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There was a question... and Spike wanted the answer. The curiosity of it was gnawing at his little dragon brain like gerbils in a vat of candy corn. In desperation, he turns to Cadence for help, and she's more than happy to assist.

After all, it's just a simple question. What's the worst that could happen?

(Takes place prior to Season 1. Rated for scattered innuendo.)

Chapters (1)

Ever since the events of his birthday, Spike has feared and suppressed his species' natural behavior. However, when one chains the beast too long, natural tendencies tend to break loose. Spike, along with his friends, must discover a way for Spike to control his natural behavior and continue to live alongside the ones he loves. But is this possible?

Which is more powerful: nature or nurture?

Chapters (10)

Rainbow Dash discovers the identities of Scootaloo's parents, leaving the two to explain to their friends and family precisely how the young pony came to be.

Chapters (1)

“It's times like these you learn to love again./It's times like these time and time again.” –Foo Fighters, ‘Times Like These’

Sequel: "Life In A Northern Town"

Spike begins to spend more and more time helping Rarity and Sweetie Belle around the Carousel Boutique. As time goes on, Sweetie Belle and Spike become close friends, sharing close secrets. But there seems to be a secret that Sweetie Belle thinks Spike should share with Rarity.

Chapters (5)

At her lowest point, Fluttershy meets the most wonderful stallion, who helps her out. They eventually fall in love, get married, and have a foal. All they want is a life of quiet domesticity. Of course, given that they live in Ponyville, that probably won't happen.

Rated T for mention, but no descriptions, of sex and pregnancy.
Alternate Universe because of up-aged Fluttershy and Macintosh to avoid certain unpleasant things.

My first try at MLP fanfic, but not fanfic in general. Be as harsh as you want.

Chapters (4)

The friends we take for granted are often the ones that leave the largest impact on our lives. When Spike falls seriously ill with a mysterious disease and the ponies strive to nurse him back to health, Twilight Sparkle comes to grips with this very realization about her number one assistant--and friend.

EDIT: So this little story made it on Equestria Daily on 10/8/12. Now please excuse me while I pass out on Rarity's fainting couch while murmuring a soft Fluttershy "...yay."

Chapters (1)

The night after the Crystal Empire was saved, Twilight Sparkle had a vision in her sleep of King Sombra warning her that he would return soon. Twilight grows worried but has faith that the power of friendship will conquer him. King Sombra may have not spoken much during the battle, but he has plenty to say to Twilight...

This short story was written up in just a few days and might be a bit choppy so I apologize if it seems that way...

Image drawn by atryl on deviant art. http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&global=1&q=King+Sombra#/d5ktry5

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo owes Apple Bloom a favor... and must repay it by going on a double date. Apple Bloom is going out with Pipsqueak, and Featherweight will be Scootaloo's date. Will the tomboyish young pegasus make it through the date unscathed?

Chapters (1)

Caramel has had feelings for Applejack ever since their chance encounter in Manehattan. By bizarre happenstance, Caramel arrives at Sweet Apple Acres. Years later, his feelings are still strong, and it isn't until after some encouragement from Mac that spurs Caramel to make his move.

A certain pony also has Big Macintosh's heart. This one is the hyperactive and random Pinkie Pie.

Chapters (2)

“Heart skipped a beat./And when I caught it you were out of reach.” – The xx, ‘Heart Skipped A Beat’

A colt working on the farm seemed to have caught Applejack's eye. She noticed how he's a strong worker, despite things not always going in his favor and how he keeps screwing up. Now, if only she could remember his name.

Image created by DespisedAndBeloved on deviantArt.

Chapters (5)