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A suicide-mission turns first contact when a skeleton crew and their eager captain land smack dab in the middle of Canterlot. To Princess Celestia, it's an opportunity to make a valuable ally and a new friend, just as long as she can trust them. Enter seven Equestrian ambassadors: the six ponies and one baby dragon hoof-picked by Celestia herself to observe and report their findings on what really is beyond Equestria's skies. After all, Celestia can't be everywhere.

Unfortunately for them, Equestria just so happens to be a bright red target on every star-map in the galaxy, and a peaceful tour led by a veteran of a pseudo-mercenary military known as the Wing quickly becomes a race against time to save Equestria, the worlds beyond, and possibly the entire galaxy.

That's only if they can save themselves first, of course.


Though this is technically a crossover with an existing universe, you won't find it anywhere, so there's no crossover tag for it anymore. It is primarily written for myself and a few friends of mine. Also as a note, it is largely first person and told from the perspective of one of the "human" characters - though technically he's an alien. There are a few exception chapters, but if you don't like that idea, then this was your warning. [EDIT]: There will be more third-person scenes following rewrites to the earlier chapters.

If you have critiques, comments, theories, or anything, please comment, favorite, and like. Etcetera. Note: Homebound takes place between seasons two and three of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, which is owned by Hasbro, and anything pony belongs to them.

HIATUS EDIT: No, it's not dead. It's just hard to write with what I've had going on, though I am still working on both the next chapter and the quality-control rewrites for the earlier chapters. I /will/ provide links to the earlier chapters, but I've gotten a lot of negative and non-constructive comments because of them, and I feel like I should rewrite them anyway. On the bright side, the official Wingverse tabletop is in full swing with my lovely players, Plebeian, Laichonious, SilentBelle, and some other fourth guy.

tl;dr: it is on.

Cancel edit: Unfortunately, real life took over six years ago as I got ready to graduate highschool and go to college. That, and I and my friends drifted away from the fandom at large. While I don't follow MLP anymore, I look on it fondly. I however managed to eek out one extra chapter and a large rebooted chapter with the purpose of making it more Equestria centered. And also better. This story helped me practice and while I certainly wouldn't cite it to my professors, the skills I learned from making what I did helped prepare me for my English degree and current career.

Chapters (28)

The Shadow...
A dark entity that has been plagueing the quiet town of Ponyville for several days now...
...is really freaking annoying the manure out of everypony there, especially Rainbow Dash. But as the mane 6 try to get together to catch this trolling creature, what mysteries will they inevitably uncover?

Will they find the origins of the creature?
Will they figure out why it retreats to the Everfree Forest when it's done trolling ponies?
And will they be able to outsmart it?
Maybe... maybe...
...but I have yet to meet a mare that can outsmart the Bonk!

(Pssst, the shadow is the Scout. TF2 crossover peeps!)

Chapters (3)

After destroying the Star-Forge, and narrowly escaping after killing his former apprentice Darth Malak, Revan spends a number of years exploring the empty reaches of the galaxy. Unfortunately, after an encounter with an Sith Remnant ship, the Ebon Hawk is shot down into a mysterious land of colorful creatures.

Crossover with Star Wars KOTOR. In the new, re-edited version, it is now incorporated into the aftermath of KOTOR, when Revan leaves to explore the galaxy alone.

Looking for someone to draw me some cover art.

Chapters (4)

"The way to salvation is through the path of damnation..." Supreme Commander of the Helldivers 33rd.
It is the year 2551, in the depths of the galaxy, a war between mankind and the covenant rage on, both sides are determined to win at all costs, and neither is going to back down. For the human race it is survival against a hostile alien threat. For the covenant it is victory for their gods and the ascension of their races to godhood over all.
But in the years of the war, soldiers grow tired and many seek to end the war soon, but their efforts result in bloodbaths across the stars. After so many years the human race manages to cripple the covenant and break the deadlock which had been holding them. And now they are on the doorstep of the covenant. But when an accident during a campaign sends the lives of marines to a place that war is but a memory, how can they adapt? And what dangers follow thse marines?

This story will involve some drama. Swearing, a little violence and action, but not much, at least not until i decide to change the story or adjust it.
The characters are anthro so please keep that in mind, and also note that the image used is from STTheo of Deviantart who i asked with expressed permission about his Helldiver units and their designs, which i altered for my OCs, so keep that in mind. And we might see some other things come around as the story progresses. So i'm not sure how it will go.

Chapters (17)

Spiders. Oh, how I hate spiders. And yet Luna insists on keeping one as a...pet.

Just a little fun story to keep my skills sharp, so don't expect it to last very long!

Chapters (6)

Princess Celestia calls for Twilight's aid for a monumental occasion.
The princess's mother is coming for a visit, and she's not quite what anyone was expecting.

Chapters (1)

Everyone knows about Celestia and Luna, the raisers of the sun and moon respectively. But, what if there was a third, nearly forgotten Alicorn that was the older brother of them both?

A "what if" scenario that played through my head.

Also...first story I'm starting here. Would love to have constructive criticism.

(Cover art is...well, filler until I get something better, but totally not my art)

Chapters (4)

Meet X Team: six OC SPARTAN-II super soldiers from a FANON version of the Halo universe. When a slipspace accident sends the SPARTANS to Equestria, they have to find a way to get back home.

There's just two catches.

First: They can get home. All they need is the time to repair their ship.

Second: Through a series of misundersandings, the ponies perceive the SPARTANS as threats, and they don't intend to leave them alone.

What could possibly go wrong?

*Featured 12/4/2013*

Chapters (20)

Leos Klein, a Raven who piloted armored core units to the top ranking position on the leaderboard of the arena, has destroyed the core of the Ravens' Nest and Nine-Ball with it, but any further thoughts on the future disappear when a mysterious lone mission request appears in his inbox promising a better life.
Meanwhile, in Equestria, Twilight Sparkle receives a wave of energy emitting from the Whitetail Woods in the shadow of night. Investigation leads to discovery as two species unknown to each other struggle to form absolute trusts between them. He came in a machine, while another somewhere else is under construction.

A first generation Armored Core crossover. Set after the events of Armored Core: Master of Arena.

Chapters (8)

Following the events of "In Search of the Sun", Discord has returned, seeking citizenship in Equestria. However, he has entered a rather strange condition in the contract...

It is highly advised that you read "In Search of the Sun" first!

If you missed it, here's the skinny: Celestia gets sick, Twilight and the elements (+ Spike) have to travel with Discord to get a cure, ????, Celestia gets better, Discord is set free, and everypony lives happily ever blah blah blah! You're now up to speed, but you're still missing a lot of dynamic!

edit: This story is now has a follow-up, the slice-of-life/comedy fic A Normal Day!

Chapters (3)