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  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

After having sweet, passionate love in the Apple Home, Caramel and Applejack start to panic over the possibility that Apple Bloom might have witnessed their "special adult time".

Did the little filly see them do it, or didn't she? That's the question.

Inspired by an episode of "The King of Queens" (very under-rated show)

Rated teen for the mention of sex, but the sex scene itself is not included.

Image by: http://bronyvectors.deviantart.com/

Chapters (1)

Twilight's feeling a little nervous after her wedding, can a talk with a friend calm her down?

+Warning+ Probably as close to a mature rating as teen can get.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash wants to write a love letter to Fluttershy, but has no idea what certain sexual terms mean. When she asks Applejack and Pinkie Pie what they mean, they decide to mess with her by telling her that the words are innocent. Hilarity ensues. But the two Earth ponies know exactly what they're doing...

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy and BigMac discover their love for one another when there is a big accident. This is my first story so please don't be mean, but I would like constructive criticism and please tell me what you think. I have finally finished it!

Chapters (2)

There's a strange, powerful attraction between Canterlot Castle's captain of the guard and a certain princess of the night. What will happen when the two give in and lose themselves to the power of lust?

Cover art is a cool piece of fan-art by LA Crow.

Chapters (1)

The home world of the Transformers - Cybertron - is dying. Energon, the lifeblood of the Transformers, is in scarce supply, sparking the one decision Optimus Prime has to make so that his race will survive. Optimus leads the Autobots in an attempt to man the last transport off his dying home, a ship known as The Ark.

Meanwhile, Megatron and his Decepticons have found a new world rich with energy and plan to suck it dry in a ship called The Nemesis. As both Autobots and Decepticons race towards the space portal to the new world, they must fight for their lives when the true end of the Cybertronians is near.

The once Golden Age of Cybertron is over... These are the end of days.

Or so it seemed....

When a Space Bridge accident sends Grimlock to Equestria, he must locate the other Dinobots or become enemies to the strange inhabitants that rule this new world.

But what happens.......when more than just Dinobots are sent to Equestria......

With Fall of Cybertron now released, this is the continued story of that horrid war, battles will be fought, heroes will fall, and the Autobots will never sacrifice freedom.....no matter what species they are fighting for.

Chapters (34)

The Ponies travel to Appleoosa to cheer on Big Mac in a competition of strength. His efforts are both awesome and inspiring, earning him high honors and regards. But when disaster strikes is his strength the answer? A story of knowing your limits, and when to listen to the voice of reason, even if it's very quiet.

Featuring fan art by: Starfirenova (Her dev art page) and fia94

This story has not been fully edited yet, i apologize for anything sloppy.

Chapters (1)

Take a picture. It will last you a lifetime.

Chapters (2)

A three story serie of second person relationships between high school human ponies, inspired by the image of Scootaloo and other art by the artist MoronSonOfBoron.

A Date With Scootaloo: You are Lickety Split, a young boy just learning what it is to be a man in a world filled with curvaceous women. But it's not the busty ones who really strike your fancy, but the one who shows the most courage after what life has thrown her.

A Second Date With Scootaloo: You and Scootaloo are starting to develop a relationship, but there is still one question that plagues your mind. How did she lose her leg?

Three's a Crowd: Your relationship with Scootaloo takes a drastic turn when she starts hanging around with a guy on a motorcycle. How can you compete with an older dude who gives her the speed she craves in life?

See the remaining stories in the serie here if you have mature view turned on: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/48896/A-Date-With-Scootaloo-%28Mature-stories%29

Chapters (3)

Fluttershy happens upon everything she's ever wished for. Beatiful foals, the stallion of her dreams, she's happy. But in a turn of events, is everything she has be too good to be true?

Chapters (1)