Favourites 1018 stories
  • Favourites 1018 stories - 484 unread chapters
    Created by pirita
    - October, 2014
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Total Words: 21,178,348
Estimated Reading: 8 weeks



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After realising that Scootaloo has never been to Cloudsdale, Rainbow takes the filly to the citadel of the pegasi, much to Scootaloo's excitement.

A short sketch for Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo; gentle friendshipping.

Update: It was translated into French! Have a link: Scootaloo à Cloudsdale
Update 2: And then it was translated into Russian! Wow! Скуталу в Клаудсдейле

Chapters (1)

Deep in the Royal Library is a book. A terrible book that is said to send whoever reads it mad. A book so dangerous that it has to be hidden away and secured with chains to prevent it from ever being opened.

A book which has just been accidently checked out by Spike on behalf of Twilight Sparkle.

The Star In Yellow is rising once more, and only Rainbow Dash and Spike can save Twilight before it's too late. Ideas live forever. Ponies do not.

This fic is loosely inspired by the 19th century story 'The King In Yellow'.

Chapters (5)

Losing a friend is never easy, and when you try to hold on to their memories you wind up losing then even more. Five friends must overcome their own issues, each others mistakes, and the loss of their friend if they want to get back to living. It's just not so easy when you can't let go.

Chapters (1)

Apple Bloom spends her day with Pinkie Pie to cheer herself up. As Pinkie helps Apple Bloom see what fun there is in life, maybe she will discover a new found friend too.

I was tired, on Skype with my friends, and it was a late night. I was feeling very "Pinkie Pie" at that moment with my fellow Skype Bronies.

Contains: Jokes, lot's of Pinkie Jokes

Chapters (1)

Spike has tried everything to attract Rarity's love, but all his attempts have remained fruitless. Disheartened by his failures, he decides to make use of a more radical method to get his beloved's attention. However, he hasn't foreseen all the ramifications that his decision entails.

Chapters (6)

During a party celebrating the anniversary of Nightmare Moon's defeat, an unexpected letter from the princess turns Twilight Sparkle's entire world upside down, leaving her to try and find meaning in a life that she now knows has been nothing but a lie.

Chapters (1)

Spike is exausted all the time from his mountainous workload. As Twilight finds Spike napping so often, she decided to search for another assistant to help her and Spike. When they find out their funds are too low to hire anyone and pay them a salary, Spike suggests letting them work for a different kind of payment, but they would have never guessed they would run into the poor pony that they did. No shipping, gore, or language.

Chapters (2)

Rarity's boutique is failing, but when Rainbow bursts through her door with a half dead unicorn stallion bleeding out in her arms, Rarity discovers a new type of magic she had never known existed. After being offered a somewhat sketchy job by the unicorn, she decides to take it, someones gotta pay the bills.

Chapters (5)

Applebloom stood on the platform, watching as the train pulled to a stop. It was one of the newer stations, installed by order of Celestia a few years ago. It still had that new train station smell, which is much like new horseshoe smell only with a great deal more coal. It must at this point be said that there was nothing wholly remarkable about the train station, or for that matter its rather cheerily painted trains. But at exactly one in the afternoon something wholly remarkable was set to occur.
She felt the weight of the one way ticket in her bag.
"All Aboard," called the porter.

Into the Everfree we go.

Chapters (5)

After the mishap of the Grand Galloping Gala, Octavia Pie's Prestigious Classical Career came to a screeching halt as the disgruntled party planner fired her for her mistaken playful participation in the Pony Pokey. Feeling down and angry, Octavia can only look to the future and hope to salvage what's left of her reputation, and with a surprise opportunity, she plans on presenting Equestria with a masterpiece. The road to find inspiration is a long an arduous one, but one can only dream of the gifts and realizations that lie at the end.

**Sequel can be found here:

Chapters (16)