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Cheerilee, the local schoolmare, finds herself feeling abnormally lonely on Hearts and Hooves Day. However, a note she finds may change that.

One shot of CheeriMac.

Cover art by Luuandherdraws. Now with a live reading! Link

Chapters (1)

A handsome stallion and a shy mare may finally take a big step. A big step into each other's life. Perhaps this could be a hoof in the right direction for both ponies, perhaps to spend their lives with each other.
The two's hearts throb for one another ,but shyness has kept the wall between them firm. Will this night finally tear it down and allow the bud of love blossom?

Chapters (12)

Fluttershy yearns for a family of her own but is too shy around stallions for her own good. When Pinkie Pie discovers that her friend has a crush on Big Macintosh, she makes it her personal mission to bring the two together, whether they like it or not!

Chapters (16)

The Apple Family will be first to tell you how great of a pony Applejack is. She's hard-working, faithful, strong, and even honest!

...She's also pretty tolerant of other ponies' faults too.

But when Sweet Apple Acres needs some extra help, and a certain forgetful earth pony is assigned to work alongside Applejack, will she lose that tolerance, or will she end up feeling more than just aggravation for this clumsy stallion?

A CaramelXApplejack ( CaraJack / AppleMel ) fanfiction.

Chapters (5)

Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash have been together for the past few months, but are reluctant to tell their friends about it.

Chapters (5)

Fluttershy has a delicate situation. She has been fussed over by a certain stallion, yet another colt is after her as well. Soarin and Big Macintosh are competing fiercely for Fluttershy's affection. The yellow filly doesn't know what to do; the two stallions aren't consulting her for the decision, but it wouldn't matter either way, as she doesn't have a clue which stallion she'll choose.

Chapters (9)

Fluttershy and Big Mac used to live a happy, carefree life together.

Now Big Macintosh is one of Celestia's greatest soldiers in the war against Discord. Fluttershy is a trusted Elemental General, one of six.

Equestria: Blocks the memories of soldiers to cut ties. Makes all soldiers sound the same. Uses the Elements seperatly, thanks to Twilight. Has Spike, now a large, pony-crushing, 50 ft. tall dragon.

Discord: Misshapes soldiers. Whispers lies of hatred, and forces soldiers to murder close relatives. Has own Elements. Has Discord.

Discord is winning.

Real original, I know. Rated teen for (so far) sexual references and mild cursing.

If you downvote this story, please tell me why so I can improve.


Chapters (3)

Fluttershy believed in kindness since she was just a filly. She loved her parents and they loved her. But when an accident happens at her parents weather work, the filly is left with nothing. Fluttershy has to restart her life and continue on. Along the way, she meets new friends to help. But what happens when she starts to develop feelings for a special somepony? Read what happens when Fluttershy manages to find an apple in a thorn bush in this short love story!

On an author's note, I'd like to give a special thanks to my amazing editor, macaulays!

Chapters (7)

Just after discovering her cutie mark, Fluttershy met the stallion of her dreams, Big Macintosh.

...Okay, he was still a young colt back then, and 'Big' didn't exactly describe him either; he was just eye-level to the shy pegasus.

That's beside the point though.

Now, after hearing that said-stallion is the big brother to one of her friends, she becomes excited to meet up with him again.

But how is she meant to do that, when Big Macintosh is so... big?

A Big MacintoshXFluttershy ( MacinShy / FlutterMac ) fanfiction.

Prosopoanothenphobia - a fear of faces from above

Chapters (10)

Big Macintosh is finally going to marry Fluttershy, but he doesn't know how he should propose. To figure out how, he asks his three best friends for advice: Caramel, Mr. Cake, and Braeburn. Hilarity ensues when Big Mac tries to propose. Will any of his attempts work? Will Big Macintosh propose to Fluttershy, or will he fail?

Chapters (5)