one thing she has never done in her whole life.... She has to go on a diet. It's just a small sweets diet. She can go a couple weeks without her regular amount of sugar.... Right? Actually, no. She can't. But she can try.

Chapters (6)

After Chrysalis failed to conquer Equestria, she was shamefully stripped of her title of "Queen of the Changelings".

Their people now leaderless, the Changeling race now finds itself in a unique situation. In the struggle for power, one Changeling seizes the attention of his people. Can he overcome his nature, and the nature of his people, to lead them into a better future?

Chapters (16)

After receiving a fashion line deal from FancyPants himself, Rarity must consult the one pony whom she connects the least with for fashion advice. As she sees her friend more often, she learns more and more about her and learns that not only Friendship is Magic.

Currently being reworked.

Chapters (10)

Everyone's favorite musical pairing is back in another fanfic! Octavia and Vinyl are now room-mates, and are like any other couple...but how will they react when they discover there's another about to show up?

Chapters (69)

In which a filly Rainbow Dash is awoken by a night terror, and she decides the best way to overcome her fear is to spend some time cuddling with you.

A/N: This story is just cute for the sake of cute. No real plot or anything.

Chapters (1)

In his lonely observatory on the edge of Ponyville, Orion discovers something its creators thought would never be seen again.

Chapters (2)

When Tropico gets invaded, El Presidente has no choice but to retreat into early retirement.

Chapters (2)

While holding her Night Court, Princess Luna receives the news of a friend's passing. Struck by the sudden death of one of her most precious friends, she becomes overcome with sadness and in her grief remembers when they met and the lessons they taught each other.

A story of friendship, magic, and making unlikely friends in places you would never expect.

Chapters (4)

September 17th, 1862 became the single bloodiest day in American history when a battle was fought along the Antietam Creek near Sharpsburg, Maryland.

Yesterday, Fluttershy hummed happily as she watered her garden.

The two events are not unrelated.

Chapters (4)

Now with a prequel, Celestia's First Sunrise!

Twilight is old and weak. She has lived a good, long life, and as the last of the Elements of Harmony, she accepts her death. She goes to Canterlot now, to say goodbye to the princesses. But they have one last gift to give the student. The chance to meet their creators and see something truly wonderful...

Chapters (3)