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Big Mac is depressed, it seems that everypony can find a marefriend but him. But unknown to him Fluttershy is following the red colt around, and Luna is tried of her ranting sister. Also poor Caramel poor poor Caramel

Done for a secret Santa gift exchange!

Hopefully this story worked out!

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy finally decides to confess her love for a certain Apple family member, so she goes to Rainbow Dash for advice, but the unexpected happens. I assure you, this is not a normal ship fic. Also, this is my first fanfic. Some help and criticism would be greatly appreciated.

Chapters (1)

Since he first laid eyes on her, Spike has been in love with Rarity. We all know it, hay, most Equestria knows it by now. The unicorn in question has been acting as though she felt the same way, saying sweet things and acting so lovely to the baby dragon. But as years have passed, Spike's seen the big picture and doesn't want to have his emotions toyed with.

Though maybe he doesn't know the half of it.

(Sequel- "All Things Come To Be Loved And Lost")

Inspired by the song "Don't Love Me That Way" By the long gone, but not forgotten Prozzak

Image Link: http://shephardadv.deviantart.com/art/Spike-s-holding-Rarity-267577498

Chapters (2)

Babs Seed may have finally become a Cutie Mark Crusader, but she still feels awful about her actions, particularly toward her cousin Apple Bloom. Will a heart-to-heart relieve Babs of her guilt?

Babs Seed x Apple Bloom, one-shot, lots of sweet.

All comments welcome, as this is my first story here :)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to One Feather of a Fetish

The on-going romps of the perverted little Featherweight continues when his parents vists an old friend in Canterlot. He comes along to the explore the amazing surroundings of the massive town... just imagining which beatuiful mares or fillies would pose for his enjoyment.
However... his main yet possibly most difficult target... lies inside of the Canterlot Palace.

With this story, the perversion has been DOUBLED!!!

Both separate arts are not mine, but the combination is.

Chapters (6)

Life can be tough for a farmer. After a rough season Big Macintosh needs something to keep his strength going, fortunately, something worth living for isn't far away.

This is a short fic I did to fill in some time for my other stuff. Feel free to criticise and tell what you did/didn't like. Fic based off of the pic I used for the cover art (full credit to BobtheLurker for his art)

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy has some strange hobbies, but none were more questionable than watching Big Mac during sunny days. Every so often she would walk over to Sweet Apple Acres and quietly sit on a branch and observe the big red pony heaving away at his family duties...

And why exactly does she watch him? Well... It's been a long time secret but...

Chapters (1)

Applejack, concerned about her brother's relationship with Fluttershy, confronts the shy pegasus about some of the, ahem, 'activities' the pair get up to. It becomes a conversation that Applejack will regret for the rest of her life.

Part of the Butterflies Continuity, set after the events of 'The Bunny Suit'.

Fluttershy vector from http://Silentmatten.deviantart.com/art/Cuddleshy-293969017?q=gallery%3Amlp-vectorclub%2F29968919&qo=120
Applejack vector from http://Bronyvectors.deviantart.com/art/Applejack-Eeep-309804963?q=gallery%3Amlp-vectorclub%2F29968912&qo=2
Background from http://anitech.deviantart.com/art/Fluttershy-s-Living-Room-292372770?q=gallery%3Amlp-vectorclub%2F34905660&qo=98

Chapters (1)

Princess Luna was surprised at how different she appeared when she was freed from Nightmare Moon. But it has surprised her even more how similar things continue to be between she and everypony else, especially her sister. With a child's body and a child's mood, she struggles to feel secure in an environment she thought she would always be sure of. In this swirl of emotions, Luna finds solace in the pages of an old romance. Its words, however, inspire a truly mad idea. And Shining Armor, bound by his oaths, must see through this madness 'till the very end.

Chapters (2)

"Strong" is definitely a word that describes the Apples, and their family bonds are one of their biggest strengths. But Applejack will need to show her vulnerable side to get the most out of this day.

With her friends' help and a few cracks in her armor, Applejack is going to make this Mother's Day the best one yet.

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Cover art by Conicer

Thanks to Cassius, Filler, Corejo, Uma, Dublio, and Compendium of Steve for reviews/feedback.

Reading by the incomparable obabscribbler.

Chapters (1)