Favourites 1018 stories
  • Favourites 1018 stories - 484 unread chapters
    Created by pirita
    - October, 2014
Found 887 stories in 61ms

Total Words: 21,178,348
Estimated Reading: 8 weeks



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When the call to go to war in foreign lands has finally arisen, Shining Armor takes one last look at the pictures that adorn the hallway and staircase. Doing so reminds the unicorn of times of innocence, peace, and devotion to the greater good.

Chapters (1)

When Twilight, a very gifted young unicorn, goes to the Summer-Sun Celebration, she is awed by what she sees. She studies magic through books at first, but then she realizes that she should formalize her education. Unfortunately, the formal education system is a trying experience for a gifted filly.

This was written before the season 2 finale

Chapters (9)

Can you ever truly know somepony, no matter how close they are to you? When a neighboring monarch and friend of Celestia's nears the end, she and her faithful student embark on a journey to seek the aid of those who reside in the lands far beyond Equestrian borders.

Twilight and Celestia only ever wanted to understand what's going on, and to return to their normal lives. But, when they look to solve the greatest riddle ever told, the answers they find... Might not be the ones they seek.

Chapters (3)

Zecora has been missing for months and Fluttershy is starting to get worried over her striped friend. Against the advice of others, she sets off alone to Zecora's hut, deep within the Everfree forest.

Now join me readers, as we delve into the world of Equestria and and watch the friendship of these two mares grow into something much, so much more.

But what happens when their dark pasts are revealed and they learn that sometimes, you simply can't ignore the nightmares.

(PS: This is a collaboration project between Ezio Dementay and LunDashScratch with the help of Vozzlefox.)

Chapters (5)

During Rainbow Dash's first interaction with her friends' Pony Pet Play-Date, she was determined to get herself a pet. However, the way she went about getting one didn't sit well with one particular pony. Having had enough of the Pegasus and her lack of compassion, Twilight Sparkle makes both a brave and stupid challenge that leaves Dash and the rest of her friends wondering if she had gone insane. However, Twilight was determined to teach Dash a lesson, even if it meant getting humiliated. What fate had in store for the unicorn and Pegasus was not what anypony had expected, especially Twilight and Rainbow themselves.

Chapters (6)

Rainbow Dash has been suffering from recurring nightmares. Each time she closes her eyes, the dreams get more and more horrific. So far she's been able to hide them from most of her friends, but that all changes when she wakes up screaming in Sweet Apple Acres. Now, it's a race against time, with Dash's very life and sanity on the line. But what is causing her horrible night terrors, and how can they be stopped? It's going to take a bit of Pinkie Pie ingenuity, a little Zebra and Alicorn magic, and a very special kind of loyalty to save the cerulean speedster. A kind of loyalty most ponies know, as love.

Featuring eventual PinkieDash, RariJack, and a special surprise.

Inspired by this image by Don-KomandoRR and colored by AtomicGreymon

Chapters (10)

The weirdness is only beginning when Dash wakes up in a juniper bush with no memory of the previous night. Now, Fluttershy won't look at her, Twilight and Rarity keep congratulating her, Tank is nowhere to be found, and Pinkie Pie just kissed her in the middle of the street! Her last hope to find out what happened rests with Applejack, but she's going to have to get the farm pony to open the door first.

Chapters (1)

During a really bad storm, Twilight is forced to let Rainbow Dash stay with her, the only problem being that the two have been drinking and now they are getting closer together, Also I added OC characters because i thought it would help with story progression, which i think it did.

Chapters (4)

Sometimes, when you've lost so much, when everything you do seems to come out wrong, and when you don't feel like anything but a failure, it can seem like there is no other option but to give up.

But when one pony feels so lost, so inconsolable, so forlorn, that she makes a life-changing decision that almost leaves her shattered forever, it is up to her friends to bring her back.

When you lose something that you can't replace, when you love someone but it goes to waste, and when the tears come streaming down your face, is there anyone who you can turn to...

...to fix you?

Chapters (6)

With Granny Smith's health in a slow decline, and Sweet Apple Acre sales also suffering, Applejack becomes despondent. Rumors of a mystical tree of life, bearing magic fruit, rekindle a flame within her, and she tackles the issue the only way she knows how - head-on.

Sequel to 'Forbidden Fruit': 'Unintended' (Shipping/Slice of Life)
Fic is rated Teen for brief alcohol use, mild language, and discussions of death.
Featured on Equestria Daily! Thanks to everyone who has read, reviewed, and commented!

Chapters (16)