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The most ordinary day in Equestria. Until a 6 year old human girl walks straight in the middle of the lively Ponyville Marketplace, in its most busiest of hours! When nopony offers to help this lost soul, Rainbow Dash steps in! The girl is young and doesn't seem to know much of anything, let alone about talking horsies! But she will have to put her blind trust in the hooves of one!
RD will also find that something is definitely off about this alien creature from another realm! What is it? Read to find out!

Update: The story line progresses somewhere after the Crystal Empire adventure adventure during season 3.

Chapters (10)

“Lyra Heartstrings stop it! There is no excuse for turning a pegasus upside down and bouncing their head off the ground! Especially on the pavement! Even if she did deserve it!”

The Elements of Harmony didn't fix everything that Discord did. Three months later ponies are still finding isolated pockets of vandalism, and Twilight now works part time to help fix them. When another is found deep within the Everfree Forest, she suddenly has her work cut out for her.

A patch of alien landscape now exists within the Everfree, close to the corpse of an enormous monster. The only problem is that the monster is from their world, and Princess Luna believes that whatever killed it, isn't. Now Twilight must find this new monster, and either send it back, send it to Tartarus, or in any other way she sees fit, make absolutely certain it is no longer a threat to Equestria.

Meanwhile, from the monster's point of view...

Chapters (7)

Twilight discovers Discord in-hiding - which is strange enough - but the discussion they have causes her to consider the particulars of true harmony, and whether or not a being such as he should be allowed to live freely to retain his part in it.

[Written/published between Sept. 2011 and Oct. 2012]

Chapters (7)

Here's the final chapter in Pinkie Pie's story. Takes place entirely within S02E01, but I've taken the liberty of shifting the focus of the episode onto Pinkie Pie without changing any events from the show. What if Discord took advantage of the fact that Pinkie Pie loves his tricks?

Chapters (4)

In an alternate reality, Discord found his love of chaos came in handy for babysitting young foals. For two thousand years, since he and the princess' were kids, he's babysat nearly everyone in Equestria. Now he's babysitting the cutie mark crusaders, and while he does he recounts with them his many babysitting jobs of your favorite characters as fillies, one by one.

Chapters (6)

Rarity's search for gemstones leads her to Sweet Apple Acres, and Applejack has no problem guiding her around the orchard. But when a freak storm strikes, the two ponies must race against the tempest to find shelter.

As the storm rages overhead, Applejack wrestles with the growing unrest within her heart regarding Rarity. And as events unfold, Rarity is forced to examine her own opinions and feelings towards her best friend.

(This is a RariJack shipfic, written per request/challenge for a friend.)

Chapters (1)

Co-written with Professor Piggy. Rarity and Applejack go out for a fun night on the town with their friends, but when Rarity's flirtatious tendencies flare up, the evening rapidly turns into something more serious than either of them expected it to be. A RariJack story.

Chapters (1)

I'm a spiteful old man. I've spent my entire life trying to fulfill my wish. The same thing every one of us wants.

The year is 2070. I'm the last brony alive, 82 years old. But I did it. I created the portal. And I'm jumping through. No regrets.

I've actually finished writing this story! Can you believe it? It's also available in book form, Click Here to go to lulu.com

Chapters (14)

After breaking the Fifth Tenet, Dark Brotherhood assassin Aram Falie ends up in Equestria. Tortured by paranoia of the dread father and a minor case of schizophrenia, what will this banished assassin do in a land of peace and harmony? Read on to find out.

A Skyrim/MLP crossover.

Previously edited by Flutterbrony539.

This shouldn't contain any major spoilers for Skyrim, especially if you've finished the Dark Brotherhood questline. However, it might depending on what you don't know about Skyrim, so be warned.

This will be my second shot at FanFiction as well as my first time writing in first person. Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.

I created the image with a Steam screenshot of the game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and used MS Paint to edit it, the picture is an accurate portrayal of Aram.

First featured 09/20/13! A great big /) to all my fine readers who made these possible.

Chapters (23)

Tiberium. The infamous green crystal that destroys entire worlds in its wake of global proliferation. It has been a little over a century since the Tiberium threat was first wiped out on Earth, and with it, the primary vestiges of the Brotherhood of Nod. When the GDI advanced humanity to the stars, they found that Earth had not been the only target of the alien Scrin: dozens of other worlds had already been claimed by Tiberium, and the Scrin returned in full force, attacking human colonies across space, stopping human expansion. To fight back, the GDI undergoes a reformation to become the Interstellar Defense Intiative (ISDI) and enacts the Hallman Directive, designed to stop Tiberium spread wherever it may be; such a protocol brings the reincarnated ITC Methuselah to a planet being ravaged by the green crystal, and the forces under Commander Martin Alexandra deploy to stop the threat.

Crossover Material: Command and Conquer - Tiberian Series/MLP
Rated Teen for Graphic Violence and Language

Chapters (17)