Favourites 1018 stories
  • Favourites 1018 stories - 484 unread chapters
    Created by pirita
    - October, 2014
Found 887 stories in 76ms

Total Words: 21,178,348
Estimated Reading: 8 weeks



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No wings...
No mark...
No family...

Scootaloo feels alone. Every day she watches as the Pegasi fly over her.
Walking on the clouds, soaring through the wind, making their mark on the sky.
Never able to join them.

But is she really alone?
Sometimes, the person you need most...

Is the one who's been in front of you all along.

Chapters (1)

Twilight has been struggling with her feelings for a certain pony lately, but when Rainbow Dash tells her friends a deep secret, Twilight is compelled to reveal her own, but sometimes you should wait a bit to say something so personal to somepony so fragile.

(Wow! I suck at summaries!)

Featured on Equestria Daily back when that meant something.

Chapters (2)

From a young age, Ditzy Doo knew she wasn't like most ponies. Jinxed and uncoordinated, she was shunned from all social circles as she grew up. When a friend finally comes her way, Ponyville's residential mailmare will surprise everyone—including herself—when she demonstrates how far she's willing to go to keep that friendship.

Chapters (7)

Sparkler has a happy life with her adoptive mother and sister. However, a secret weighs heavy on her. Seeking some advice and relief, she comes knocking at Cheerilee's door.

What does the filly want to confess?

Many thanks to Taggerung for the amazing picture! The original can be found here: http://ballman64.deviantart.com/#/d4k8s3q

Chapters (1)

An series of TwiDash drabbles that follow the two mares through their relationship: The good times, the bad times and all the spaces in between.

Inconsistent updating schedule.

Image by ColinMLP of deviantART

Chapters (5)

Apple Bloom wants to try out Scootaloo's scooter, but Scootaloo refuses without giving a reason. Apple Bloom decides to try it out in secret, but an accident happens that breaks not only the scooter, but also a friendship as Apple Bloom learns the truth about the scooter and resolves to make it right.(Can be checked out at Equestria daily as well)

Chapters (6)

In the end, the prices we pay are worth what we receive in return - and none understand this more than a certain pegasus mare.

Chapters (1)

An unexpected turn of events have lead to Discord's freedom, but his plans are turned asunder when Twilight Sparkle accidentally badly injures him.

Vulnerable and weak, the spirit is taken in under the ever watchful, gentle and concerned eyes of Fluttershy. Through this time of healing, the pegasus discovers that there's more to this miscreant than meets the eye, and she's determined to prove it.

Through this process dark secrets are revealed, pain is revealed, and gradually a hidden side never seen of the draconequus, and Fluttershy struggles to push him and past friends back together.

Will she ultimately have an effect on his indifferent heart or this only another one of his dastardly plans?


(So far there are already ten written chapters. If this story gets good reception I'll upload them all and continue to update. If you're impatient, all chapters can be found on my deviantart account at cryssy-miu.deviantart.com There is also a ton of art on my account too, which includes the story's preview image~)

Chapters (19)

With the time she has left, Rainbow Dash seeks what is truly important in life before moving on.

Chapters (3)

Pinkie Pie undergoes an emotional crisis during the events of 'Party of One", struggling with the difficult idea that her friends don't truly care for her and her life is not as it once seemed. A spiraling chain of events occurs that threatens the group dynamic.
An audio version of this story was created by a reader. You might enjoy it:

(Originally posted to EquestriaDaily Thursday, August 25, 2011)

Picture is a commission from Bean a.k.a. MisterAibo @ deviantArt:

Chapters (1)